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Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba
Originally Posted By: Rowen got trolled while trolling
Milestone thread...yeah, thats what this was. Thanks everyone.


If it helps, Dikiyoba wasn't fooled. You are just a dirty, dirty spammer! (But then, aren't we all? Those of us who posted in this thread, anyway.)

If we spam any more we may have enough cans to sell to the public.
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HELLO STEP RIGHT UP! This is Trenton the Ex-Drakon, a registered salesman! Buy a game and get a can of spam for the price of two! Our newest offer! *A producer runs up*What? Uhuh...But then we would be losing money...The spam is free? What is wrong with you guys...? Sales increase? Bah! SCRATCH THAT! The Spam is free folks tongue enjoy it moochers.

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Originally Posted By: !NsFw = NOT SAFE FOR WOONA D:
I just noticed a poll option...


(I only picked it because it sounded funny at the time -.-)
I think it's probably fair to say that Rowan was not in his right mind when creating this poll. Whether or not he is ever in his right mind is up for debate. tongue
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In Barbados they call a certain kind of fish 'dolphin'. I can't seem to find out what the exact species is, but I've seen the whole creature, and it's really a fish, not a sea mammal. It just happens to have the same name as the cetacean, locally. It tastes pretty good. Bajans will earnestly inform you that it is 'not Flipper'.

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Originally Posted By: Actaeon
In the old days, there was often Dolphin in cans of tuna. Sometime in the 90's it became the cause of the moment and is now less of an issue.

Just because dolphins were killed as part of the bycatch (ie, everything else caught along with the target organism) doesn't mean they were actually processed and canned. Sheesh. (I assume bycatch from ocean fisheries is just dumped overboard for the scavengers to have, but I don't have any actual knowledge on the subject.)

Unfortunately, the cost of getting dolphins out of the bycatch is that now more sharks and sea turtles are part of the bycatch, which is not really an improvement. (Unless it was caught on a pole and line instead of a net, in which case you're good. Unless it's from a tuna stock that's being overharvested, in which case you aren't.)

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Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba
Just because dolphins were killed as part of the bycatch (ie, everything else caught along with the target organism) doesn't mean they were actually processed and canned. Sheesh. (I assume bycatch from ocean fisheries is just dumped overboard for the scavengers to have, but I don't have any actual knowledge on the subject.)

It depends. Some bycatch is discarded, but some is retained either to be sold as food or turned into bait or fish meal. It varies by both species and fishery.
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Originally Posted By: Rehctawthgin
Me too... When Halley's comet arrives (about 2060). But it might go at any date... When you're actively posting.
-Don't post something without actual sense. One is already enough, Nightwatcher

Is it coming again that soon? I might be lucky enough to barely be alive to see it a second time. Unless the first one I seen was a different one.
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