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I played Exile three from a macfomat (i think it was a demo on macformat anyway) and was looking for new games so i looked up spiderweb software homepage and looked over the games and found geneforge 2 and played that then played geneforge for history by that time geneforge 3 was relesed and I followed the game series scince.

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Originally Posted By: Randomizer
I bought them while buying Avernum games for my new Mac. I already had the Exile games on a much older PC that wasn't up to the minimum requirements for Avernum.

I didn't start playing them until just before Geneforge 4 came out.

YEah, I had been on Spid's website but never downloaded anything, I was running a '95 with memory almost full and I was ticked off because I came home one day and they sold my computer that had the exiles on it and they didnt even give me the money, I couldve backed up my game and files but NOOO they dont even ask me anything, they just wipe the drive and sell it.
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Exile 1.0 was my first Spiderweb game. I found the site much later, but I've stuck around.


—Alorael, who believes Geneforge 1 was the big, exciting thing Spiderweb was working on when the forums first opened. And it was released in the summer of 2002, after he had been a forum member for half a year not counting his first abortive entry.

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Originally Posted By: Thuryl
I'm old skool.

I origianaly played Exile three on the apple macintosh power PC. I think my dad managed to keep it running for 15 years altogether. They were the old strong and hardy computers that never complained and just got on with the job. It ran a large range of games and I was never bored.


P.S. Frog Xing FTW!
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Originally Posted By: Drakon Sssharxx
I origianaly played Exile three on the apple macintosh power PC.

Got you beat there, too. I was playing it on a Performa 450, first introduced in 1993, a year before the first PowerPC Macintoshes. I've still got it sitting under a cloth in my holiday home; as far as I know, it still works.
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I was one of those people sad enough to be waiting for the game when it came over to windows. Considering the last Spidweb game I'd played before it must've been Avernum 3, Geneforge was all nice new and shiny. Nearly gave up on the series after Geneforge 3, but Geneforge 4 got me back in, and GF5 wasn't so bad either smile.


- Archmagus Micael

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I discovered Spiderweb Software by finding a demo of Exile 3 on a shareware collection of games called Game Empire Volume 3.


Became addicted and bought the game, but didn't discover the other games until about five years later when I finally got internet access. Played through all the Avernum games and now I'm going through the Geneforge ones.

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Me too (and I still have the CD on my shelf), except I didn't read the manual and made a terrible party and stopped playing after getting slaughtered by goblins. I loved it up until that point though. I also didn't know I didn't have to be adjacent to someone to talk to them, so I never figured out how to talk to Tor Gunston, and thus I thought it was buggy. Then I stopped playing and didn't see Spiderweb Software again until I found BoE, when I was a bit older and a bit more able to figure it out, and I poked around with that for a few years before I found out that the company wasn't out of business (I don't know why I assumed it was out of business, I thought it seemed too old to be a current company I guess) and joined the community in 2001.

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i seached awsome games on "the google" and came upon this forum, were i was brought into the world of spiderweb and geneforge and think this has all started since 2 days ago.. and ive already boughten all their games (working through geneforge series first 0.0)


person filling a cup of water translation:




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My first spiderweb game I played I think was exile 2. I didnt like it much and couldnt look into the rest as I didnt have internet. I dont remeber much about playing it. Years later I tried avernum 3 and enjoyed it enough to buy it, and found out about all the other games. I found both of them on some software disks that I have. I have no idea if either of the disks that gave me exile 2 or avernum 3 are still in the cd book.

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