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Everything posted by Rowen

  1. If you want to see what Charlie Brown is up to these days I would recommend watching this play.
  2. Quote: "What conversation topics are 'off limits' for you at a dinner party?" It depends totally on the type of dinner party. Formal tends to be formal talks and informal quickly leads to extremely informal talks.
  3. Originally Posted By: Lilith Originally Posted By: waterplant Is that an a/c unit on the patio - shouldn't it be covered somehow? It's the vent for the indoor air conditioning. Covering it would sort of defeat the purpose. I think waterplant meant sheltered from the weather.
  4. I'm still working on Nixak's post story but I do have a few comments about the game. This was my first time ever having played anything D&D like. I came in not knowing what I was really doing and I think that showed. One place it showed was in the fact that I dumped my levels into Enchanting. Looking back I was not sure how to use the other skills I had in an effective manner so I took the easy path bumped my magic. One propblem I had (and still do) is to see the benefits of putting points into Str, Dex, Int. Seems like those might help in the long run but putting points into say, Enchantment, seemed to have immediate effects. Armor. I was at a loss of what good armor would be or were to get it. As Triumph already said, I too was expecting the people we fought to drop better gear, but looking back that would just be rather unrealistic. If I stab you with a sword and it goes through your chest, what ever armor you have is now compromised is a good idea that you did but I just wish that I knew the importance of armor before or even as we started. Battle-grid. I loved it. Doing fights without made it hard for me to visualize how they happened and where people were during the fights. The way that Eph used the battle-grid with the canopy-drake fight was a great way to put a large area into a small grid I thought. Negative note is that font size does matter with how the grid shows up to the players. Maybe we can make some sort of default font to get around this? I hope that the battle-grids are here to stay. When a roll is needed and when it is not. I never knew if I should be rolling for something or not. I'm trying to talk to this NPC and I have points in Diplomacy, does that mean that I need to roll when I talk to him or not? This problem might be from how green behind the ears I am but I know that I most likely wont be rolling anything unless the GM tells me to from now on. Things we never see. The fact that Eph told us afterwords that we missed some things was nice for me in trying to figure out what I should be looking for in the game. The fact that the things that we missed were not crucial to the game is even better. I never gave the rook a second thought until Eph said that it was special and never would have if he didn't say anything about it.
  5. Its because Eph knows that I will be there to sub that he has such faith.
  6. I was looking at the character roster and saw that Kundak was still listed as level 5. Wasn't sure if this was just a mistake or not.
  7. Click to reveal.. Nixak, the mind-mage (Level 7) Occupation: Currently Unknown Alignment: Manipulative Race: Human Strength: 2 Dexterity: 2 Intelligence: 7 Max Health: 20 HP Magic (Enchantment): 13 Bluff: 2 Intimidate: 2 Stealth: 3 Diplomacy: 4 Perception: 1 Spells: Mind Read - Get an impression of the target's surface thoughts. Compulsion - Compel a target to act in a specific way, lest their actions be penalized. Mind Duel - Blast a target's mind with psychic energy. Mnemonic - Remember some specific sensory experience. Blank Slate - Temporarily daze or stun a target by blanking out their surface thoughts. Mind Barrier - Shield targets from mental attacks. Blind Fury - Send the target into a rage, improving their attack, but can't distinguish friend from foe. Perks: Tenacity of Korossos - Once per day, you may regain HP up to half of your maximum health. EDIT: I forgot to add my HP.
  8. Rowen

    Tesla Coils

    While tesla coils might be fun I would want to make something like this.
  9. I like how both fighters in this party have points in first aid. Looks like they don't trust Eva Roe's 3 points of conjuration to get the job done.
  10. Is the 5113 the number of current deployed warheads?
  11. You might be able to clean it up with a can of compressed air. Open up your tower and spray the power supply from the intake side so that you are not blowing dust back into your computer. If that does not work they you can take the power supply out and remove the fan for physical hand cleaning. This is rather simple but takes a while to do from opening the tower, pulling the supply out, getting the fan out, cleaning and then putting everything back together again.
  12. I really hope that the dust clogged fan did not lead to an over heating of you computer. One of the fans in mine failed and that lead to both the hard drive over heating and making a grinding noise and also the logic board over heating and dying. Hard drives are cheap to replace but logic boards can be pricey.
  13. A month at the most. Only 2-3 session left between the to campaigns Eph has going right now.
  14. I only eat crumpets with my tea thank you very much.
  15. I didn't see anyone listed to offer the next sentence. If Dikiyoba doesn't mind then feel free to judge/provide a phrase.
  16. I stand corrected. I never knew it could be used as a preposition. I cannot wait to see what kind of character has created. After Boregloaf I expect nothing but pure awesomeness in epic proportions. I also wonder if Dintiradan and Dikiyoba opted to have 8/8 HP for the extra point to spend?
  17. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan Wybren the Hireling-cum-Songsmith Holy smokes, look at that name. I'm just going to call you Billy Bob for short. And part of that name is rather...unique.
  18. I see that the three character posted so far have all opted to have 8/8 HP for the extra point to spend on Str, Dex, or Int.
  19. English -> Spanish -> English Quote: For most of history, anonymous she was a woman Hmm, almost the same as the original.
  20. I have a school project tomorrow that I'm working on with others and we will be meeting up in the middle of the session so I doubt I will be there. Just a heads up that I will not be able to sub do to this.
  21. Rowen

    Where to begin?

    You can start with any of the Avernum games as they are not dependent on you having played the previous games. Avernum 4 is nice in that it is made on the newer game engine and also it the game that "saved" Spiderweb. If you do play Avernum 4 first continue on until Avernum 6 and then go back and play Avernum 1- 3.
  22. Originally Posted By: Cthulhu Blizztard made a cool 2 million in less than an hour selling a virtual horse for $25 a pop. And boy did the WoW community ever cry over it.
  23. Originally Posted By: Dantius What is there to discuss? Your thread title is absolutely correct in every way. Jeff should start selling posters of himself on the site store that say "Jeff Vogel Is Awesome."
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