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The History of the Community: Part I

Mea Tulpa

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Yeah, CalRef has a hidden board for mods and administrators to discuss things the masses don't need to know, not that anything very exciting happens there; mostly just maintenance reports and discussing bans/unbans. We had a board for making massive collaborative RP posts for a while and I used to have a private board where I'd tutor BloodMoon on his English to try to improve his RP posts. But private boards are a given on any forum. It's part of what gives an elitist feel to all of them. The in-crowd as it were and maybe that's why I prefer CalRef... because they readily accepted me into the in-crowd. I'm sure there's some psychological manifestations that someone could expound on with that.

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Originally Posted By: Dintiradan
Shadow Vale had Aran as one of the admins, so it has a similar culture of hidden forums. The Temple of Dikiyoba was there, and I get the feeling it existed on Polaris as well. I'd feel bad about revealing it, but to be honest it was just another spam forum, and barely visited shortly after its creation. There was also a forum dedicated to buffer overflow exploits in BoA. I don't feel bad at all talking about this, because it started out being public, and was only hidden after it starting attracting teh haxxors.
Sadly, since they were hidden and hard to access, those hidden forums were not included in Niemand's backup of SV. To this day, I still have no idea what went on in the hidden temple. tongue
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Originally Posted By: Dintiradan
The Temple of Dikiyoba was there, and I get the feeling it existed on Polaris as well.

If there was a Temple on Polaris, I didn't know about it. The original Temple was actually on SW proper, in one of the old and hidden Geneforge forums. In fact, it's probable that Polaris was dead before the original Temple was created.

Originally Posted By: Tyranicus
To this day, I still have no idea what went on in the hidden temple. tongue

Mostly parties, half-baked conspiracy theories, pictures of sandwiches and stroopwafels, and mocking comments directed toward all of the admins who weren't Arancaytar.

Despite the name, the Temple of Dikiyoba was mostly Arancaytar's thing. Dikiyoba just went along with it because, hey, free stroopwafels.
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Polaris's hidden sections were, as far as I can recall, the mod- and admin-free one, which was mostly a joke, some RP stuff, which was more about RPing without the riffraff than coordinating public RPing, and the massive but very quickly dead series of sections about designing the world of Calithon, notable for completely lacking humans. If I'm remembering right, the predominant sapient species was a lagomorph.


—Alorael, who now wants to give General a header listing all the other active places you can chatter. And a memorial to dead alternative forums. And, most intriguingly, a suggested list of future satellites. Who wants to visit Satellite of Trinity?

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Originally Posted By: Rowen
Slarty, will the continuation of the history be in this same thread, new post or edited into the first, or a new thread all together. Every time I see someone post in this one I think you updated it again and get all excited only to see that we are talking about satellites and the raging hormones in our youth against the machine. Makes me miss the silly posting of Polaris, and I'm still trying to move on with my life now that its not just dead, but gone.

If I make major updates to THIS part, which is just the Overview, I'll probably start a new thread so the updates are clear.

Parts II and beyond will be in other threads.

And actually, I want to ask some questions about some related subjects now, and am going to start a new thread to do so, so as to keep discussion at least somewhat organized for what I have to go back and review these notes later.

THANK YOU to everyone who's posted, especially to Jewels, Alorael, and Dintiradan for their views on the satellites. (And by all means keep it going! Slarty's ears will always be open, even if his pen is at a pause.)
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Originally Posted By: Excalibur
I remember Iffy briefly making a satellite board called the Roost. It was utterly spammy and soon disappeared. CRF came into being a short time later.

Iffy didn't make that board. Another, probably less memorable member named Sarasaphilia did. To be honest, I can't remember all that much about it, but it wasn't any spammier than CRF(and it was much less active), and it did go on for at least a year or two.
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Originally Posted By: Actaeon
Well, there's still five people in the "Avernites Anonymous" Facebook page.

Eight tongue

But, yeah, Toby-Lynn and I stopped moderating after Jeff finally got around to creating an official Facebook Page. We all joined that, and Groups became all but obsolete shortly thereafter. Half the reason why it still exists is because I can't quite bring myself to delete it.

