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Everything posted by draykfyre

  1. okay, I am having a terribly irritating problem with A3. I, as many other poor souls have done, turned off my A3 character editor. I then found out how to get it to return, by deleting the file and such, only to have my game unregistered. I would be incredibly appreciative if someone could explain again to mee how to get the character editor to work again, and then, to enlighten me on exactly how I can, as the game help says, 'contact spiderweb software'. Please and thankyou!!
  2. oh- sorry about that- raising the topic i mean, although i am not exactly sure what you mean when you say my name should not be CoC compliant- but then, i am new to these boards, so there are a few acronyms that are confusing me.
  3. As stupid as this may sound, i get so attatched to my first fyora, i cried when it got killed then wernt back to the autosave, losing all of my work in that area, which was a hard one, just to bring him back. his name is crash then i made a 2nd fyora to be his friend named burn i also named my cyroa first blood my roamer was roper (he was a texan) after using the geneforge in one game, i made six drayks, dawning light and evening star, lucy and ricardo, castor and pullox then, my absolute favorite creation other tan crash, and its a close second, my cyrodrayk, named, Lovely
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