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i don't like it


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On the right-hand-side of the forum page there was a thing that showed who is online, the newest members, and the top posters. Now it just shows the newest members. i do not like this change. It lowers my already-low self-esteem. If possible can the who's online panel thing (and top posters i guess) be returned, or at least can an option be given in the user preferences to bring it back?


EDIT: nevermind it magically reappeared when i posted this. Damn UBB.

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Originally Posted By: Dantius
Originally Posted By: Mistb0rn
Superfluous, I think you mean. Or extraneous. Possibly redundant. Or all three, come to think of it.

I've been sent by the DORA department to take you into custody. Please don't try and resist arrest.

You need to cease and desist.
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Is the universe infinite? We can't say unless we can grasp the concept of infinity. Let me help you with that:


"The mass of the earth is 5,980,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 grams. There are 133,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 atoms in Earth. Pi is 3 followed by a decimal of over 52,000,000 digits. From Zimbabwe comes a 100,000,000,000,000 dollar note. In late 2008, with that nation battered with inflation, it was worth about $1.50 in U.S. The fastest super-computer has a rate of 20,000,000,000,000,000 calculations per second.

You'll have to run it about a day and a half, for it to equal all the grains of sand on all the world's beaches. That's about 60,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. That's roughly the amount of stars n the visible universe. Atoms in the visible universe? That's about 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00,000,000,000,000,000,000

Cubic centimeters? A mere 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. Then there's the largest number ever used. Grahams numbers is a calculation of angles in a type of hypercube. If you divide the universe into the smallest units known, called plank volumes, the total of those units wouldn't get you anywhere close to Grahams number. But its still nowhere close to the ultimate ceiling, infinity." - That guy that narrated



So, is the universe infinite?

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Originally Posted By: Karoka
So, is the universe infinite?

The universe is not, at any one particular point in time, infinite. I believe the term used to describe it is finite unbounded, which is a fancy way to say limited, but always growing. For contemplating this, I find it's easier to imagine the universe in its infancy, shortly after the Big Bang. It was smaller, then, than it was now, and the force from the Bang has been causing it to expand larger since.

The question I'm more interested in, is what shape is the universe?
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It's not known whether the universe is finite or not. In the curved spacetime allowed by general relativity, it is possible (though not necessary) for the universe to be finite but unbounded. It would be like one of those video games where if you go far enough in one direction, you wrap around and come back on the other side.


But it probably wouldn't really be possible to circumnavigate the universe in this way, because according to general relativity, a spatially finite universe is likely to be temporally finite. In which case it would recollapse in a 'Big Crunch' before even light had time to traverse it completely.


There are conceivable scenarios where the finite universe persists forever, neither expanding nor contracting. Einstein himself worked out one of these. But his model was later shown to be unstable — it would only survive if God had tuned everything to infinite precision, just to make it so. The slightest imbalance would make it either collapse, or start expanding forever.


I'm a little fuzzy on the 4D geometry, now, but I'm pretty sure I remember once working out that a spatially finite universe that expands forever is actually the same as a spatially infinite universe, just differently described. (Technically, what I'm remembering finding is that you can foliate the same spacetime with both finite and infinite spacelike hypersurfaces. But it was years ago that I looked at this, and it was never my research focus, so I might have either been wrong at the time, or remembered it wrongly.)

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While we're on the subject of the universe, let's talk about constellations. What...the...frick. How on Earth are you supposed to see that in the sky? Where I live, all I see at night is the moon, the north star, and airplanes. I found a book about constellations, and that's is where I got the idea from. All I saw was a bunch of scattered pictures, and the picture didn't really resemble the stars that were supposedly constellations.


Word of the day: Frick

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Originally Posted By: tehpineapple
all cities need planetariums, just like all starships need arboretums.

Heh. Very true.

The night sky away from light pollution is startling the first time you see it. For me it was during my first bit of reconnaissance patrol training in the Canadian army reserve. As I recall, we were just trying to get out through our own defensive lines, and some alert but under-informed guys on our own side were hearing us, and launching paraflares every time they did. We'd drop flat as soon as we heard the 'whoosh!' of the flare launching, and lie still until it burned out. It was nothing compared to city lights, though, so even with a bit of burning magnesium floating overhead, the night sky was amazing. I made sure to lie on my back, so I could keep looking up at it. But I dutifully closed my right eye, so I could preserve night vision in it. No big loss; the stars are too far away for depth perception. (That does actually work. Each eye dark-adapts separately.)
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Originally Posted By: Karoka
Originally Posted By: Old Thrashbarg
It's even worse in Manila.
I've actually been to Manila before. That's back when I called it 'Vanilla'. I also went to Samar, my mom's birthplace. When I was there, someone yelled at me "I'm sexier than you!" How jealous. cool

Dear dear. How insulting.
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Originally Posted By: Sage of Numenor
Originally Posted By: Karoka
Originally Posted By: Old Thrashbarg
It's even worse in Manila.
I've actually been to Manila before. That's back when I called it 'Vanilla'. I also went to Samar, my mom's birthplace. When I was there, someone yelled at me "I'm sexier than you!" How jealous. cool

Dear dear. How insulting.

Eh, on the scale of insulting things strangers yell at you, that ranks pretty low.

Dikiyoba has never been impressed by a starry sky, even when Dikiyoba is out in the middle of nowhere. It just doesn't speak to Dikiyoba, apparently.
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I agree with Dikiyoba; I've never been able to get very excited about looking at the sky. Particularly with the unaided eyes, it just looks like dots, and even the pictures from big telescopes rarely seem all that interesting to me since they're just static pictures which rarely capture the important details visibly. I do, however, find it fascinating to image the objects and processes, which is part of why I work in (particle)astrophysics.

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Originally Posted By: Karoka
So, is the universe infinite?
We can't say yes because if it was, we would just keep going with the answer still a unknown to us forever. We can't say no because we've never even gotten close to the edge of the universe if it were the case.

So the correct answer is: WHO KNOWS?!

EDIT: Rowen does.
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