The Silent Assassin knows what the piano knows.
At least, that's what he's been telling the grandfather clock.
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Originally Posted By: Sundays in the Breach
the world of Calithon

I remember. It was Arancyatar's idea, was it not? We were all supposed to design a different part of Calithon. I even made a rather detailed map of my part. (The northernmost part of the world, settled by a warlike and seafaring people. I can't remember what they were called - Irokesh? Arukesh?). But contributions were far and few between and people lost interest. Wasn't the original idea to use Calithon as an RP setting?

Is Aran still around on SW?
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I'm not quite sure. I think it maybe had its roots in the collective scenario-building exercise before BoA came out that also never got anywhere, but I might be getting confused because that collective scenario started from ideas SMoE and I bounced off each other before Polaris existed.


—Alorael, who thinks you should go looking for Polaran on these boards, the name that Aran's been sporting for a while to mourn the lost boards.

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Originally Posted By: Things were more nostalgic then.
I'm not quite sure. I think it maybe had its roots in the collective scenario-building exercise before BoA came out that also never got anywhere, but I might be getting confused because that collective scenario started from ideas SMoE and I bounced off each other before Polaris existed.

The scenario and Calithon were definitely distinct; Calithon was conceived more as an RP setting than for Blades. I can't recall who came up with the idea, but a cursory look at my incomplete backup shows Nazgul contributed a lot of the early stuff. I definitely can't claim credit for starting it, though I was involved early on, as were Tumbleweed, FZ, Omlette and mef.

I remember we did some work on a world map, on writing races and nations and languages etc. My backup shows Calithon-related posts dating to January 2004 just after a forum crash had erased all prior work on it. Some of the later work survives, but everything we wrote in 2006 was lost in another forum crash, and after that it was mostly dead until the final forum crash which took care of Polaris for good. (Anyone notice a pattern? tongue )

I later repurposed some of my conlang work (link) in NationStates.

If I'm remembering right, the predominant sapient species was a lagomorph.

That may well be, though I recall some variety of lizardfolk or amphibians being predominant. Or maybe we're both right. We had the Larpin, the Velpan and the Mok...

Edit: And a dozen subspecies/cultures; Velpathos, Iranoch, Urwa, Humai, Tauvendi, Velnoganen, Mok'ul, Mok'el, Wraith, ... these names bring back so many memories. All in all, I have 73 posts with around 25,000 words remaining in my archive, but no time to sort through them right now.
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Originally Posted By: Actaeon
Hey, I reinvited Nikki, Tyran, and Nem. We could rebuild! 'Twould give us a buggy option for group chat!

Yeah, I vaguely recall accepting the invite to said FB group, but I don't believe anyone ever says anything. I mean, there is the official page now (which I think suffers from disuse as well, for the most part) and of course, this place too. There are only so many sub-communities that are really worthwhile to have.

I dunno though. I had a weird sort of attachment to SV (and as I recall, a post count between double and triple the one here). SV went down during one of my many, long hiatuses, and I was slightly distraught when I learned of its demise. Since then I haven't been notably present here either.

With regard to the history, I guess I am what could be considered a "midbie" now. But I still feel new. Hah.
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Originally Posted By: Actaeon
Hey, I reinvited Nikki, Tyran, and Nem. We could rebuild! 'Twould give us a buggy option for group chat!

Spiderweb Software, message boards. A forum barely alive. Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the AIM chats. We have the capability to make the Internet's first user-friendly UBB threads. Spiderweb Software will be that board. More elitist than before. Smarter, spam-ier, meme-ier.

[cue cheesy 70's muzak]
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Originally Posted By: Dantius
Spiderweb Software, message boards. [... U]ser-friendly UBB threads.

Everybody knows real elitists would never go for reliable or user-friendly forum software. Sheesh. Half the fun of visiting SW before the "upgrade" was just seeing if it was still there, or if it had collapsed under the weight of our offerings to Aran's ranking bot.
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I hope y'all realize that I was being as sarcastic as Dantius. I agree that too many mediums fracture the community rather than enhancing it. Nevertheless, a satellite or two gives the chance for a niche, a few new features (chat's a big one for me), and a bit less formal an atmosphere.


