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Corrupted One

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Everything posted by Corrupted One

  1. I wasnt aware there was an unaligned nocanister ending. Do you simply not pledge your loyalty to any of the factions, abstain from canister use, and destroy the geneforge?
  2. Ah ok. But in regards to the OP my favorite moment has to be creating my first Dryak in G1. I remember expecting it to be able to talk and provide advice and expected more of a companion than just another creation.
  3. Originally Posted By: I need no introduction the mind would have been killed anyway, the shapers killed every thing one the island even the creations loyal to the shapers. I vaugely recall the Obeyer ending stating that the leader of the Obeyers was able to see his obedience rewarded as his followers were allowed to live out the rest of the natural lives. Maybe I'm remembering it wrong though.
  4. Well if this truly is the last Geneforge I don't see any reason for Jeff to exclude the fairy tale ending. I would enjoy see an even wider variety of ending ranging from " nothing but ash all life wiped out Terrestria rendered uninhabitable useless husk" to " pc becomes insanely powerful a wave of his hand army of mutant monsters illogically overpowered appeared" to " disease removing the abillity to shape is created everyone is equal to everyone drayks,serviles,drakons,eyebeasts, and all other sentinent creations live in harmony with shapers" and of course " Jeff changes his mind decides to continue the series indefinitely and some third party becomes involved wielding necromancy or demonology and adds new depth to the story".
  5. I remember several years ago when I first played GF1. I came across ( the first shaper captured by the sholai I am not even going to attempt to butcher his name) and looked at how he had made the temple his own. I could not help but be envious. Obviously he was much more skilled then we were ( we are an apprentice receiving our first assignment without an ounce of power) so we could not logically be able to do what he did. But I would really enjoy it if Jeff found a way to implement deffending and customizing your own area in GF5. Shaping vats to produce guards, growing essence pools bringing in the necessary material to make power spirals while trying to get your mechanics skill high enough to properly put them together all the while raising your shaping skill high enough to make the 3 diiferent varieties of 3 tier spawners...
  6. Shaping spawners would proubaly only be implemented if, in GF5, we were able to have our own base. Personally I think that would be awesome. Decked out with your own spawners, mutated guards, shaping vats, an enchanted anvil or two.....
  7. The statement above me makes me wonder whether or not war tralls are truly throwing rocks at us....
  8. Maybe we could get a review of Geneforge in GI. That would definitely turn some heads. But that might not be the best way to go. Especially without Jeff's permission.
  9. When I first used the script editor my game crashed. replacing the files with their originals then re-installing the editor solved the problem. The editor worked fine afterwards. Strange
  10. Speaking of shades what was the first one you encounter on gf1 supposed to do? Did it serve any purpose?
  11. Throughout the gf series, we have encountered forbidden techniques, some involving summoning magic, while others are just forbidden shaping techniques. Omitting the ones like drayk,eyebeast,ur-drakon,and unbound type creations, what are they?
  12. Sometimes the old play things are the best! Hand painted ball in a cup! Barring that geneforge 1 is an ageless classic that changed my perspective on what original meant. Instead of taking an already used idea, and recycling it or adding some gimmick to it, it took a complete fresh concept and constructed what i consider to be one of the greatest fantasy rpg's to grace the internet. And nothing anyone says can change my opinion of it.
  13. I agree with Lifecrafterandnoobeditor. All of the geneforge games are open-ended turned based rpg's with immersive plots and addictive gameplay. gf1 is definitely the best.closely followed by gf4. gf2 gave us new creations, while three seemed to be fine tuning and introducing alwan and greata ( important charcters in gf4) and giving us the enchanted anvil we all love and know so well. If you have the money, purchasing all four is something I reccomend.
  14. Assuming script-edittig and cheating are out of the question not much comes to mind
  15. Alarms always make attacks or assaults on bases or strongholds seem more dramatic, it adds to the tone of the game to me. Of course silently making your genetically altered monster slaves alert to any threat without informing the threat itself is a great deal more logical. Ambushes are efficient at removing unwanted guest. But I never said my imagination adheered to the rules of logic.
  16. I always thought they had some sort of alarm that didn't rely on one lone soldier surving an attack that destroyed their leader. always imagined some kind of alarm creation.. besides, no soldier can escape a lifecrafting prodigy escorted by his three unbound servants!
  17. Well that weak lifecrafter went through training for years and years. I guess we did too but all of our skills were basically derived from the geneforge. And alwan doesn't die because you can only kill him at a certain point in the game, any other time destroys the plot. That coward.
  18. I think he means it is where the demo ends and you must purchase the full game to enter that area.
  19. I think rivergate Keep and dilame is slightly different than other zones. When I was clearing out rivergate keep of the shapers, and was exiting out to dilame, I recall the whole area immediately turning hostile the moment I exited.
  20. Dunno. you answered your own question, so all i can do is give my opinion, which is basically the same as yours. Sunstone belt is definitely useless, and I guess you don't find any of the others helpful. But you should really ask one of the senior members, their answers will proubaly satisfy you more than mine.
  21. I wasn't asking which one you liked more, those two concepts are pretty played out, just curious as to which one people hate less. Too many people have made games centered around those concepts, too few have done it right, it leaves a sour taste in your mouth when it comes to those kinds of games. Assuming that Jeff would do it right, which would you prefer to ( be forced to)play? It's a lesser-of-two-evils kind of thing.
  22. Well, I guess its time we start steering this thread back in the right direction. If you had a choice which would you pick, a post-apocalyptic world or a stalemate-one-soldier-makes-all-the-difference-world?
  23. How much can you expect from a sleep deprieved 12 year old who spends most of his time staring blankly at the computer? Give me some credit. Rubbing together the few burnt out brain cells I have left to type on the computer is hard enough. But now you expect me to form coherent thoughts? Your sir, have crossed the line.
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