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Everything posted by Rowen

  1. Rowen


    Quote: Yea, and there shall be many which shall say: Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die; and it shall be well with us. Hey, I'm going to be dead by the time consequence calls, so I don't care.
  2. Rowen


    What about matter-antimatter reactors? Could we build a few of those once we find some dilithium crystals?
  3. Hope no one was planing anything this weekend with a schedule like that.
  4. That doomsday story forgot to mention 12/12/12 and ever other "doomsday" theory in existence. As for me, I learned to stop hatting and love the bomb.
  5. Rowen


    I think of humanity like a bacteria culture in a petri dish. It will grow at a large rate until it can no longer support that kind of growth and collapse. No need for wars to lower the population. It will happen on its own when it is time.
  6. I am glad that I got hit with a critical pan during the side session. I was down to 3/20 HP and 1/10 Stamina. I was worried that if I did manage to escape that I would trip over a rock and die in the swamp.
  7. Level Up Click to reveal.. Gramzon the Firebreather (Level 3) Occupation: Blacksmith/Farmer/Ass-kicker Alignment: Loyal (Lawful Good) Race: Dragonborn (Male) Religion: Sliros Strength: 8 Dexterity: 5 Intelligence: 2 Max Health: 36/36 HP Stamina: 5/10 Martial (Pole-arm): 4 Crafting (Metalworking): 2 Artifice: 2 Nature: 2 Religion: 1 First Aid: 1 Composure: 1 Inventory Click to reveal.. 1 Iron Spear (made by Gramzon) Belt (worn, holds tools) Leather chest armor (worn) Leather vambraces (worn) Leather bracers (worn) Leather gloves (worn) Keffiyeh (worn on the neck) Set of clothes (worn) Spare change of clothes Blacksmith tools (hammer, tongs, gloves) Bedroll 2 torches 4 days rations 1 length of rope 1 small knife 1 water skin Old papers Fist aid bandages Set of cook wear. Really sturdy boots 1 Backback Coin purse (empty) Custom made metal chest armor (on order with Turve) EDIT: Forgot my HP and some papers I picked up.
  8. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Religious people can be identified by their habit of saying "The dice hate us!" all the time. Religious people also don't roll 1's on every god dam religion roll.
  9. Rowen


    Originally Posted By: Dantius That's easy. Start with the presupposition truth that humans are selfish and act only in their best interest. FYT. Its to late to try to hide or fight Globalization. It's here and it aint going anywhere. Despite everything countries or individuals do to stop the spread of Globalization it happens.
  10. Sara already knows but it is only fair for me to let everyone else know too; I can't make tomorrow. Tomorrow bright and early I leave with the in-laws to go camping for a week. Good luck everyone.
  11. I kind of think it all originated from Darkside Witch Hunt in a way. That and Northern Isles were PM based and soon moved to AIM. Once the move to AIM happened it became a new game called AIMHack. Every idea is built on top of another idea.
  12. Kitties! That was a fun session log to read. Great PR'ing and GM'ing all who were involved.
  13. I cannot wait for firework sales to be over so I can start attending sessions again. Good luck guys.
  14. I wish to thank Triumph for subbing for me so much last night. I thought he did a wonderful job with Gramzon. Sorry I kept having to leave; I am helping my family run firework booths over 100 sq. mile radius so I am on call at all times for them. I can't wait for the 4th to come and go so life can go back to normal. And that is a very nice perk. Xiriatl did a wonderful job discovering the truth last night. Calendar fill out too.
  15. This sounds very interesting. Reading the IC made me think of The Dark Tower a little.
  16. Rowen

    WC 2010

    When I was in Chile the 2006 World Cup was going on. No one was in the streets during that time. Everyone was around a TV at home watching the games and yelling like maniacs. It was rather fun.
  17. I also submitted an idea of a loose end Nixak would like taken care of. And how in the world would Kurex know who Nixak is?
  18. Level Up Click to reveal.. Gramzon the Firebreather (Level 2) Occupation: Blacksmith/Farmer Alignment: Loyal (Lawful Good) Race: Dragonborn (Male) Religion: Sliros Strength: 6 Dexterity: 5 Intelligence: 2 Max Health: 16/20 HP Stamina: 7/10 Martial (Pole-arm): 4 Crafting (Metalworking): 2 Artifice: 2 Nature: 2 Religion: 1 First Aid: 1 Composure: 1 Inventory Click to reveal.. 1 Iron Spear (made by Gramzon) Belt (worn, holds tools) Leather chest armor (worn) Leather vambraces (worn) Leather bracers (worn) Leather gloves (worn) Keffiyeh (worn on the neck) Set of clothes (worn) Spare change of clothes Blacksmith tools (hammer, tongs, gloves) Bedroll 4 days rations 1 length of rope 1 small knife 1 water skin Fist aid bandages Set of cook wear. Really sturdy boots 1 Backback Coin purse (4 gold and 7 silver) Custom made metal chest armor (on order with Turve)
  19. Originally Posted By: Sarachim Session 2 is officially Friday, June 11, at 6:00PM EDT. I am excited to see what happens to the party now that lightning has struck ominously.
  20. I am curious if any other players have submitted their epilogs yet. I really enjoy reading them.
  21. Give everyone a wooden peg for a limb replacement and that should make it equal again. Oh, and eye patches. We need more eye patches.
  22. Okay,I just want to make sure that I understand the level up. 4 points per level up. Skill up any stat costs 2 points. Train up a known skill costs 1 point. Train a new skill costs 2 points for first level. Is this right?
  23. I had come up with the idea of Nixak before the races were released. I had writen the backstory as Nixak being a human and was to lazy to go back and change it to another race. Turns out human was a good fit for Nixak with the perception and stealth. Kind of fit in with the fact that he trys to avoid people or at least use to try to avoid people.
  24. Originally Posted By: King InuYasha Originally Posted By: Spidweb We are building up the energy to port our games to a new platform . . . - Jeff Vogel Probably a console port. That's the big thing nowadays. Does that mean I will be able to play it on my new ipod nano?
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