I'm not sure if I miss Shadow Vale, or the way Spidweb was at the time. Either way, one member's nostalgia ain't worth taking to the bank.

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While obvious, it should be pointed out that people have been reminiscing about the good old days of SW for at least the past nine years.


I don't think we miss the way SW was at the time so much as the way we were. Many of us grew up posting here, so this place represents a part of childhood.


Satellites do play a useful role for the reasons you mentioned. They keep a sort of cohesion and continuity between "generations". I don't know half the people now here (Slarty's mistake about Xelgion/Vergil and Nebulan would happen to me with loads of members whose names I can't keep straight, even before my extended absence). To that extent, I don't miss Shadow Vale or Polaris, but rather the kind of community that was vibrant and connected enough to use satellite boards.

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Originally Posted By: Goldenking
An extensive retelling of the Mountain of Shadows RP, perhaps?

THIS PLEASE. So many good memories. Also so glad that I made us finish the thing when it seemed dead.

Also still kind of mad about not being invited to the Hidden Temple on SV, and only finding it during a session of cleaning out spambots.

Originally Posted By: Arancaytar
I don't think we miss the way SW was at the time so much as the way we were. Many of us grew up posting here, so this place represents a part of childhood.

Also this. This is pretty much my stance on the whole history of the boards thing. I have many fond memories of this place, some less pleasant, but mostly good. I'm also flattered to have inadvertently started the current Age*. I should really come back more frequently...

*-even though Channelwood will always be the best Age
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Originally Posted By: Dintiradan
Gentlemen, I ask you the following: do either Channelwood or Spire feature Brad Dourif screaming "NO!" repeatedly? I submit to you that they do not.

Narayan wins.

The gentleman raises an excellent point. I have Saavedro's scenes memorized to the point where I can mentally act them out while listening to the soundtrack. Yet I must reply that Spire is composed of islands of floating black rock in orbit around a green star in the middle of a perpetual storm.


(As an aside, for voices I could listen to endlessly, Rand Miller ranks just behind Carl Sagan alone.)
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Fun fact: I watched the above video during a moment when nobody in my lab had any questions. Apparently the TA's computer plays sounds, so now all my students share your love of Atrus's voice.


(Also, I just watched the Haven video made by the same user, and just realized that Achenar was locked away in an Age with trusting animals.)

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Originally Posted By: Dintiradan
Fun fact: I watched the above video during a moment when nobody in my lab had any questions. Apparently the TA's computer plays sounds, so now all my students share your love of Atrus's voice.

(Also, I just watched the Haven video made by the same user, and just realized that Achenar was locked away in an Age with trusting animals.)

That's actually so much of a plot point that I should probably not even say it for fear of spoilers.
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Originally Posted By: Arancaytar

(As an aside, for voices I could listen to endlessly, Rand Miller ranks just behind Carl Sagan alone.)

I'm not sure which is better: your saying that, or that it's true.

Also, Riv-no, deff channelwood.

The Silent Assassin's favorite Age is [redacted], because [redacted] [redacted] [censored] [redacted].
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Originally Posted By: Arancaytar
That's actually so much of a plot point that I should probably not even say it for fear of spoilers.

It's a shame you're no longer Atrus as your avetar, since the topic has taken a turn for that direction.

As for the best Age, of the two, it's Spire. But Spire is (a close) second in my book to Todelmer, from the final game.
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You also had one of the fun general-purpose satellite forums. What was it called again? And you have the distinction of being the only member, as far as I can recall, who had his post count eaten by the UBB but his account number restored.


—Alorael, who had forgotten that that happened to some people. MM, Saunders, who else?

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Originally Posted By: Mysterious Man
Ah yes... my adventure with Lady J. She had thekavern.net... I think I had the forums... they were called Phoenix or something.

And yes, I am member number 5... who joined about 4-5 years after the board opened.
After the UBB upgrade, you became member number 6.
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Originally Posted By: Mysterious Man
I feel hurt that I'm not historically significant to this community.

