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Currently, I am enrolled in Guitar 1 as my elective these two semesters. I've learned a lot over them, but barley anything compared to what other people know. I only know the cords and one scale. I can play all but two songs and I buy pony stickers to put on my guitar and sparkly picks to make my self feel better about it. Is anyone else here learning to play an instrument, or already know how to? Has anyone publicly preformed a song? Also, what is your favorite kind of music? Mine is Pop.


2,350 posts. Hurrah. Fanfare and what not.

Edited by Trenton.
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Currently, I am enrolled in Guitar 1 as my elective these two semesters. I've learned a lot over them, but barley anything compared to what other people know. I only know the cords and one scale. I can play all but two songs and I buy pony stickers to put on my guitar and sparkly picks to make my self feel better about it. Is anyone else here learning to play an instrument, or already know how to? Has anyone publicly preformed a song? Also, what is your favorite kind of music? Mine is Pop.


2,350 posts. Hurrah. Fanfare and what not.


I've played a variety of instruments over the years, but the only one I'm any good at is the piano. I currently am in a pretty casual garage band where we jam around and try to come up with new (good) stuff.


I've also publicly performed, but at recitals. I've yet to do a concert, and I'm not particularly inclined to pursue that avenue. Music is a hobby for me, not a lifestyle or a potential career.


I like pretty much all types of music. Generally, when people say that, they immediately omit country and rap (at least in my experience) but I enjoy those as well. If I'm picking, though, I'll pick indie rock or techno, depending on my mood.

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I play recorder. To most Europeans this seems to elicit no surprise, and to Americans the instrument instantly conjures the plastic Yamaha instruments everyone plays poorly in elementary school. I've played at a few festivals and twice for church services (not my church!) but I've never performed solo or with a group in any setting but a bunch of amateur musicians getting together and playing.


—Alorael, who isn't even sure what else is available. For newer instruments there are community orchestras, but you can't play recorder in an orchestra. Somehow community chamber music is harder to come by. Maybe people get less excited about Telemann and Bach than Mozart and Beethoven.

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I bought a violin a few years ago with the intention of taking lessons.


.......never happened.


I don't usually do stuff like that (i.e. foolish impulse buys) but I was really depressed at the time and in grad school and suddenly, amidst a torrent of stress and other stuff I had to get done, got it into my head that I absolutely had to have a violin RIGHT NOW!


So, yeah, I obsessively researched the best ones to buy and got one off ebay.


It didn't make me any happier, but I do now have a really nice violin I can't play, so....that's something.


I guess in retrospect I should just be grateful that I wasn't overcome by a sudden irrational desire to buy a more impractical instrument, like a Tuba or a harpsichord or something.

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I played in band all through high-school and middle school. I concur with Harehunter, marching band was great. I played the snare, bass, and cymbals sometimes. I still jam with friends sometimes on a drum set.


My favourite type of music is mostly anything good... I have a slight tendancy toward Canadian folk music, but other than that I'm all over the board, excluding modern country music, jesus music, and that icky dubstep electronica stuff.

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I play recorder. To most Europeans this seems to elicit no surprise, and to Americans the instrument instantly conjures the plastic Yamaha instruments everyone plays poorly in elementary school.


i'd suggest calling it a fipple flute instead but that actually makes it sound even more ridiculous

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Fipple flutes are a family. All recorders are fipple flutes, but not all fipple flutes are recorders. I wouldn't want anyone to think I play the whistle; I get little enough respect as it is.


—Alorael, who would go with block flute if he wanted more dignity. Blockflöte has the benefit of being pretty recognizable and intriguingly foreign-sounding. His favorite, of course, is the Altblockflöte.

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Currently, I am enrolled in Guitar 1 as my elective these two semesters. I've learned a lot over them, but barley anything compared to what other people know. I only know the cords and one scale. I can play all but two songs and I buy pony stickers to put on my guitar and sparkly picks to make my self feel better about it. Is anyone else here learning to play an instrument, or already know how to? Has anyone publicly preformed a song? Also, what is your favorite kind of music? Mine is Pop.


2,350 posts. Hurrah. Fanfare and what not.


Trenton, guitar is a lot of fun. I took lessons a while back and it really paid off. Because of it, I just finished my rock cd with my brother and we just copyrighted it. It is on Itunes and we are waiting on getting the copies sent to our house. So you listen to pop, who is your favorite artist?

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I bought a violin a few years ago with the intention of taking lessons.


.......never happened.


I don't usually do stuff like that (i.e. foolish impulse buys) but I was really depressed at the time and in grad school and suddenly, amidst a torrent of stress and other stuff I had to get done, got it into my head that I absolutely had to have a violin RIGHT NOW!


When I was poorly medicated and having a manic episode, I decided I MUST become a rock musician! It was my DESTINY! I bought a cheap bass guitar (Fender Squier) and amplifier (Crate) ($300 for the whole setup including picks, extra strings, and electronic chromatic tuner, partly paid for by my mother as a gift), played it for a week, and realized I barely have the dexterity to... something I won't directly mention... nevermind play an instrument. I got two sonic works out of it ("Life In A Fish Tank" and "Mr. Q's Mindrape") but otherwise it was a waste of money. I've tried and failed to sell it, probably partly because in that same manic episode I put my Limozeen (fake hair metal band from Homestar Runner) sticker on it. I guess I'll see if my brother wants it, since he can actually play it (he taught himself on my guitar, scraping it up in the process, another reason why it won't sell.) At least then SOMEONE will get use out of it. I'll even sell it to him cheap. I don't think he wants it though.


