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Updated Real Life Meetup Chart


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I've updated the SW real life meetup chart again. This is a chart showing all members who have met up in real life (and who can be connected to the existing clump in some way). You can see it here:




Corrections and additions are welcome and requested.


Colors mainly indicate the five primary clumps in the chart. Red outlines cover the Australians since that seemed relevant. Red lines indicate marriage. (Other romantic relationships are not shown here, though I believe there are eight (!) on the chart.) Dotted lines indicate people who didn't quite meet, but either saw each other from a distance or just know they were in the same room at the same time. (Sy/Rowen is squiggly because it's sort of a stretch even for that definition.) Green lines indicate that people knew each other in real life prior to in the community here, and that one member directly caused the other one to join. Blue lines indicate that people knew each other in real life prior to SW, but were surprised to meet here.


Previous threads about this topic:





For those of you counting the most connections, we currently have A TIE:


11 - Nico & Diki

9 - Aran

8 - Lilith & Tyran


6 - Marlenny, Rose, Iffy, Neb, Sy

5 - Actaeon, Slarty, Sarachim, Grimm

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She saw and recognized him, but he didn't see (or didn't recognize) her. It's possible that one of the other dotted lines (Alorael's, I think) should also have an arrow. Not sure.


wait wz.as was a lady?


lilith: wait really


nope. i guess that sounded more plausible than i intended compared to some of the actually true stuff i've told you lately huh

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Ah, I was slightly imprecise in my colored line description: they mean people knew each other in real life prior to joining -- thus, the green lines indicate that there was never actually a meetup of two unknown members. I don't remember date-wise if Rose technically joined SW after meeting Nalyd IRL, but she was certainly a part of the online community depicted in the chart long before meeting anyone, so I think it should stay black. Certainly an edge case, but in spirit I think it's more like the rest of the Refugi meetups than like Kel bringing his younger brother here.

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Cool, thanks.


Did you bring Feo here in some kind of passive sense?


(I apologize for being slippery -- but the goal here is really to make the chart's provision of information use meaningful distinctions; I don't think it's important in this circumstance to cleave to existing language if there's a better way to do it. Right now I'm wondering if "directly caused" is relevant or if it should just be "led in some way to".)

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Did you bring Feo here in some kind of passive sense?

Not that I was aware of at the time or am aware of now, but I don't know what his motivations were or what he had heard. I never said, "Hey, there are these games you should try!" or anything like that. Which is more or less what I did with Wizcozski.

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All my attempts at "hey, you should try these games" have more or less failed. Some have played a couple, but to the best of my knowledge none have stuck around here. Likewise, no one who made Refuge accounts for my RPGs seems inclined to hang around chat.


Looking at this chart, my first desire isn't to try to pass Diki in sheer numbers, but to connect some of those lobes a bit better– sort of like you and Nalyd did. So... Grimm? Eph? Sarachim? Meetup?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am likewise astounded that this information is still out there in the internet. I haven't played one of Jeff's games in years (I think — when was the avernum remake?), but still check these forums once every few months or so when I remember for some reason. I think the last time I was active on the forums was during the Northern Isle games. I created a new account since I don't remember the password for the old one, and apparently the email address I used was an old one I can't access anymore.


Setting the record straight:

I am male-bodied and cis by default (masculine pronouns, name, speech, and clothes/hair, but not otherwise attached to any particular "masculine" or "feminine" traits).


Sarachim and I went to the same high school (and overlapped), although we were not acquainted with one another.


I saw a picture of Drakefyre somewhere (earlier photo thread? facebook?) and then happened to see him on the street; I confirmed later that it was him, but I did not say hello at the time (it was a busy intersection).

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Obviously created to distance kids from would-be rapists and child abductors. It's still sad considering both the number of good people on the internet and the number of last ditch pleas for help in dealing with suicide and other crises where, for some, the internet is the last possibility for hope.

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I agree that's the intent. Pretty sure rapists and child abductors can get to you in real life, too, but perhaps the anonymity and broad access of the Internet causes kids to let their guard down by the time they meet them. As a decently paranoid adult, however, I tend to think one of y'all is no more likely to kill me if we meet at a restaurant than are the other patrons.

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Aleck, the graphic does not make a lot of sense to me either.


