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Everything posted by Rowen

  1. Rowen

    The Party of Four

    Buda-bumb for the session today. First day that I'm not working on 1 of 7 essays.
  2. One of the problems I see is that we divide ourselves into groups. All the crossed-eyed people over there, blue skinned lizard people over here, and all my friends over here by me. Push come to shove we are all equal, but enjoy dividing ourselves into groups to support our pride and ego only show that we do not want equality amongst us. You saying that I am the same as that low life scum that chopped up his wife and murdered his kids? I'm not like him. I'm better then that.
  3. Quote: “In Germany they came first for the Communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up.” --Pastor Martin Niemöller, 1945 This was spoken about the Holocaust but it is still applicable today. If you do not speak up about about changing values and defend them from backwards thinking (ie. all women want is to have babies) then who will stand up before it is to late?
  4. Rowen


    Originally Posted By: Lt. Sullust (9+3)/3 = 11. What? How does 4=11?
  5. Rowen


    I am amazed at how natural and easy math comes to some people. I look at numbers and I see monsters that wish to eat me. I hide from them in my liberal arts majors.
  6. Rowen

    The Party of Four

    Exactly 24 hours till session 6. Be there or you will be toasted.
  7. Rowen

    The Party of Four

    Okay, lets aim for Tuesday this week then. 3pm PST.
  8. Rowen

    The Party of Four

    Session Five: Leaf Lets aim for session 6 this Wednesday at 3pm PST unless that is when IoC is happening. Oh, and I haven't done quotes for this campaign but in the last session Porifio said something that needed to be quoted. Quote: Thats like saying, 'aside from the fire and massive teeth, we don't know much about that dragon.'"
  9. I feel that we are forgetting how true the saying "Ignorance is bliss" really is. Life seems so much better when I decide to be blind to the reality around me and many people choose to live blind because of that. Blind people make really bad guides. Amen to this: Originally Posted By: Danty Click to reveal.. Since the thread seems to also seems to have a little too much Clinton bashing for my tastes, I'd simply like to point out the fact that, as a Clinton apologist, I firmly believe that the President can have sex with whomever he pleases, if he can manage to both balance the budget, execute successful military action overseas with minimal loss to US lives, and preside over one of the largest economic expansion ever, and if he wants to lie about it, then the US public really should have better things to do with their newfound giant piles of cash than focus on whether or not the President is having sex with his secretary.
  10. Mess with people? You are not one of those trash talkers are you?
  11. Its late (after 10pm) and I'm tired (up from 5 am). I am such an old man.
  12. Rowen

    The Party of Four

    Session has now started. Feel free to some and join us at Spidwebrp.
  13. Rowen

    random venting

    Not much that I can add that others have not said already. If you ever make it to the Idaho panhandle let me know.
  14. Rowen

    The Party of Four

    Originally Posted By: Rowen Next session is set for Wednesday, March 30th at 4pm PST. Thats today. EDIT: I will be online 1 hour before hand this time also.
  15. What math do they use to find prime numbers that high? And how does it change our understanding to find them?
  16. Rowen

    The Party of Four

    I've been editing the sessions in Word and then saving them as RTF's as Diki suggested back at session one (the RTF, not Word). I think that that session 4 was the longest session in the campaign text wise. Took me a while to put it all together. (Secretly I'm out to get your dial up. )
  17. Rowen

    The Party of Four

    You breader believe it.
  18. Rowen

    The Party of Four

    Session Four: Twigs and stones can break your bones Session Four and a half: Dreams that kill you Above are both logs from the main party and the side session that Sarsus had. Turns out that I like to steal ideas from writers and use them without realizing it till to late. Good think all good ideas are stollen. Next session is set for Wednesday, March 30th at 4pm PST. As you can see the party gets to level up. To level up you get 1 point to add to any stat and skill points are 4+(2*level) so that means 10 points for level three. HP = 5+(3*str) Turns out that having the damage the party takes hidden and telling them how they feel from the damage is not a very good way to run HP in this campaign. So at the start of session 5 I will tell everyone their current HP and stamina. From then on damage will be told in numbers to the players as is done in other AIMhack campaigns. Most importantly, a big thank you and well done to Triumphe for playing a NPC very well. I believe that this was the first time that a player actively hunted down and attacked a PC party.
  19. Rowen

    Island in Chaos

    Thanks Nioca for subbing for me. Click to reveal.. Name: Gunnar Fachtna Sigurd Leolin Race: Lacewing Occupation: Thief Catcher Level 3 Hit Points: 10/16 Stamina: 10/10 Str: 2 Dex: 8 Int: 2 History: 2 (Racial) Martial (Knife): 3 Perception: 3 (+1) Stealth: 4(+2) Streetwise: 3 Thievery: 5 (Racial) (+1) Stored Points: 3
  20. Rowen

    The Party of Four

    Indeed, w are T minus less then 24 hours for the next session. 3pm PST in normal room Nioca, is that picture of one of your cats?
  21. Rowen

    The Party of Four

    If the other players can still make it on the 22nd then I am okay with going ahead and giving RCCCL a side session to make up for the loss.
  22. Is the background out of focus or is it just my eyes? I like that text background is a solid color now it makes it easier to read. EDIT: Do you have a rubric for evaluating your website that you want us to use?
  23. Rowen

    Island in Chaos

    Click to reveal.. Name: Gunnar Fachtna Sigurd Leolin Race: Lacewing Occupation: Thief Catcher Level 2 Hit Points: 8/14 Stamina: 10/10 Str: 2 Dex: 7 Int: 2 History: 2 (Racial) Martial (Knife): 3 Perception: 3 (+1) Stealth: 2 Streetwise: 3 Thievery: 4 (Racial) (+2) Stored Points: 2
  24. Originally Posted By: Fflewddur Fflam: Drinker of Ale Some dice are more common than others. A d6 is infuriatingly common. A d20 is somewhat harder to find and it took me a year of searching to lay my hands on a d4. So die size does matter. Fflewddur Really? I just went to the mall and picked up a pack that had a d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, and a d20. There were a ton more dice to get but I didn't bother with them.
  25. The Immortals, last book of The Edge Chronicles by Pual Stewart & Chris Riddell. I have loved The Edge Chronicles and read them all over the last 3 years. They are some of the few books that I have read more then once, like the Chronicles of Narnia.
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