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Favorite Class

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Without a doubt, Lifecrafter, Servile, and Infiltrator are going to get the majority of the votes.


Infiltrators, as demonstrated by Synergy, are quite powerful and well rounded. Serviles are living tanks that can plow through foes. Lifecrafters are rather weak on their own, but have a massive arsenal of creations, plus their own spells.


I personally prefer the Lifecrafter. Now if only there was a High Magic, Medium Shaping, and Low Combat...

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Originally written by MrRoivas:
I heard i rumor that he was planning to make a class like that but it would be too powerful eek
Hey its a rumor dont go saying i lied
You didn't lie, and it's no rumour. Jeff has indeed confirmed that a major reason he didn't include such a class is that he couldn't see a way of making it balanced.
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Hmm..you know..Jeff can make a High-Magic, Medium-Creations, and Low-Combat..as a bonus..you know..as a "secret" character..you do something and ching! You get an imbalanced character..


For me: it's Lifecrafter..unleash the power of the Rothgroths..


Also..your spelling of Gaurdian is..questionable..and..there are no Gaurdians in G4..only Warriors..

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Well now, shaping is definitely the most powerful skill:


  • Singleton vs 7 Hostile Wingbolts = Dead Singleton (Mass Madness may possibly save you)
  • PC with 2 Drayks vs 7 Hostile Wingbolts = Wingbolt Soup (Mass Energize will make it very easy)

Now, given that all classes are now able to shape all creations (thanks to the shapemaster boots), the Shaper's/Lifecrafter's edge has been eroded. But the advantage of numbers still makes the game significantly easier.

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Edit2 -I give up! I can't make a chain quote. I can, but for some reason I just can't right now. It is just pathetic.


Edit -Also, I like the warrior class. I just do. I use a combination of my melee skills and creations.

G4 encouraged (forced) me to use blessing magick which is...a blessing.

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Okay. Who are the three who voted for the Shock Trooper? It's a pretty neat concept but the Lifecrafter is even more badass.


Jeff needs to give Lifecrafters and Shock Troopers the ability to shape charged creations in the middle of combat since the other classes can all shape pretty well now. Or maybe he could just give that power to Shock Troopers. That would be pretty nice.

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I suggested the ability to shape charged creations during combat (therefore actually making them usefull) a long time ago. I guess Jeff could be able to justify not being able to do it while others do (even Miranda who is an agent) by saying something like you "lack experience" (just like how a shaper in G3 explains that you can't send forth your creations far away like other (weaker) people because you lack experience and formal training. Maybe Jeff thinks that shaped creations durring combat would be too powerful?

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  • 2 weeks later...

But at the Cairn Gates that punk shaper could shape in battle and it was easy to kill him. one snap of my Ur-drakonn's fingers(yes, i am someone who likes to mess with scripts, don't hate, just appreciate) and he's dead. i can beat him as a lifecrafter with no creations. and he can shape in battle, we should be able too to.also, osmething that bugged me was the "invincble" alwan. i had himdown to LOW heath, i was using drakons and drayks and kyassk thingies and battle beta's and reaper baton/puresteel soulblade weapon and wingbolts and eyebeasts and he did'nt die. that's just rude.

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