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Idea for Geneforge 6


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Here's my idea for geneforge6: You begin as a newly- shaped creation made by a shaper loyalest living alone in an infested forest. One day, the rebels come and kill the shaper who created you. Because they didn't see you, they loot the house and leave. Now you and your fellow rouge creations have to escape the forest alive! After a bit of wandering, you find a genforge. After using it you upgrade to a similar creation. Now with your bigger brain you can pick secs and help them conquer the world! With the help of more genforges of coarse...


And as always you get to choose your strengths and weaknesses:



-Shapeing = strong

-Magic = weak

-Flora-> Drake-> Drakon


-Magic = strong

-Battle = weak

-Artila-> Glahkk -> FireBolt*


-Battle = strong

-shapeing = weak

-Thald-> battle alpha -> War Trall


[size:8pt]I think changing gazer to firebolt wold me more fair to players; The gazer kills any thing that crosses it's path but up graded class 2 creations are probably about the same in power compared with class 1

AND gazers aren't related to glahkks; Glahkks are artias with legs (as far as I can see) and wingbolts are artilas with wings.


Aside from a story for the beginning, here are some other ideas:

-creation armor: fits creations with similar appearances

-creation inventory: different sizes for different creations ie. an ornk could have a large inventory

-some way to reload wands like batons (not making new ones all the time)

-the ability to make ornks and servies as a class of creations

-the ability to make turrets as a class of creation


I couldn't find a category for this so, if this is in the wrong place, I know. And I haven't played geneforge for a while so my spelling is probly way off. Unless the words are unreadable there's NO need for complaints because I know.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Originally Posted By: Arori4
A good way to connect Geneforge 5 and 6 is to make it the aftermath of the war, where people are hungry and starving, thieves and robbers have taken over as the shaper or rebel economy fails. Then someone needs to rise and bring order.


And that's you.


The opposite. You are a thief or robber trying to survive the purge of government, and you are one crazy little guy.

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Neb likes when he says ...After a bit of wandering you find a geneforge...heheheheh...Oh...



Anyway, even if there was a sixth one, Neb'd want one where you were a respected shaper for once. Instead of a peon apprentice or rouge creation. Even though Nebulan knows that it's easier to write a "Choose Your Own Adventure" book like that.

That is all.

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Originally Posted By: NovaDragon
Glahkks are artias with legs (as far as I can see)

i suggest convex lenses for shortsight.

if glahkks are artilas with legs, then artilas should be glaahks without legs, which doesn't make sense since removing a glaahk's legs won't make it spit acid.

so there. *with finality*

:- You see a drakon's mouth below its eyes :-

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Originally Posted By: Lifecrafterandnoobeditor
lol at convex lenses idea.... oh, and glaahks cant be legged artilas, because that would require a natural evolution from the artila stage to the glaahk stage, which isnt possible because they were both shaped.....

Plus, glaahks are way to cool to be related to artilas.

Actually, the loading screen in G4 says wingbolts were made using an artila design applied to a bat. In other words, the artila design modifies or modified an existing, normal animal. (It's uncertain whether you create a whole new mutant bat when you shape a wingbolt, or you go out looking for a bat and commit cruelty to animals upon it.)
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It makes sense that Jeff would create this one as his last.

With ever Geneforge game, with it's multiple ending options Jeff would have to decide which one would happen to set the story for the next one.


Geneforge 5 is set at the highest stakes. Choosing which one prevails would create mass discontent by eliminating either the Rebels or the Shapers or by creating two games which would suck for him.

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Originally Posted By: feo takahari
Actually, the loading screen in G4 says wingbolts were made using an artila design applied to a bat. In other words, the artila design modifies or modified an existing, normal animal. (It's uncertain whether you create a whole new mutant bat when you shape a wingbolt, or you go out looking for a bat and commit cruelty to animals upon it.)

No, it's the other way around. Wingbolts started as an artila with some bat genes mixed in.

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