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Everything posted by Callie

  1. What kind of character builds are you using? The game is pretty open-ended so there are some places where your party will need to come back later when they're higher leveled.
  2. A lot of characters will talk about artifacts, but obtaining said artifact won't affect their dialogue. Changing dialogue to reflect that requires extra scripting, which means more time spent making the game.
  3. Power lash scrolls remain useful throughout the entire game (or anything that causes lightning status), in my opinion. I used Oozing wands liberally in the early part of the game.
  4. Originally Posted By: Vent The controls of the boat are also slightly unpleasant, not sure what's wrong, perhaps a lack of reactivity. Also the passage under the bridge seem disable coasting in places close to bridges where you could coast in Avernum, I haven't check. That said despite the minor glitch the boats are a great feature of Avernum, so of AEFTP. *nods* Not being able to dock your boat right next to a bridge is rather annoying, especially south of Formello. I didn't mind having a dialog like there was in it's predecessor.
  5. Callie

    Merry Vlishmas!

    On the fifth day of my exile, Tor Gunston gave to me Five comfrey roots, Four crude bucklers, Three poor helms, Two energy potions, And a stone knife in a cave tree.
  6. So how effective is the challenger trait? My tank has three levels of it, yet it seems that NPCs only attack him because I move him in front or they get caught in his zone of control. If my mage or priest decides to send a little fire and ice their way during the opening round, monsters will respond by swarming them like moths to a light bulb. It seems that most monsters still run under the basic "Who hit me?" script and that Challenger does little to override that. Is this a reasonable conclusion, or am I overlooking something?
  7. Bohman gives you the bandit raiders quest, not Ward Allison. (Mayor DeBry of Dharmon also gives you a bandit-related quest.)
  8. Getting knocked back by a large group of crocolisks is amusing. They even managed to knock my characters to the edge of the fight town.
  9. I have three finals on the 19th so I can't make it.
  10. Originally Posted By: Rowen I can only choose private viewing for the calendar. If there was a way to make it pubic then it could have a use for all the GM's to see when different campaigns have sessions and for the players to see it too. I'm not sure I want to know what a pubic calendar is.
  11. Originally Posted By: Sylae Didn't Aran or someone put their RL appointments and stuff in the calendar? Or am I prematurely becoming delusional? Also what the crap is the buddies list for, is it just one of those features I will never use. My impression is that it's for private messaging, kind of like an e-mail address book.
  12. The ignore feature is something that I had completely forgotten about. There's also a buddies list apparently...and even a calendar, which sits up there next to active topics for no apparent reason.
  13. I opened up Avernum the other day out of curiosity, and I would probably play through if it weren't for higher priority activities getting in the way. One note: I had forgotten how clunky Avernum's interface was. The edges of the party's view are black.
  14. I am sort of hoping that the game will come out on the 21st, since that's the last day I have finals. But at least that way a few bugs will be filed by the time I buy it.
  15. I don't know how I feel about the combination of music and walking noises at one point in the trailer. Epic walking? Steps of glory? Ministry of silly walks?
  16. She hasn't always been though. I remember Drakefyre being number two, but he's been inactive for a long time.
  17. I like it when the health bars can be turned off. Also, being able to see hp by looking at the NPC is nice too.
  18. I used to like the story in X3 the best when I was younger. Now I'd go with X2, which is quite a change because I haven't always liked X2.
  19. That's okay, as it turns out I wouldn't be able to make it on the fourth anyway, though you could have just gone on anyway without Tocmetone.
  20. Daaaaaaaaaang. (And since I am too lazy to look for a gif...)
  21. I have a group engineering case study due on December 5th. Hopefully my group and I will have it done by then, but if not we'll definitely need the weekend to complete it. So I can't promise I'll make it. I apologize for the inconvenience.
  22. Originally Posted By: Structualise THIS! Originally Posted By: Excalibur Modern Family.. I'm pretty close to not watching anymore - this season is just not nearly as funny as the second, and even that was very hit and miss. I agree that the second season was better. I guess I watch shows more out of habit than anything. Originally Posted By: Actaeon Originally Posted By: Excalibur ...I got the whole Lord of the Rings trilogy on DVD for six dollars. Theatrical or extended? Both: the DVDs let you choose.
  23. I don't watch nearly as much TV as I used to. The only shows I really watch on a regular basis are House, the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, and Modern Family. I sometimes watch SNL, Family Guy, or South Park. Also, for some reason I went along with my friends to go Black Friday shopping and I got the whole Lord of the Rings trilogy on DVD for six dollars.
  24. I had to think awhile about which feat I wanted to choose...until I remembered Tocmetone's drawn out fight with Caroline this session. Click to reveal.. (Tocmetone) Tocmetone "Shell Flower", L3 Female Paiute Rancher (Excalibur) STATUS: Healthy LOCATION: Present ATTRIBUTES: 3STR (+1)/4DEX/2PER/2INT HP [10+2S]: 10/10/16 (+2) AC [10+D]: 14+1 SPD [3+½D]: 5 Quick Draw – Switching weapons is a move action. First shot when negotiations break down. Weapon Proficiency (Melee) No -4 HIT penalty when using melee weapons SKILLS Athletics: 5 (+1) Forestry: 5 (+1) Gun Know.: 1 Observation: 5 (+1) Search: 1 Newly acquired items are in bold. Click to reveal.. (Inventory) Desert Eagle Pistol [5Dmg, -2HIT1H, 0/8 Large Caliber Rounds] 9mm Pistol [3 Dmg 9/10 small caliber] Small caliber clip [5/10] Hubcap shield [+2 AC forward] Compass Machete (3 dmg slash melee) Tomahawk x 2 (2 dmg slash melee or thrown) Leather Chaps [+1 AC] Leather Belt, Boots, Gloves Shirt & Jeans Cowboy Hat & Bandana Canteen [Empty] Whistle Leather Satchel SATCHEL Leather Saddle Question: Quick Draw says it gives a first shot when negotiations break down. When does that actually come into play?
  25. Want to learn how to critically kick someone in the face? Well then, this campaign is for you!
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