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I would also like inventory items to be accessible using keyboard shortcuts, not just the items on the ground. (admittedly this would involve some ingenuity in terms of mapping.)


The keyboard shortcut '?' for viewing character stats should be restored (it worked in GF4 but not in A5, which is odd).


I still wish that there was a 'default attack spell' slot for mages/priests, like in Geneforge. The ability to target spells using the keyboard is good, but it is still quicker in the Geneforge games where you can have a one-click attack much of the time.

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Originally written by Micawber:
I still wish that there was a 'default attack spell' slot for mages/priests, like in Geneforge. The ability to target spells using the keyboard is good, but it is still quicker in the Geneforge games where you can have a one-click attack much of the time.
Yeah! Like, we can select melee or ranged physical attacks, but how about making a third slot for bolt of fire, or something?
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Originally written by Nioca:
The ability to set the rate of autosave via the options menu would be nice.
There isn't a rate, really. Autosave triggers every time a new section is loaded. Unless you want to save only every few sections...

—Alorael, who wouldn't mind some time-based autosave slot. It's probably redundant, but it couldn't hurt.
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a couple very teeeeeny leeetle ones, mostly in the realm of "less clicky clicky":


* when you're on the inventory panel, hitting info/train should dismiss inventory and bring up the info panel, instead of doing nothing. and vice-versa (oops, just noticed this was in the original post. well, consider it seconded. and thirded).


* the total armor % (and possibly the other resistances) should be visible on the inventory screen


a couple others which just hassle me:


* quicksave and quickload should be further apart than one key. aie this one has burned me sooo often. I lean towards f5/f9 but, then, the "hot keys" are in the function row, and that's not 4 apart, so I guess something else.


* when you hit quit, X means don't save, OK means save. when you hit return to main menu, X means nevermind, OK means don't save... I think they both should have the same "save first?" semantics, so I don't have to remember to hit X sometimes and OK other times (because I never need the save dialog because I always hit f3 first. unless I miss and hit f4)


and one for general assistance in understanding how one's characters develop (and when they can get special skills):


* when you're on the info/train screen, clicking the "number" or maybe the "cost" part should replace the skill description with a summary of how many points you've gotten via expenditure of SP and how many you've gotten from your race and traits, how many you've gotten from books, how many you've gotten from trainers.

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*Either I'm missing something, or boat pathfinding could use a little work. Walking works perfectly fine, but whenever I use the mouse to click some distance away, the boat invariably rows straight into rocks, walls, or islands instead of rowing around them.


*A greater range for getting items when no hostile monsters are around. It feels very limited at the moment. I have to walk right up next to an item, pick it up, walk a few more steps to the next item, pick it up, and so on.


*Searing slimes graphics that don't make it look like Dikiyoba's party is getting attacked by giant cow pies.

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I'm starting to wish for fewer standard monsters or real minor bosses with poison or acid attacks. At least on normal difficulty, being poisoned or acided is now tedious through overuse rather than challenging or exciting. I'm not sure what could be used instead. Maybe nothing--I don't really need combat against random rats and bats to be memorable.



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1. It's kind of pointless how the price on items is four times the money you can get by selling them. Why not just put that price on them?


2. Shops need to carry better items. The usefulness of stores have decreased with every new Spiderweb game. In the more recent games, the only reason you go to stores is to sell your stuff. All the good treasures can be found or forged. At least in Exile, shops occasionally had rare and cool items like ring of resistance, rune helm, boots of speed, etc. Shops need to sell rare and unique items.


3. The price of training has to be reduced. That's pretty much the use for gold in the A4, A5, and the Geneforge games.


4. Bring back the spell system from A1-3 where spells gain additional benefits when you learn them at a higher level. Right now, there's really no point in training spells above level 1.

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Originally written by Vicheron:
4. Bring back the spell system from A1-3 where spells gain additional benefits when you learn them at a higher level. Right now, there's really no point in training spells above level 1.
If you do it right the extra levels in damaging attack spells can allow you to one shot monsters. This is more common at normal difficulty. It makes a difference in the number of attacks before a monster is gone.
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Originally written by -silver-:

* when you're on the inventory panel, hitting info/train should dismiss inventory and bring up the info panel, instead of doing nothing. and vice-versa (oops, just noticed this was in the original post. well, consider it seconded. and thirded).
Great minds think alike! wink


* quicksave and quickload should be further apart than one key. aie this one has burned me sooo often. I lean towards f5/f9 but, then, the "hot keys" are in the function row, and that's not 4 apart, so I guess something else.
I cut a strip of printer label to fit just above the F3 and F4 keys. It stands out and I never miss hitting the right key.


