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Do the mods get paid


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I think Student of Trinity said he refused the first time it was offered because of work taking up his time. But a few more slaves, I mean graduate students, to do the grunt work frees up time. smile


The free games part is recent. Before that mods had to beta test to get them.

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Originally Posted By: Lilith
We're an all-volunteer staff. The only kind of compensation we get is free copies of Spiderweb games.

A Nightwatcher that sits under a tree,
watching jealously as darkness slowly seeps the afternoon,
turning it into night, where the moon (Jeff) shines above all,
It's red, shining name, being seen at every angle,
It's moonlight (games), being appreciated by citizens of Spiderweb Forums,
And it's very treasure, drops to Spiderweb's grounds,
with the nobles, dressed in rich, fancy robes and armors,
receiving the moonlight, freely, with neither spells nor equipment,
at every generation, out comes a new kind moonlight. Where they will receive more and more,
While the lowly, plain citizens, have to buy spells or magic,
equipment and mirrors,
potions and potions,
Just to get a moonlight.

Anyway, mods do not get payment. After all, every moonlight is received by the nobles. That is a treasure.
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It's $20 a year or so. More when the games were $25, less now that you can pick them up a little bit later but cheaper through Steam, the App Store, and other distributors. But you also get the backlog of games, if you don't have them already.


All in all, it's lousy pay for time, but great for doing something we'd do for free!


—Alorael, who wouldn't say the mods here are volunteering their time and life to Spiderweb. No more than everyone else on the forums, anyway. If you're going to read and talk, moderating takes relatively little effort most of the time.

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Originally Posted By: Alorael
who wouldn't say the mods here are volunteering their time and life to Spiderweb. No more than everyone else on the forums, anyway. If you're going to read and talk, moderating takes relatively little effort most of the time.

That is until some silly rabbit hops up on the forum.
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Originally Posted By: Alorael
moderating takes relatively little effort most of the time

Yes but when you're a mod you have to behave yourself (at least more than you would do if you weren't a mod) and make sure that your moderating of others' posts is free from any personal bias. Phew.

Originally Posted By: Grand Spiderweb Poll
mods and admins are more likely to vote in favour of servile equality

Does this mean that moderating a forum eventually affects the way you think in games, and possibly real life, also.
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Originally Posted By: BMA
Does this mean that moderating a forum eventually affects the way you think in games, and possibly real life, also.

It's more likely that the way you think in real life effects the way you think in games and how you behave on the forums which then determines whether you get selected to be a mod.

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Originally Posted By: Babster30
Scuttlebutt has it that you are not recruiting at this time. Would I be correct? Also, are there any regular mods (Green) not Global (Blue) like Dikiyoba, Slarty, and Randomizer, (and of course Alorael). laugh

There are a small number of mods who weren't converted to global mods with the switch to the new forum software, because they'd either basically retired from the forums at that point or were only active in one forum. They still have their forum mod status if they ever return.

We're not actively looking for new mods at the moment.

Also, is it possible to volunteer unofficially?

I pretty much became a mod by asking "hey, can I become a mod", but I've been around here since forever and had served as a moderator before. For obvious reasons, moderators are generally selected from long-term members who have built up a good reputation.
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We gave up making new green mods some years ago, though you might very rarely see one of the old-timers drop round for a visit. Green mods can only moderate particular sub-boards, and it was getting to be too much trouble to keep finding people to look after them individually. Or something.


I don't think we need more moderators right now, and since it's a bit of a pain figuring out whom to pick, we don't think about it unless we need to. Normally we take people who have been around a while, because if they've successfully concealed their madness through a few thousand posts, we're optimistic that they'll be able to keep up the act. Also they probably have enough of a feel for how things are supposed to go that we won't have to try to explain it.


We don't think of the moderator job as a reward, and so we don't really make much effort to hand it out fairly to the people who most deserve it. There are pillars of the community who just happened to be in a brief period of low visibility when we realized we needed some more mods, and so never got dinged. In a way that's unfair, but my feeling is that if we took modship seriously as this great honor that has to be awarded with justice, we'd be into delusions of grandeur. I'd rather cope with a little arbitrariness in who gets blued.

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Originally Posted By: Harehunter
Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba
Imban is an old Spiderwebber who is no longer around, and "everyone is Imban" is a very old Spiderweb meme.

Dikiyoba is Imban, and you are Imban too, because old memes never die.

They just fade away?

Not even. You're Imban too. And possibly that guy Zyquex that even I was a bit too late for.
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Old photos are sepia, or at best black and white. Just because the media of the 1800s had low bandwidth, it's hard not to imagine that reality in the 1800s had the same look and feel as those old pictures. But here is an exhibit that really changed how I thought about the past: color photographs from Tsarist Russia.


Shortly before World War I, an inventive photographer named Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii toured Russia making color photographs by taking three shots of each scene, using different color filters. His camera recorded the images on glass plates. These plates have survived, and it has proven possible to reproduce full-color images from them.


Some of them have weird blurs of color, where the subjects moved a bit between shots, but most of them are pretty good. Those old people in their old-time villages and what not look just like real people. I was really shocked by that, and realized from my shock that I had spent all my life in a fundamental and silly delusion about the past. I didn't actually think it was all sepia-toned or colorless, of course, but subconsciously I didn't fully accept that it was just as real as today.

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Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity
Old photos are sepia, or at best black and white. Just because the media of the 1800s had low bandwidth, it's hard not to imagine that reality in the 1800s had the same look and feel as those old pictures. But here is an exhibit that really changed how I thought about the past: color photographs from Tsarist Russia.

That is probably the coolest thing I have seen in a long time. What an incredibly inventive idea for how to get around the limitations of black and white.
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Originally Posted By: Bane Ihrno
And possibly that guy Zyquex that even I was a bit too late for.

I had a dream recently that I met Zxquez. I don't remember what he was like in the dream, but I remember he was "Zoy Zxquez", not just "Zxquez".

Actually I don't really remember what he was like in real life either, except that he had multiple accounts and made some BoE scenarios.
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