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Today was the first day it finally feels like spring has arrived in Dikiyobia. The Indian plums are leafing out, the garter snakes are slithering, the rufous hummingbirds are arriving, Excalibur's favorite flowers are popping up everywhere (despite my best attempt to eradicate them last summer), and everyone with a camera is compelled to take pictures of cherry trees in full bloom. Normally, this wouldn't be newsworthy, but normally my part of Oregon doesn't get snow in March at all, much less get more snow than all the snow that fell from November through February combined.


So, for those of you living at temperate latitudes, how is the switch from winter to spring or from summer to fall progressing in your area? And, for everyone, have there been any weather oddities lately?


Dikiyoba hopes that we can hold off on the almost inevitable climate change debate for a few dozen posts or so.

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We're wishing for snow. It's way below average, and looking at a bad fire season if things don't pick up.


For now, though, it's lovely throughout Colorado, if a bit windy. I still prefer a jaunt or two to Utah in March, though, where a lovely new season is well under way.


( Spring photos? )

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The local newspaper has started a contest to see who can predict the date and time when it's officially 100 degrees in town after we have had a few days in the 80s. Winter is over with only one time the temperatures got down to freezing at night. smile


Gah, the weeds are every where. I can't wait until the heat kills them. Too bad it rained. That just encourages the little blighters.

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About 3 weeks ago the place where I'm from (not currently residing) got about 15 inches of wet snow, which would have closed school for five days if the storm didn't occur on a friday, and left most people without power for three or four days with a few lucky people out of power for a week.


Additionally, my spring break plans were drastically altered a week ago when there was a winter storm over the watershed of the canyon I was going to, turning the canyon into a "deathtrap" according to a ranger.

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The days have been staying on the side of positive temperatures for a week or two now. A couple of 5c days too.


There's still snow everywhere of course. It takes a long time to melt especially after this winter. Snowed like mad. The puddles have not been too bad, only minor hopping has been necessary. And it hasn't gotten too dusty yet.

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It's been the warmest March I can remember here in Wisconsin. We had a couple of 80 degree (F.) days and it's been staying steadily in the 70's for the past two weeks except for the last few days where it's been cloudy and rainy.


Considering Mother Nature likes to snow in the middle of April here I can't say I've disliked it. Unfortunately, weatherman says that the mild winter and early spring are going to mean the ticks will be extra bad this year. Ours are known to spread Lymes so its a love-hate relationship.

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Originally Posted By: Tyranicus
Originally Posted By: Dintiradan
So the Great White North actually managed to remain white this winter? Here in Pennsylvania, our biggest snowstorm was was a few inches in October.

Snow was late arriving here but plentiful once it did. The abnormally warm weather we had last week got rid of most of it, but we're bound to get more before May.

Winter temperatures this year were milder than usual - it never even hit -30°C, let alone -40°, generally staying within 10 or 15 degrees of freezing.

It looks like spring right now, but it's not to be trusted.
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I, for one, thought winter was ridiculous. This is Chicago, and winter should have snow on the ground for more than a combined total of like four weeks, tops. It's like 80 in March! I've already planted my garden! This shouldn't be happening! I DEMAND MORE WINTER! THERE'S A REASON I MOVED HERE!


And, if things keep up this way, summer's going to be brutal. Ugh.

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Originally Posted By: Dantius

Might be time to think more along the lines of Alaska.

Why'd you want to live in Chicago anyway? It's the Most Corrupt City in America. Chris has visited there a couple of times and has a couple of horror stories to share from it. The last time he was there someone broke into his car while he was eating at Outback Steakhouse and stole $2500 worth of Fire Fighting/EMT equipment. The policeman who came to fill out the report was very irate that my husband hadn't filled out the report himself online because "This is Chicago. That's what happens here." That was until the cop realized my husband was a fire fighter. Then he was oh so very nice in giving my husband tips on how to swindle more money out of the insurance company by claiming he had more stuff in his car that was stolen. At least "enough to cover the deductible" anyway.

How do you survive?
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Originally Posted By: Dantius
I, for one, thought winter was ridiculous. This is Chicago, and winter should have snow on the ground for more than a combined total of like four weeks, tops. It's like 80 in March!
I can sympathize, I'm in southeast Michigan, and the weather's been acting more like May than March. I'm not complaining about the lack of snow and ice, although I do feel a bit sorry for those whose livelihoods depend on it.

This shouldn't be happening!
Unfortunately, it is happening, so I suggest getting over it. Wait a few minutes, and the weather should change.

I'd suggest moving northward, but that won't necessarily work. I've heard of days where the weather was warmer in Fairbanks, Alaska than in Miami, Florida.

Then again, living in the U.S. Midwest, I've heard of snowstorms as late as mid-June, and I once saw a flurry in early September.

And, if things keep up this way, summer's going to be brutal. Ugh.
I certainly hope not. I'm just glad I have a job where I work mostly indoors. Granted, the A/C doesn't work half the time, and there's a pizza oven going constantly, but still, it's better than being outside baking away, unless you like hot weather.
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Originally Posted By: Randomizer
Originally Posted By: Dantius

I used to live back there in the last century. There was a huge snowfall on April 1st so you still have hope.

Last year here in Vegas I got snowed on in mid April. Not that it actually stayed for more than a few seconds, but...weather is a crazy thing.
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Originally Posted By: Tyranicus
Originally Posted By: Dintiradan
So the Great White North actually managed to remain white this winter? Here in Pennsylvania, our biggest snowstorm was was a few inches in October.

Really? In Maryland, we got a few snow showers that managed to last a full hour or two! One Saturday it snowed and lasted until the following Monday! Considering our last two winters broke records, it's been a let down.

