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Where will G5 be?

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Let's BS about where the next Geneforge game will be.


Looking at the first four games' trend, you move to more and more important regions with each game. You go from a barred island to a dead colony to a populous island colony to a considerable chunk of the main continent.


I'd say the final game will be located in the heart of shaper territory, and you may even get to face the shaper council itself.

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Or... You find out one of the original Shapers from the island isn't dead, but is alive and well and manipulating the Shaper Council to weaken their position, at the same time controlling the rebelion to satisfy their whims.


You also find out that he or she is working as an ally for the true superiour life forms, the Vlish.

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Mostly because there were so many noobish cries of "i bet the shapers evolved into those vatnahtnai things and the drakons into dragons and the clawbugs into chitraches after the shalli invaded and became the empire!!!" that everyone became disgusted with the idea.


As for another reason to hate the term Genevernum, Dikiyoba believes you should ask Delicious Vlish. You know, to get the entire horrifying effect.

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The Western Sea doesn't have to be impassable for a flat world. More likely it's large like the Pacific Ocean without enough islands or a continental region along the north that ships could follow. Given a long enough distance with nothing to see, most explorers will give up due to lack of supplies,

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I think it's reasonable to assume that the game will be set in either Western Terrestia (if the stalemate ending is selected), or the 'Other' continent (if the Rebels manage to overwhelm the Shapers in Terrestia')


I also wouldn't be surprised if the Sholai played a major part in GF5. If there is indeed a stalemate between the Shapers and their former slaves, there will most likely need to be an external factor to tip the balance. That external factor may just be the Sholai.


To be honest, if I was a Sholai, I wouldn't feel too comfortable about the Shaper Empire, even though they are across the sea. It's been constantly observed (even by the visiting Sholai diplomat in GF3), than the Shapers must control everything. It's inevitable that one day, if the Shapers regain control of their two land continents, they will begin planning for the assimilation of Sholai lands.




and you may even get to face the shaper council itself.

Why do you need to travel to the Western continent to face the Shaper Council? I'm quite sure that there is a Shaper Council on Terrestia. From memory, you meet them on Terrestia after finishing every game.
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Originally written by Suspicious Vlish:
From memory, you meet them on Terrestia after finishing every game.
The game does say that Terrestia is the less settled of the two continents, so it makes sense that the Shaper Council would be on the other one. The triad that you meet on Terrestia at the end of Geneforge 3 is not the council. Geneforge 2 says that you travel for many weeks to get to the capital. Since it doesn't mention a boat, perhaps the two continents are linked and not seperate islands like I made them in the map. I don't have a good Geneforge 1 save file, anyone care to refresh me in on the details of that ending?
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There you have it then. I think it is fairly safe to say that the Council does not live on Terrestia.


Visiting somewhere new would be nice, but I actually really like it when you visit the same places in game sequels, that's one thing I really liked about the Avernum series. So really, there is nowhere that Geneforge 5 could take place that would disapoint me.

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Here is what i think happened this just a small time line of what i think happened and what will happen. That in G1 you start from the other continent. Your an obyer all the way you are then rescued.Then arrive at the other continet and you get asigned to go with shanti to go and find zachary and barzite again you go with the shaper way. You then go to the ashen isles and go to the acadamy. You become a rebal and help litlia and blaze. Then you and greta and the other rebals go to to southforge to northforge again still a rebal.G5 however your a rebal at the begining but you are attacked by the shaper council and captured along with greta and litlaia you could ethier help the rebels and kill the council or vise versa but first you must get to the capital or get to the rebels city and help or kill thier leaders. thus at the end if you helped the rebels you gain control of the capitial if you helped the shapers then you and an armie kill all the rebels and reclaim the ashen isles but if you choose trakovite (i cant spell it) then you flee to the sholai island and get killed and the shapers and rebles have one big war. (long explaination laugh )

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in G4 i think that it was said that the area in G2 was nearby.

not sure about this would mean that the shaper council IS in terrestria since G2 never mentioned going through any sea routes...


and looking at the map(g5) it seems that terrestria has a sea in it center, i wonder what is in there


in the magus complex@ G2, Tuldaric captured an "infernal"??, wich was obviosly not of "this" world:

 	question = "It is done. Tuldaric is dead. Leave our lands, and neverreturn."; text1 = "_That is what I will do, tiny mortal. But not because youcommand me. Because I have no interest in staying._"; text2 = "The shadestretches his arms wide and roars. Fire shoots out from him in alldirections. The circle of runes tries in vain to hold him in. In moments, itbreaks. The shade is free."; text3 = "The shade looks at you, trying todecide if it is worth it to kill you. Then it remembers that you were strongenough to kill Tuldaric. _I suppose I will keep my word to you._"; text4 ="As you watch carefully, looking for signs of treachery, the shade casts aspell of strength on you. It is good to its oath. You become much stronger.Then the shade grins and bares its fangs."; text5 = "_At last, I leaveforever._ And with that, the shade disappears. No fanfare, smoke or magic.One moment it is there, the next it is not."; action = END_TALK; 	text1 ="You come face to face with the infernal creature. It looks at you hungrily,but it can't move from its circle. It wields in one hand a wand made ofbone."; text2 = "_Shaper, I will deal with you. I can help you. You can helpme._"; text5 = "The shade stares at you impatiently."; text1 = "_Thatfoolish Shaper is recreating living things, changing them, making them morecapable of performing mighty magics. He has had much success, thanks in partto me._"; text2 = "This is a serious crime. Shapers are totally forbiddenfrom dealing with demonic creatures.";
BUT most importantly:

"The specter laughs. _Fool. I am a master of my own realm. I have no interest in the ''''petty treasures'''' and miserable food this region offers me. Once Tuldaric is dead, as my vengeance demands, I want nothing but to leave._";


"petty treasure" this could mean that this demon?shade?'s world must have trasure and other things that make teh shapers seem... lets say ... PUNY

[edit:added sum stuff]


EDIT: Fixed pesky unwrapped text.

