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Everything posted by avvv

  1. 1. I simply can't find the bags of meal quest giver. I randomly found it with first team but with new game I can't find it anywhere. 2. Is it possible to alter the scripts so that level-based exp loss from quests and critters is removed? Just need to know which file to open and what values to change.
  2. "Main character". Does this mean we don't get to play a group of adventurers? If so, it's a setback. The group with its differend characters was one of the best core elements in avernums. It was the only credible explanation why the characters managed against sometimes overwhelming odds: A small group of well organized profesionals can very reasonably fight against greater ammount of enemies.
  3. Erika was pretty cool with her curse and how it finally ended her life.
  4. Uhh am I the only one who's dreaming of new graphics? I'd like to see the avernum world as pretty as it's described and shown in the cutscreen images. If avernum 1-3 are going to be remade, having the old cube-based enviroments would be a turn-off. Think of icewind dale: occasionally the enviroment looked like something out of painting. I mean the story is great, the game is very balanced in many ways but those things only occur to the players after they have played for a while, or before.
  5. What's the purpose of that stunning blow combat discipline? I mean it's pretty much waste of fatigue. It's supposed to make enemy lose action points but if he has even one left, he can strike back. Even enemies with enough ap to perform 2 attacks managed to attack twice after being hit by 2 stunning blows in one turn. So what good is it?
  6. Shade construct gives some loot and is worth killing. I managed to kill it because it was so dumb that it kept chasing one of my characters around its nest while the others bombarded it with spells, repel spirit is pretty effective. The lightning is always released before the shade moves so you can avoid it easily by keeping your distance. You can also just decide to kill it when you're stronger.
  7. I found the foundry for nabile, but I can't find the hidden switch that's supposed to be between 2 pillars near a lake. Where is it? Edit: found the foundry, but there was no hidden switch anywhere.
  8. If I read spell from a spellbook found from some cave before buing the spell, do I lose the chance to increase the spell to level 4?
  9. Is there a chance to turn up game speed? Basically everything seems slow and sluggish, not because of my computer (it's more than capable). By everything I mean the party movement, special effects and attack animations. For example when using combat disciplines I have to wait for that special effect to disappear before I can attack. Yeah it takes like 0,9 seconds, but after seeing it 100 times i'd just like to hit the enemy right away.
  10. As long as there is the anvil dropping spell, everything is fine.
  11. Being able to act even if some spell effect hasn't finished yet. Even if it takes 0,005 seconds for the spell effect to fade, it's still much when you gotta buff many characters or fight against many lancing fungi.
  12. Searched for some thread to write my personal review and decided to bump this one. Dunno if regular players care about what I think about the game but devs usually want comments about their game. Originally Posted By: "kkarski " And about the core improvements, the return of elevations is wonderful, as is the return of keyboard targetting. More animations and character models made the game more lively, and the new sounds give a pleasant break from the old ones (some of which so old that I remembered them from Exile times). I agree here. Let's move on to comments. Lemme introduce myself briefly: I've played all avernum games, 3rd exile and nethergate resurrection. What was good in a5: - obviously battle disciplines. They gave the warriors some unique performance. On the other hand they should be only accessible by warriors because mage or pries with well aimed blow and shield breaker were quite imba. - New graphics. It was a pleasure to see some new models like the amazon woman, bodybuilder male, bulky nephilim, a dragon, swamp monster and pit crawler - pretty good main plot (though i've always more interested in exploring the world, doing quests and advancing levels and gaining good loot ) - The hunt for differend beasts for that potion maker was cool. It was always exciting to meet a new foe and see what's the reward. - Shiny things like the portal and some crystals, spell effects were alright too. What was bad or could be improved: - Even it took like a week to finish the game, it lacks the epicness of avernum 3. At some point, there simply isn't anything to do because you have sold everything that can be sold, found everything, fought everything and so on. In avernum 3 you could get infinite ammount of money by doing certain quests and develop your characters forever by mass-producing knowledge brews. - More models are needed really. The pit crawler was the only monster that really had some "ooh" effect on me. The game needs bigger monsters and meaner monster models. - Also the graphical look of outdoords and cities could be improved. When everything consists of squares the message box saying that the scene is impressive piece of nature just isn't enough.
  13. Once you've defeated the prime sentinel in sentinel workshop search the rooms to the south from prime sentinel's hall.
  14. What does pathfinder do? I read from other topic it can be achieved from Muck but by who and how?
  15. I passed through the vahnatai lands briefly and didn't explore them completely and now i'm at the dragon's islands. Have I missed completely the vahnatai lands or is there a way to get back from the dragon's lands?
  16. Seems like I can stop collecting those bags of meal. I have 117 of them.
  17. If I kill Northeast sentinels on purpose (exp ) the sentinels in solberg's tower might attack me. They don't always do it but after killing a bunch of those blue guys and returning to the tower, all the sentinels in the tower might attack me. Not sure about the normal people or the sentinels in other quadrants. I'm not in trouble because of this but i'm just wondering why are they doing so. The northeast sentinels attacked me 1st.
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