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Everything posted by Callie

  1. Originally Posted By: Tirien Or you could be me and have eaten a fluffy turtle, thus losing any and all rights to sanity and cake. The cake is a lie anyways. So turtles must contain psychoactive substances then.
  2. 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. a 5. d 6. h 7. e 8. e 9. Cover the snare drum in glycerol. Rip the pages from the telephone book and plaster them over the drum. Stuff the novel notes into the pencil sharpener and place on top of the snare drum. Lay the bedsheets over the drum like a tent, and finally, hum "I Am the Walrus" under your breath. 10. Politely ask for the formula, and hand them all of the stuff you took with you. B. Simple, most trademark symbols are your good ol' bivalves.
  3. Callie

    Favorite RPG

    Originally Posted By: Duck in a Top Hat I've never actually played the original Fallouts. Are they worth it? Certainly, and they're pretty cheap now too.
  4. Originally Posted By: Karoka Back on topic, if you mix cornstarch and water you get a liquid that acts like a solid, in layman's terms. *squirms uncomfortably*
  5. Callie

    Favorite RPG

    How is the Exile series infamous? Edit: Oh, and BoX I guess.
  6. It's far north of Storm Port over the river. map
  7. I remember playing a game that had periodic rain and found it kind of annoying. If it's a real time RPG I guess it isn't so bad.
  8. Cornstarch in water and smoke are both examples of colloids. They're different kinds of colloids though: cornstarch in water is a sol and smoke is a solid aerosol. Edit: partial redundancy
  9. I currently live in Reno, Nevada and I live at my house in a small town when I'm not at college. The town I'm from is small, and although Reno isn't necessarily big (It styles itself "The Biggest Little City in the World"), it still qualifies as urban. Point in case, I don't see much difference between the kids. Of course, that's a terrible example because it's only two distinct areas, but there's my two bits.
  10. The ancient Greeks thought that people saw by emitting beams from their eyes. How else could you transmit holy energy of that sort? Land shark!
  11. IIRC, 9-volt batteries are at least $4 each, which will add up quickly. Even if you use rechargeable one, you're going to have to spend a whole lot of time charging them. Safari just suggested that I change "quickly" to "qucickly." FAIL!
  12. A blessing of the eye is not the same thing as blessing the eye.
  13. Yes, poisoned ones even. You can find one conveniently located in your mansion.
  14. Oh those good ol' days when people would get CANNED.
  15. Originally Posted By: Sarachim Quote: i don't even know if i'm any good, though...what's the benchmark of an average player? I've won on Transcend with every faction. Is that good? Yeah I've tried Transcend before, but I get frustrated with all the drones, and someone always beats me to the Human Genome Project. So I take the difficulty down a notch.
  16. Callie

    Three words?

    That might be a problem if you're using a mouse, but I never had any movement problems while using the keypad.
  17. Then why did attendance at anti-war protests decrease when Obama was elected, and especially among Democrats? ( Summary of study )
  18. Maybe "demonize" is too strong of a word. Some people at TEA Part rallies carry outrageous signs that are either racist, make Hitler comparisons, etc. News networks are businesses, and racisms and fascism are easy to sell. Racism is arguably only likely to occur among similar conservative movements, but Hitler comparisons are fairly common among any sufficiently angry group of protesters. I remember the media showing anti-war protestors with signs comparing Bush to Hitler, though the anti-war movement suddenly diminished when Obama became president. Admittedly, I never get news from Fox, and most of my impressions of the network come from Jon Stewart. So I really don't know most of what they cover.
  19. I plead the thir...I mean fifth!
  20. I would imagine the US would be able to quickly stamp out any revolutions that might arise.
  21. I don't like the TEA Party so much, seeing as to how they're socially conservative and would probably continue Bush/Obama-like foreign policy. Nonetheless, the media really seems to go out of its way to demonize it.
  22. Originally Posted By: Dantius i was expecting it to open with a g'day mate you disappoint my stereotypes of australians Americans get too many impressions from Outback Steakhouse commercials.
  23. I attempted to use a chainsaw once, but I weigh so little that I couldn't control it very well. If I ever need to cut a tree down or something I'll pay someone else to do it.
  24. The problem with all that population growth is that it has increased unemployment in the state.
  25. I'm skeptical of businesses/business owners when they donate money to charity. Maybe they're really doing for moral reasons, or maybe they're just buying a better public image.
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