As for what music I like, I like just about anything, including country and rap (not too much of those two, but a little bit), but I haven't been able to appreciate dubstep. I mostly prefer various forms of rock music, though.


My two favorite artists are The Beatles (and their solo/post Beatles careers) and They Might Be Giants tied in first, and after them my favorites are The Who, Rammstein, Fleetwood Mac, Nobuo Uematsu, Bad Religion, Billy Joel, Little Richard, Pink Floyd, and Queen, all tied in second.

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Trenton, guitar is a lot of fun. I took lessons a while back and it really paid off. Because of it, I just finished my rock cd with my brother and we just copyrighted it. It is on Itunes and we are waiting on getting the copies sent to our house. So you listen to pop, who is your favorite artist?


I like them all, not attracted to a single artist.

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Trenton, guitar is a lot of fun. I took lessons a while back and it really paid off. Because of it, I just finished my rock cd with my brother and we just copyrighted it. It is on Itunes and we are waiting on getting the copies sent to our house. So you listen to pop, who is your favorite artist?

sugarcube, you forgot to put up a link to it on iTunes so we could see it. Basic marketing 101, hun :)


expect my bill for consultations in your inbox shortly

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I play trumpet (was fairly active in high school and college, but now it's mostly just the occasional special church service), and am in the process of teaching myself piano and guitar. I also sing baritone and dabble a bit in composing and synthesizer.

The missus plays bari sax, but also owns an alto and soprano sax, which come out on occasion.


And Juan Carlo, my little brother plays tuba professionally. It's not that impractical :p


The Silent Assassin plays the mouse organ. And you like a fool. And "Courage Alone Will Not Save You", which grants two extra units when defending a citadel.
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Also, people putting stickers on their guitars makes me want to strangle babies.


...Why? Granted I've seen some stupid stickers, but it's not like it hurts the sound quality at all. People are free to express themselves, and we should keep a culture that allows for that expression - even if it's by stickers on guitars.

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When I was poorly medicated and having a manic episode, I decided I MUST become a rock musician! It was my DESTINY!




Well, in retrospect perhaps I was a bit manic, but like I said I usually don't do stuff like that which is why it sticks out as so strange.


It's a really nice violin, though, so I suppose I could sell it, but I like to keep it around as a humiliating badge of honor.


So when people come over and see it they can say "Oh, so you play."


Then I have to awkwardly say, "No, not really" and try to change the subject.


And Juan Carlo, my little brother plays tuba professionally. It's not that impractical :p



Well, I would imagine it depends entirely on how popular polka music is in your area. Around here it's INSANELY popular, so perhaps I bashed tubas too soon.


I just think they are such silly looking and sounding instruments, though.


There's pretty much no way to look cool while playing a tuba.


In fact, I'm pretty sure all tuba players are ruddy checked, over weight, alcoholic german guys (which, on second thought, I guess is kind of cool).

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As to music in general, though, I really love music---everything from oldtimey folk music, to hip hop, to opera. My all time favorite bands/artisits are probably The Magnetic Fields and Tom Waits, but I like all sorts of stuff.


2012, especially, has been a really good year for music so far.


My top 5 favorite albums so far this year:


Perfume Genius' "Put Yer Back N 2 It" (terrible name, awesome album. probably my faborite of the year):


Dirty Projectors' "Swing Low Magellan":


Xiu Xiu "Always":


Dan Deacon "America": www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpLsZ5cgQY0


Frank Ocean "Channel Orange": www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7HyAJAQuXc

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I have been playing the trombone for I guess 10 years. 8 of those were spent taking lessons. After that I stopped feeling the need and I must say that overall my interest in it has been waning. I have been playing in orchestras for the better part of those 10 years. Currently I'm part of a student orchestra from Delft (which means I have to travel to and from another city on mondays for rehearsals. Plus I dislike Delft). Currently we're performing Carmen together with various choirs, putting up an entire show with acting etc; so its a proper opera performance. It's all exciting and nice, but after 5 performances it does become pretty much a routine, which is a pity. After this we should start with Stravinsky's Petrushka though. Looking forward to that!


For the rest I like composing music (for full orchestra) now and then, though I haven't had time nor inspiration to produce anything. And I'm in a punk-ska band, which is quite awesome even if I haven't had any time lately to rehearse together with them...


As for my taste in music, I listen to a wide variety of music, though lately it has been concentrated on gamemusic and soundtracks, with classical music and bits Hurts and Muse coming through now and then too.


It's ncie to see so many people here playing an instrument, even if it was for a short while. I guess we could start our own orchestra :)

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sugarcube, you forgot to put up a link to it on iTunes so we could see it. Basic marketing 101, hun :)


expect my bill for consultations in your inbox shortly


Here's the link- https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/dkkb/id572538634?ign-mpt=uo%3D4


Do you take check? :)

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Unfortunately I can't get those samples to play, and I don't have iTunes, otherwise I would listen. Sorry. :(


Apparently it's verboten to promote yourself and your work where people who don't care can see it, but I have links to my Poetry pages in the Poetry thread, so I guess I can link to my Audio page here since people who come here will be looking for sonic artwork and discussion thereof, and I can supply that.


It features just about all my finished sonic art, some of which is music and some of which is not. There are descriptions on that page for each item, so you sort of know what you're getting into when you click on the links to the files. It's all extremely lo-fi with crappy synthesized instruments and crappier singing (on those tracks where I do sing, which I believe is three of them), but some people really dig the stuff for some reason. I don't really make any of this sort of thing anymore though. Too much effort for not enough payoff. Poetry's more my thing these days.

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