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I think we can take it as a given that demons and spirits and whatnot have their own realm.


Being two continents doesn't mean that you need to travel by boat between them. For instance they could be separated by mountains or by a narrow peninsular. Either way you could walk between them. GF2 is not particularly conclusive, it really just refers to a walk that takes several weeks:



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G5 will begin with the rebels finally laying seige to the Shaper Council. In a last ditch defense, the Shapers throw everything they have at the rebels, but it is to no avail, the rebels are too strong. Alone and tired, the shapers surrender.

Amazed, the new rulers arrest and imprison the shapers, unsure how to proceed. After all, who would have expected success? Many cried for swift revenge, but eventually calmer words were heard and it was decided to banish them forever.


They were thrown into the pit.


Now you get to play an exiled shaper! You are in a series of mines that descend deeply into the earth. Fight terrifying monsters! Search desperately for food that you can also create with a spell! Search for a new exit, for it is rumored that the tunnels and caves stretch under the ocean all the way to the lands of the Sholai and beyond!

(Available for Mac in early 2008)

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Interesting. The GF2 ending says that you 'reach the capital'. I think its reasonable to assume that Jeff means that capital of the continent you are currently on, otherwise he would have said 'You reach the capital on the other continent'.


Yes, I know its not conclusive, but I wouldn't assume that a Shaper Council doesn't exist in Terrestia. Just because its 'less settled' than the other continent doesn't mean that it can't be administrated.

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Not necessarily. Why should both continents have a capital? They're both part of the same state.


In the real world, continents have more than one state and more than one capital. With GF, we already have to make a leap of faith to assume that not just one, but two entire continents are part of a single state. It's not much of a further stretch to suppose that there is a single seat of power across the two continents.

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In G3, Akhari Blaze implies that the Council is on Terrestia: "It is time for you to go to Terrestia. It is time for our forces there to know what we have done. And for the Shaper Council to know that their cause is lost... Return to the mainland. Find Ghaldring. Find the Council. Tell them of the Geneforge."


G2 is more conclusive: "You stand on the road leading out of these mountains. It is but a three days' walk to the next city and a quick, easy journey from there to the Shaper Council." A boat might be involved, but changing continents could hardly be a "quick, easy journey".


The PC, on Mouawad: "The members of the Council rule the Shapers, and thus all Terrestia."

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Slarty has already address the issue, but I'd just like to make a few comments regarding Mica's statements:



Not necessarily. Why should both continents have a capital? They're both part of the same state.

The Shaper Empire isn't a nation state as we understand it today. The Shaper Empire is, well, an Empire. The Romans had an Eastern and Western Empire, each with its respective capital.



With GF, we already have to make a leap of faith to assume that not just one, but two entire continents are part of a single state.

Why? Why can't each continent have its own respective council? It's unrealistic for the Shaper Council on another continent to affect change on the other continent in a timely and efficient manner.



It's not much of a further stretch to suppose that there is a single seat of power across the two continents.

It's possible, I guess. But Slarty has pretty much conclusively demonstrated that at least one Shaper Council exists, and that it resides in Terrestia.
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Originally written by Emperor Tullegolar:
There you have it then. I think it is fairly safe to say that the Council does not live on Terrestia.

I got the impression that the council's seat of power was on Terrestia.

We haven't exactly heard about a lot of other islands/island chains/other continents. But, it was really neat to be able to visit Porypha and Dillame. I've been waiting since I heard about them in the end storylines of previous games.
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Originally written by Slarty 2.0:
G2 is more conclusive: "You stand on the road leading out of these mountains. It is but a three days' walk to the next city and a quick, easy journey from there to the Shaper Council." A boat might be involved, but changing continents could hardly be a "quick, easy journey".
Well, that just shows how inconsistent Jeff has been. One minute it's a quick, easy journey the next minute it's a long walk that takes several weeks. One minute Terrestia is the wilder and less settled of two continents, the next it's the seat of power of the Shaper Council.

Remind me, was Sulfras male or female?
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Originally written by Micawber:
One minute Terrestia is the wilder and less settled of two continents, the next it's the seat of power of the Shaper Council.
It could be both. Sometimes a capital is deliberately established in a neutral area for political reasons.
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Originally written by Slarty 2.0:
I haven't been able to find a single line from any of the games suggesting that Terrestia is the less settled Shaper land. G4 makes it clear that Eastern Terrestia is the less settled part of Terrestia, but there's nothing to suggest it's the Shaper equivalent of Valorim.
You should read the geography thread. Micawber brought up this screenshot:

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Originally written by Retlaw May:
Whoever made the argument including the Eastern and Western Roman Empires got it all wrong. By the time they were considered so, they had been legally split by the previous emperor and were, therefore, actually seperate states with two seperate emperors.
What about South Africa, then? It has three capital cities.
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How does haveing 3 captials increase its governing effectiveness? One possiblty I see is that their is one counicle that is distrubtied through out the empire for admistrative purposes and come together only to pass the most important decrees. So its possible for half the counicl based on the main continet and the other half on terrestria. This terristain half of council proably is proably in the western part. Since Alwan sought approval for launch his forces they have to be close enough for him to get their and back but not too close to the front.

The command abilty of a nation depends on its communcation abilties and its abilites to move resources and people. Which is why I like to see the shapers experiment with elcetricty with things other then attacks possible communcation. Imagine the advantage they gain agianst the rebels.(don't under estimate logstic abilty.

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