That said, this week has been rather chilly. We all broke our shorts out over the last week or two, but we've had to go back to pants this week.

My calculus teacher lived in Alaska for a time, and she likes to check the weather there on warm days and go all googly-eyed over the single-digit numbers.
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We've just had the wettest March on record. I've already had to mow the lawn 4 thymes this year. The crepe myrtles are growing crazy, and the cars are turning yellow from all the pollen. The squirrels are out in force, driving my dog nuts, and ll the birds have gotten thoroughly twitter-pated (coo-coo, ca-coo).


I heard Garrison Keillor complaining on his radio show that Minnesota had not had a proper winter, and every one seemed upset about it. After all, being able to thrive in a Minnesotan winter is a distinguishing characteristic of the people who live there.

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Originally Posted By: Harehunter
I've already had to mow the lawn 4 thymes this year.

That's either one of the more interesting typos I've ever seen, a pun that went over my head, or there's something unusual about your lawn. (As far as alternative lawn materials go, thyme would be a relatively viable one if it was shady enough.)
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Originally Posted By: Jewels in Black
Why'd you want to live in Chicago anyway? It's the Most Corrupt City in America. Chris has visited there a couple of times and has a couple of horror stories to share from it. The last time he was there someone broke into his car while he was eating at Outback Steakhouse and stole $2500 worth of Fire Fighting/EMT equipment. The policeman who came to fill out the report was very irate that my husband hadn't filled out the report himself online because "This is Chicago. That's what happens here." That was until the cop realized my husband was a fire fighter. Then he was oh so very nice in giving my husband tips on how to swindle more money out of the insurance company by claiming he had more stuff in his car that was stolen. At least "enough to cover the deductible" anyway.

How do you survive?

Getting your stuff stolen from your car is hardly a Chicago-only phenomena. My car hasn't been robbed once in Chicago, but I've been broken into in both Troy and Durham, so the whole anecdotes != data thing comes into play.

To answer your question, I live in Chicago because my job (civil engineering) and my specialty (MEM) tend to require a large and fairly robust construction sector, which means a city is pretty much a prerequisite. My best job offer out of grad school was in Chicago, so I took it. Years later, I still like my job and my salary and my house and other such material trappings, so I'm not really inclined to suddenly pick up shop and skedaddle to a city I'm totally unfamiliar with and be unemployed and maybe work for a lower salary if I do get a job because of a little endemic corruption in politics.

EDIT: Also, what Excalibur said. Though, to be fair, there's a demand for nice parts of any city so long as people are rich enough, and there are rich people everywhere. There are nice parts of Vietnam, for heaven's sake.
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In my corner of the Pacific Northwest, the winter has been incredibly mild and dispirited. That said, on the first day of Spring, we had a surprise snow storm. None of it stuck, but it was a reminder that our winter may just be later this year. Since then, we've had a few days of sunshine and wind up to sixty degrees Fahrenheit, a little more snow, and rain.


The fact that the weather is so chaotic is normal. However, overall, it's been a very weak winter overall, which may mean a drought during the summer.

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We broke 80 in Jersey at the end of last week, then we went right back to our standard brisk March weather Saturday evening.

The birds came back in full force about a week ago, the local dogwoods have begun to blossom, and many cherry trees and dogwoods alike have begun to shed their petals. It's rather pretty, watching the wind pick them up and move them along the streets. Out of the ground, we have mostly daffodils, but I saw some violets this morning, and one of the hydrangeas at home is starting to bud.\


I guess it's time for a spring photo thread?


It only snowed deep enough to need shoveling once this winter, and the rain that followed made it unnecessary.

The news forecasts kept predicting a foot and a half, up until the rain started. Bought a new shovel and everything, too. frown



The Silent Assassin survived the warm winter by going overseas on a mighty quest to save the world from using Tau instead of Pi.

I survived not having to deal with his antics by sipping tea and reading good books. And saving money on kitchen appliances.

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Originally Posted By: I am Lord Grimm.
It only snowed deep enough to need shoveling once this winter, and the rain that followed made it unnecessary.
The news forecasts kept predicting a foot and a half, up until the rain started. Bought a new shovel and everything, too. frown
That's probably why you've had such warm weather and didn't get much snow. wink Don't worry, though; odds are you'll be putting that new shovel to good use next winter.

Originally Posted By: nikki.
Originally Posted By: Harehunter
I was trying to be sage.

Oi, take it to the relevent thread, ya hear?
I don't mind the occasional pun, as long as the person making the pun treads gingerly.
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Originally Posted By: The Mystic
Originally Posted By: nikki.
Originally Posted By: Harehunter
I was trying to be sage.

Oi, take it to the relevent thread, ya hear?
I don't mind the occasional pun, as long as the person making the pun treads gingerly.
I appreciate that I'm not the only one adding a little spice to this topic. wink
I shall try to keep a lid on my sense of humor, but it difficult.

Speaking of spring, this last weekend, while shopping at the local big box home improvement store, I saw thin man loading several planters and soil onto a cart. I am not a shy person. I just couldn't resist remarking to him, "I see someone is going to pot this weekend." He groaned and then he laughed.
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Do you also get blamed for a particularly pungent pun, even when you're not in the room? In fact, when I fail to close a meeting with a wise crack, people ask me if I'm feeling all right. Apparently, they take me seriously when I tell them "If I ever lose my sense of humor, it's time to check me for a pulse."

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Originally Posted By: Harehunter
Do you also get blamed for a particularly pungent pun, even when you're not in the room? In fact, when I fail to close a meeting with a wise crack, people ask me if I'm feeling all right. Apparently, they take me seriously when I tell them "If I ever lose my sense of humor, it's time to check me for a pulse."
I'm moving this discussion to the pun thread, just to be safe. You'll find my response there.
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