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Everything posted by Callie

  1. Iffy had a satellite board called The Roost for a short period of time. It died within a few months though.
  2. Battle of the Ritz -- The black ants, fueled by the victory against their red rivals, proceeded to colonize other yard tiles.
  3. The chemistry teacher I had during high school was a complete moron, and some of the students were also idiots. Long story short, I inhaled fumes from a reaction with concentrated sulfuric acid through my nose.
  4. Americans like to grind up leftover parts from hundred of cows and then slap it between two buns with plenty of fattening cheese, mayonnaise, etc. I don't eat fried food: I think it tastes gross.
  5. Callie

    Let it be known

    Ah yes, congratulations. I remember you having somewhere around 300 posts at one time.
  6. Callie

    Left Behind.

    Originally Posted By: Dantius The only thing funnier than quoting the Bible at Christans and watching them trip up is quoting the Constitution at Libertarians and watching them trip up. That would depend entirely on how you define "libertarian."
  7. Last year was unusually cool, and this year is turning out to be even cooler. I try not to go outside too much, otherwise my allergies will get hold of me.
  8. I finished in mid May, but nature apparently doesn't understand that it's summer time. It snowed last night, and the temperature has only been higher than 70 degrees for one day this month.
  9. Callie

    Left Behind.

    This guy predicted the world would end in 1994, so it's funny that anyone takes him seriously. Edit: Actually, it's funny that anyone takes any doomsayer seriously.
  10. Callie

    Osama is gone.

    Originally Posted By: Dintiridan Also, hands up everyone who only knows about Kamchatka from Risk. Plus Irkutsk, Yakutsk, and Ural. For some reason my most successful games involve me taking over Europe. Speaking of vocabulary, the Exile trilogy taught me "portcullis" and "exorbitant."
  11. Callie

    Osama is gone.

    I've played Civilization so much that I can identify a whole lot of cities that I wouldn't have known without it.
  12. Callie

    Osama is gone.

    There was no indication in that post that you were kidding.
  13. Callie

    Osama is gone.

    Originally Posted By: loyal servile of sasuke uchiha The empire in exile 2 didnt lose... Nope, the Empire definitely loses.
  14. According to the game they're training and whatnot.
  15. Callie

    Osama is gone.

    Getting a driver's license only meant that my mom made me shuttle my siblings around. I've never owned a car, so it's more practical as identification.
  16. IIRC, there really aren't a whole lot of sapphires, at least not enough to get rich anyway.
  17. Callie

    Osama is gone.

    9/11 caused a change in Bush's foreign policy, but I think it's a stretch to say that Osama Bin Laden was responsible for the Iraq War. The United States invaded Iraq out of its own free will, and was fully aware that it could lead to grave consequences. The deaths of Iraqi civilians were the result of bad government, not terrorism.
  18. It's finally spring here! Yellow tulips and one red-infused tulip. Grape Hyacinth Red tulips Yellowjacket Apple Blossoms Small pink flowers Plum blossoms Crab apple blossoms A bee! In mid-flight!
  19. I think Redbeard should be an extremely difficult fight, considering how he's supposedly the most powerful man in Avadon. If he could be killed in a matter of ten turns he wouldn't be so intimidating.
  20. Callie

    Osama is gone.

    Originally Posted By: Death Knight Im glad osama is dead. He was almost our time's version of hitler. They should've posted that death picture in every major city of the world. That would show people what happens when you decide to be a nutcase. It may be brutal, but being nice sure isnt working with these people. Hitler? Sure, Osama Bin Laden caused the deaths of many people, but the number certainly isn't in the millions.
  21. Callie

    avadon 2

    I was just thinking: If Jeff remakes X3, doesn't that mean he'll have to make a whole new set of surface graphics? Or is he going to recycle them from Geneforge?
  22. That image is stretching the page so you might want to shrink it a bit or link to it.
  23. Callie

    Osama is gone.

    Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Originally Posted By: Excalibur I don't mind gutting a fish, but I think it's weird that their organs twitch after being removed. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan The drive home after fishing is the worst. You've already killed the fish, but you can still hear them thrashing around in the bag. Uh... what kind of fish, and how do you kill them? I usually catch rainbow trout (which, admittedly, is probably closer to aquaculture than actual hunting) and then break their necks. They don't twitch or thrash after that. Dikiyoba also "hunts" any creature that is interesting but not awe-inspiring, foolish enough to come close, relatively defenseless, and likely to be caught and released without harm to it. Dikiyoba isn't any good at it, but at least garter snakes are even worse at escaping. I actually have no clue what kind of fish they are, because I am always with someone who knows what he's doing (and I don't). I caught those fish in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, and we kill them by beheading them.
  24. Callie

    Osama is gone.

    I fish every once in a while, but Nevada isn't the greatest place for it. I don't mind gutting a fish, but I think it's weird that their organs twitch after being removed.
  25. I used to obsessively scry everything but I've played the game so many times that I already know most of the relevant information.
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