I was the first one to be demodded ever, damnit.

Don't worry I remember you (apologies for the inconveniences I caused you back then). I apparently also have a copy of 'News at 11'
Spiderweb Software Message Boards powered by IkonboardPrintable Version of       topic      -Spiderweb Software Message Boards       (http://www.ironycentral.com/cgi-bin/ikonboard//ikonboard.cgi)      --Miscellaneous       (http://www.ironycentral.com/cgi-bin/ikonboard//forums.cgi?forum=12)      ---Exile - News at 11       (http://www.ironycentral.com/cgi-bin/ikonboard//forums.cgi?forum=12&topic=464)       -- Posted by The Black Wombat on 5:11 am on July 19, 2001      ...
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Originally Posted By: Mysterious Man
Ah yes... my adventure with Lady J. She had thekavern.net... I think I had the forums... they were called Phoenix or something.

And yes, I am member number 5... who joined about 4-5 years after the board opened.

For some reason, my memory mashes up Phoenix with the early Polaris. But that might have been because Polaris was on thekavern.net as well for a time...
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Actually, I'm pretty sure Phoenix was also hosted by thekavern.net; now I'm not sure she had her own forums there at all, or if I just remember two forums, forgot Polaris was one of them, and made up another.


—Alorael, who is quite sure he was reasonably active on Phoenix. It's probably the forum he posted on most, besides Spiderweb and Polaris. It's definitely the one he had the second highest post count on, but he made sure to make that a non-issue on Polaris.

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I set my postcount to something negative with a very large absolute value. Actually, for a short time I also regularly changed the digits around, but I got bored after a couple of weeks.


—Alorael, who gave it up when he realized that post-counts are ever-changing by their very nature.

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While I haven't played Myst 4, I have watched a few Myst 4 videos, and I think the actors in Myst 4 are hilariously bad. I mean, Ubisoft probably should have just used the Millers again instead.

Click to reveal..
Admittedly, from the looks of things, some of them are bad actors playing characters who are bad at acting. So it's tough to say for sure.


On a related note, anyone here play Myst 5? At first glance, the non-pre-rendered environments and non-FMV cutscenes are a bit of a turn-off.

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Originally Posted By: Dintiradan
On a related note, anyone here play Myst 5? At first glance, the non-pre-rendered environments and non-FMV cutscenes are a bit of a turn-off.

I have. It's a good game, but it's definitely underwhelming compared to any of the other Myst games. There is an interface for solving puzzles that involves drawing on tablets, which, while interesting, isn't done as well as it ought to be. Since that's what the vast majority of the puzzles in the game are based off of, I didn't much care for it.

That said, the Ages are pretty, and there is an option to return to the original Myst Island, though you can't go anywhere else from there. Don't get the impression that it's a bad game; if you have money to spare, and/or are a diehard Myst fan, I would buy it.
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Originally Posted By: Dintiradan
While I haven't played Myst 4, I have watched a few Myst 4 videos, and I think the actors in Myst 4 are hilariously bad. I mean, Ubisoft probably should have just used the Millers again instead.
Click to reveal..
Admittedly, from the looks of things, some of them are bad actors playing characters who are bad at acting. So it's tough to say for sure.

On a related note, anyone here play Myst 5? At first glance, the non-pre-rendered environments and non-FMV cutscenes are a bit of a turn-off.

I... am... Sirrus. And I will not be DEFEATEEEEEED!

(And yes, a This Is Sparta mashup is on Youtube.)

The Myst 5 graphics turned me off as well. While the environments are basically okay (on good computers, not much photorealism is lost by switching from rendered to 3D), the artificial characters are awful. They're on the far side of the uncanny valley (not creepy, but very obviously fake). FMV was way better.
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I think I would like your Saavedro impersonation better. Myst V was good, but I did have some trouble with the Haven horn problems. Getting the darn things to turn just enough, and having to mouse around to switch from one to the other was pretty tricky before the Parkinson's set in. Afterwards, it was darn near impossible to pass the pit with the friendly apes.

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