Actaeon, I think that is exactly it, some people build up feelings of trust to people that they have only met on the internet and then find out that people are not their internet personas. Of course on a lot of other websites, there are a lot of people that I never want to meet if they are anything like their internet personas.

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Actaeon, I think that is exactly it, some people build up feelings of trust to people that they have only met on the internet and then find out that people are not their internet personas. Of course on a lot of other websites, there are a lot of people that I never want to meet if they are anything like their internet personas.
This. And for me at least, it's not just an Internet/Real Life divide. I'll come across differently depending on what environment I'm in: public, workplace, school, family, friends, whatever. Typically people are surprised when they interact with me outside of the context they're used to seeing me in.


To be completely honest, if tomorrow I'm walking down the street and I happen to see someone from here, I'd just pretend I didn't see them and keep walking. 'Cause that's what I do with my Real Life acquaintances too. No offense, but I'm perfectly happy keeping every facet of my life separate and compartmentalized, thank you very much. :p

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  • 3 months later...

A newly updated version is available:




Tyran continues to strive for the top of the "most connections" list:


11 - Nico & Diki

10 - Tyran

9 - Aran

8 - Lilith

7 - Actaeon

6 - Marlenny, Sarachim, Rose, Iffy, Neb, Sy

5 - Slarty, Grimm

4 - Kel, Ash, Zeviz



As always, corrections and updates are welcome. (And the line between Kel and Wiz will be green in the next version; left that out by mistake here.)

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How do all of you know each other?

We're particular, quirky people who get along better with each other than folks in our immediate area. So, it's no surprise that a lot of us are friends separated by distance rather than strangers who happen to frequent the same internet forum.


Now that I think about it, since 2011, all of my friends are CR or SW members.

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How do all of you know each other?

Most of us met here. There are a few instances where people knew each other in real life first and came to this community independently (blue lines on the chart), and a few other instances where an existing member introduced someone they knew in real life to SW (green lines on the chart). I also have some real life friends whom I met through another member but are not themselves members here. It can get a little confusing sorting it all out.
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What the lines don't currently indicate (and perhaps should in the future) are that a lot of people actually have had enduring and significant real life relationships. Right now there is a red line for Marlenny and Ash's marriage, but there have been other long term couplings as well as long term flatmates.


I simply used the "marriage" cutoff before because I didn't want to share anything too personal. But perhaps if I instead use a single color for a generic category of long term or otherwise major real life interactions, that would be okay. Any opinions on that?

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I guess that I have always assumed a certain amount of geographical affinity on the chart with SF Bay Area, Denver and Australia hubs based on things that have come up on the boards. The marriage cutoff seems reasonable to me as in theory that is a more permanent state than room mates or dating. Of course curiosity would force me to try to figure out the relationships if you posted the data which would be a huge challenge considering the fluidity of the personal lives of many on the forum. I also think that not having the relationship data helps preserve a certain amount of privacy/anonymity. Of course since I am not on the meetup chart, my opinion is even more irrelevant than usual.

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What the lines don't currently indicate (and perhaps should in the future) are that a lot of people actually have had enduring and significant real life relationships. Right now there is a red line for Marlenny and Ash's marriage, but there have been other long term couplings as well as long term flatmates.


I simply used the "marriage" cutoff before because I didn't want to share anything too personal. But perhaps if I instead use a single color for a generic category of long term or otherwise major real life interactions, that would be okay. Any opinions on that?


I'd be fine with this. We'd have to come up with some ground rules for what does and does not qualify. Like, meeting someone for coffee a couple times doesn't count, but hanging out with them on a fairly regular basis for years does.

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I seem to remember from previous versions of this topic that the colors of the boxes had to do with various sub-groups (Aussies, Refugees, and a few others that I do not understand). As one uninitiated in the long history of the different versions of the SW boards, I would find the geographical data of where the meeting occurred a more interesting use of the colored box.

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Yeah, the colored boxes were just a loose visual organization for several clumps of people who were mostly or entirely discrete from the rest of the chart. Even now most of the connections between those clumps are through the PA meetup (the central green pentagram).


If I make such a switch, the boxes could instead be colored according to the same scheme and the person's geographic location.

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I would love to meet/hang out with more people from here, but I'm kind of stuck geographically. Realistically, I think I could probably only get to see Aran or Tridash fairly easily.


Edited by sylae
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