I seem to have scored both ESFP and ISFP in 2003. Now it's given me INFP twice, so I guess I'm that.
INFP (1st)
Introvert(44%), iNtuitive(25%), iNtuitive Feeling(50%), Perceiving(44)%
INFP (2nd)
Introvert(33%) iNtuitive(12%) iNtuitive Feeling(50%) Perceiving(44)%
"Idealistic, loyal to their values and to people who are important to them. Want an external life that is congruent with their values. Curious, quick to see possibilities, can be catalysts for implementing ideas. Seek to understand people and to help them fulfill their potential. Adaptable, flexible, and accepting unless a value is threatened."
Yeah, sure, fits me. But then again, many of the other types do too.
Oh, and since we're doing tests: I'm an advocating artist according to the test Riibu linked to.