* when you hit quit, X means don't save, OK means save. when you hit return to main menu, X means nevermind, OK means don't save... I think they both should have the same "save first?" semantics, so I don't have to remember to hit X sometimes and OK other times (because I never need the save dialog because I always hit f3 first. unless I miss and hit f4)
Suggestion: Change 'OK' button to 'SAVE' and/or always to the left of a 'X' (no save) button. (left to match the relative position of F3 to F4 should make it easier to remember without stopping to read each time.)
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Originally written by Vicheron:
4. Bring back the spell system from A1-3 where spells gain additional benefits when you learn them at a higher level. Right now, there's really no point in training spells above level 1.
Even better, introduce the Nethergate system. Then we won't need to worry about buying extra levels at all. :p
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Originally written by JP:
It's very frustrating to lose training opportunities because you trained a skill too early, or to refrain to train a skill for fear of losing training opportunities.
Exactly. I want to play A5 at least once without consulting the trainers list, but it is frustrating.
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My list.


-- More quickslots. I often have to go to my cast menu or completly forget about a lot of the spells I have because I have to go to that menu. Summoned creatures, battle blessings, augmentation... I forget about those a lot and it makes things harder.


-- A way to pick up items quicker. I tried click then g, i, b... But the items are labled, so trying to make them 'grabbed', 'inventory' or 'backpack' 'ed doesn't work.


Because even with the retardedly tiny pick up area, I get 4 picks, 3 rocks, and two gems on e and i. (which is another problem. Two gems... x.....x and I stand in the middle and get one of the gems in my pick up area. lol)


-- I agree with other people that say they need to bring in the spell auto attack. Although the enemys having lables (a, b, c) has helped a lot in that aspect.


--- More character images. Seriously, I got the demo for 1 before I registered 5 and there are LESS character models in 5 than 1. o.O


--- I also agree with people that auto-save should be more often. Like an option on the prefrence screen to make it 10 min intervals, ect.


The game is really solid, and I love the story... I wish there were more games out there like this. ;_; So hard for a hardcore storyline RPG player to find good stuff these days with FPS ruining the industry. >_>

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I wish selling lots of items didn't require such pointing precision.


In the earlier games, your inventory would auto-arrange so you could sell the next item without changing your mouse position.


Auto-arrange or keyboard shortcuts for selling inventory items would be appreciated.

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Although it really helps protect against accidental sales if you click one too many times.


Originally written by Sushi:

Agreeing with Vichelon about the use of money - more to put into buying unique equipment that we can only get at shops

Item crafters fit the bill, I think. They're amazing. laugh
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Originally written by JonathanW:
I love the new engine that avernum 4 and 5 uses, alot better than the old avernum engine.

Something i think would be nice is more info on the stats of items, I have a billion belts of insight or whatever and im not sure which ones i want to equip.
You know you can just right-click an item (or Cmd-click on Mac) to find out its properties, right?
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Originally written by avvv:
Being able to act even if some spell effect hasn't finished yet. Even if it takes 0,005 seconds for the spell effect to fade, it's still much when you gotta buff many characters or fight against many lancing fungi.
This was introduced to correct a bug in Geneforge 4, where casting too many spells in quick succession could cause some of them to have no effect. It's kind of an ugly workaround, I agree.
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Originally written by Thuryl:
Originally written by avvv:
Being able to act even if some spell effect hasn't finished yet. Even if it takes 0,005 seconds for the spell effect to fade, it's still much when you gotta buff many characters or fight against many lancing fungi.
This was introduced to correct a bug in Geneforge 4, where casting too many spells in quick succession could cause some of them to have no effect. It's kind of an ugly workaround, I agree.
I have to wonder if this is necessary in Avernum -- it seems like the spells not happening would be a consequence of the real-time factor in Geneforge, and I would expect it to be easily avoidable in Avernum.
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Originally written by Enraged Slith:
I'd like enemies to shade or light up when an area of effect spell targets them so I know if they'll be hit or not. Generally, this isn't a problem, but it can get difficult when hills are involved.
On this note, I'd like to be able to target an area-effect spell by clicking on the appropriate square on the automap instead of the main window. At the moment, it's impossible to target a spell centred in the middle of a pit.
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