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Everything posted by Callie

  1. Originally Posted By: Skwish-E Strap a 12-volt car battery to your back and now we're talking. Would you really want to carry around a box that's full of lead and sulfuric acid?
  2. I don't remember if it's ever made clear who Athron mated with, but there have to be more dragons somewhere in the Empire.
  3. The AP English test isn't based on literature, so there aren't really any books that would help with it. If you've ever read Brave New World that's a book that's both interesting and easy to write about. Does the culture have to be a present-day culture or can it be an ancient one?
  4. I see you mentioned character customization in there. It is a whole lot different from other Spiderweb games in that you only have four basic character skills. I do like the method in previous games, but the ability tree probably works well for most iPad players. Hopefully the level cap will be raised in the next game so we can further take advantage of the ability tree. Oh, and there is an iPad version but not an iPhone version.
  5. Callie


    Not high quality, drinkable quality.
  6. Scry Monster was an awesome spell. It's too bad NPCs like Erika wouldn't stay in your Beast Lore.
  7. John Locke, Thomas Jefferson, Baruch Spinoza, Suleiman the Magnificent, and Adam Smith.
  8. Callie


    I don't think I've had any vodka that's considered to be high quality. The problem is that the only way I can legally drink is if my parents give it me, so meh.
  9. I started a scenario a while back and abandoned it, but now with this pretty new editor and whatnot I've decided to take it up again. I figure if I post some pictures people can pester me and it will get done at some point. So, let there be screenshots: Note: I took most of these shots in the editor. There are two pictures in which the walls look crappy, but they're much better in-game. Wayside Inn - I've messed around a whole lot with lighting. Notice how the sides of the path are dark. Alien Gate - This will be an puzzle at some point. I have lighting effects with this one but I was too lazy to open the game up. The Watchtower - Most outdoor fights have their own unique fight-towns. I don't think the chickens will stay. Outside - I've made some modifications of the basic graphics. Villainy! - I got the floor graphics from Enraged Slith's site. Amdis - A friendly town Details: Outdoor sections: 3 Towns: 8 (3 friendly) Completion: Almost all of the designing is complete. About 1/3 of the scripting is done but dialog may take awhile. I want to submit it to the contest but I imagine I won't finish until November or so. It's not too big, but I have lots of homework.
  10. Out of curiosity, was the ability to change the size of the outdoors always there or is that new?
  11. Originally Posted By: Flame Fiend Originally Posted By: Niemand They're basically aluminum bubbles with a thin skin and only minimal structure So then why did the WTC fall so easily to it? A huge skyscraper like that falling that fast is just unbelievable. It's not like the towers were just a bunch of Jenga blocks (as one person put it). Our resident structural engineer already went over that and gave a very clear explanation.
  12. I guess that goes to show I shouldn't be using a five-year-old disk. Thank you! *happily hops over to SW's site* Edit: It turns out I was using version 1.1, which I imagine must be fairly old.
  13. Callie


    That's the problem: crap vodka gives me a headache regardless of how much sugar is in it. Vodka has to be of Smirnoff quality or higher for me to drink it. You can tell I'm kind of picky.
  14. Callie


    Letter is not the right term: letters form an alphabet. Character is what you're looking for. Edit: Sniped by the sniper!
  15. Callie


    Ewww Jell-O shots...nothing like swallowing a burning gelatinous substance.
  16. BoA no longer works on OS Lion, since Lion no longer supports PPC apps. You can run it with WineBottler but that's rather inconvenient. It actually annoys me to the point of playing it on my Windows partition.
  17. The Twin Towers were structurally sound buildings, but you usually don't take impacts from aircraft into consideration when designing a building. Or maybe I'm overlooking something...
  18. Originally Posted By: Tirien Personally, I think we should bring it up at the end of every month, maybe for just the mods/admins to see, or everyone, just so we can make fun of the spammiest. Perhaps we can present them with a can of spam as a reward. That was the problem with the aforementioned endeavor bot: it encouraged people to spam, particularly in the topics announcing monthly totals. Cthulhu was sent to consume the endeavor bot, thus ending the spaminess but this also lead to Cthulhu-worship.
  19. Callie

    A Riddle

    Clearly DB Cooper is the rightful hide and seek champion, even though he likely died.
  20. It's like Endeavour bot all over again, but in this case the monthly post totals are daily! +1 Originally Posted By: Tirien 292 posts in the last 30 days? Dang... There was someone who notably amassed fifty posts within a few hours.
  21. Originally Posted By: Dantius Originally Posted By: Harehunter PChem *curls up in a corner and cries* Meh, I'll have to take Physical Chemistry in the future. I've found that classes never live up to their hype--I'm in Organic Chemistry and it's not difficult. I've even been looking through the text book and understanding the content without too much reading.
  22. Originally Posted By: Dantius I, for one, never bought into the whole 9/11 mania. It's the best example in recent history of how irrational fear triumphed over logic and rationality, and it resulted in an incredibly disproportionate response that caused more damage and created a greater potential for harm to America than the event itself ever could. What can you say, Americans are gullible. To be fair to myself, I was eight years old, so exploding skyscrapers seemed like the worst thing you think of.
  23. I wouldn't be surprised that if Jeff suddenly began making the Windows version first some of us Mac users would throw a fit and not buy his games. With a lot of games the Windows version comes first, and if the Mac version even comes around it might end up being a poorly done port. The quality of a port kind of depends on who does it, though. I find that Aspyr doesn't do the greatest job.
  24. Originally Posted By: Cairo Jim I dunno about that. Even your football is wierd. Well Americans think your football is weird!
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