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Naming Creations


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Whenever I make creations, which is not often, I give them names. I play as a Shaper, but I usually just start out with one Fyora that I level up until it can handle on it's own. Then I make an Artilla or a Searing Artilla.


Think the last time I made a Fyora, its name was Hrath. I don't know where I got the name.


The Artillas I make usually have acid somewhere in their names, sometimes only the letters. Katanacid, Searcidth, etc.


The last Drayk I made had the name Sorath, maybe because it had wings.

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I sometimes name my creations according to their perfomance on the field. If they did badly in their first fight i name them "loser" or "slacker" but if they do good then I give them postive names like "God of all" or let them keep their original names like they want.


Wait its not like you can talk or interact with your creations so why would you want to give them names anyway. huh o well.

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Mine die too quickly, there's no reason to give them names. I basically use creations as cannon fodder.


Actually, come to think of it, I used to give them names before I realized how nice they work as cannon fodder. I always named my most powerful creation "Brutus", or "Brutilius", or something like that.


Why do you need to tell them apart, Drakey? Isn't the highlight thing good enough?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have a problem that I treat my creations more as my compatriots than the cannon fodder they are. I always name them.


I give my creations names based on one of three things:

1. their species (artila=Shai'Hulud)

2. their master's name (master named Aragorn, creations named after hobbits)

3. if I have a few different species, I name each group after a duo or trio (my first fyoras were named Bill n' Ted, my artilas Jay and Silent Bob)

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

As stupid as this may sound, i get so attatched to my first fyora, i cried when it got killed then wernt back to the autosave, losing all of my work in that area, which was a hard one, just to bring him back.

his name is crash

then i made a 2nd fyora to be his friend named burn

i also named my cyroa first blood

my roamer was roper (he was a texan)

after using the geneforge in one game, i made six drayks, dawning light and evening star, lucy and ricardo, castor and pullox

then, my absolute favorite creation other tan crash, and its a close second, my cyrodrayk, named, Lovely

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That name cannot POSSIBLY be CoC-compliant. And reviving a topic when the last post in that topic said not to revive topics is, well, I'm not going to characterize it, but you see what I mean, hopefully.


Hmm. First post. I think you can be forgiven. Welcome to Spiderweb! Leave your sanity at the door!

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Come to think of it, this was not a bad topic to revive, of all topics. And you did contribute something new. Thus, no worries.


As for the CoC, it stands for the Code of Conduct. The admin of this board is named Drakefyre, and your name does bear a striking resemblance to his, although it would be rather hard to confuse the two of you, so it's probably not a big deal. Well, unless some mod tells you that it is.


EDIT: To return to the topic: in GF3, I'll probably name my drayk "Drakey."

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Originally written by Just Call Me Kel:
Come to think of it, this was not a bad topic to revive, of all topics. And you did contribute something new. Thus, no worries.

As for the CoC, it stands for the Code of Conduct. The admin of this board is named Drakefyre, and your name does bear a striking resemblance to his, although it would be rather hard to confuse the two of you, so it's probably not a big deal. Well, unless some mod tells you that it is.

EDIT: To return to the topic: in GF3, I'll probably name my drayk "Drakey."
Drakey. Drayk! Meanie, I've never gotten a Drayk before. My best creations are Cryoas and Fyoras
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Once, because I intended on killing and massacring them horrendously sending weak creations to the sudden death in an attempt to maturely deal with my everyday life frustrations I named them after the source of all evil (at least one type of evil): Chavez.

May he have an indigestion from rotten eggs.




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Before I knew about the Ornks, I named my first few Thads: Sirloin, Grade A Beef, Ground Chuck. Eventually, I realized that as a Shaper, my creations had to die,(due to pathfinding, or the fact that I would die if I so much as tripped), so I stopped naming them. If only their experience algorithm was adujsted to be independent of the player's level, I wouldn't feel they were so forgettable. The knowledge that my younger creations won't grow just because my Shaper's all grown up dissapoints me. The stronger I get, the less they are willing to learn.

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