Searched for some thread to write my personal review and decided to bump this one. Dunno if regular players care about what I think about the game but devs usually want comments about their game.
Originally Posted By: "kkarski "
And about the core improvements, the return of elevations is wonderful, as is the return of keyboard targetting. More animations and character models made the game more lively, and the new sounds give a pleasant break from the old ones (some of which so old that I remembered them from Exile times).
I agree here.
Let's move on to comments.
Lemme introduce myself briefly: I've played all avernum games, 3rd exile and nethergate resurrection.
What was good in a5:
- obviously battle disciplines. They gave the warriors some unique performance. On the other hand they should be only accessible by warriors because mage or pries with well aimed blow and shield breaker were quite imba.
- New graphics. It was a pleasure to see some new models like the amazon woman, bodybuilder male, bulky nephilim, a dragon, swamp monster and pit crawler
- pretty good main plot (though i've always more interested in exploring the world, doing quests and advancing levels and gaining good loot )
- The hunt for differend beasts for that potion maker was cool. It was always exciting to meet a new foe and see what's the reward.
- Shiny things like the portal and some crystals, spell effects were alright too.
What was bad or could be improved:
- Even it took like a week to finish the game, it lacks the epicness of avernum 3. At some point, there simply isn't anything to do because you have sold everything that can be sold, found everything, fought everything and so on. In avernum 3 you could get infinite ammount of money by doing certain quests and develop your characters forever by mass-producing knowledge brews.
- More models are needed really. The pit crawler was the only monster that really had some "ooh" effect on me. The game needs bigger monsters and meaner monster models.
- Also the graphical look of outdoords and cities could be improved. When everything consists of squares the message box saying that the scene is impressive piece of nature just isn't enough.