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Everything posted by Callie

  1. I'm going to go with the yellow one, because at least it has no visible tattoo on its rear end. Then again it has wings, so it's more of a pegasus than a pony.
  2. Excalibur glances sideways and places what's left of the bag by Tyranicus. He attempts to be discreet as he returns to his seat but fails miserably. Rosycat glares at him the entire time. He looks over at "Iffy". Excalibur: Well that depends on who the father is...
  3. Excalibur saunters back into the bus. So much sauntering! He pulls out the doggie back from his back pocket and eagerly opens it. Some blue motes of light fly out along with a strange blue turtle shell. It flies out the window and hurtles down the highway at an absurd speed. Inside the bag he finds some yak steak and several glasses of yak milk. Caledfwlch: Anyone want some yak? Iffy: Hey, what happened to your PDN? Caledfwlch: What do you mea...oh I see. He notices the blue motes of light doing a polka around his head. They do a conga line over to Actaeon. His typeset suddenly changes to Dvorak, then to German, then wingdings...what? It changes back to qwerty as they shuffle over to Iffy. His cupcakes suddenly burst into flames, but revert back to cupcakes as they move to their next victim. Excalfwlch: Well that was weird....Hey! One the motes of light continues to bounce around his head. Another mote rushes back and escorts it to the others. Excalibur: Whew!
  4. Avernum: Escape from the Plot, in which Jeff Vogel's mind is taken over by Michael Bay.
  5. Excalibur: Meh He sheathes his sword and saunters out of the bus to get take out. Excalibur: The stuff won't eat itself...or at least I hope not.
  6. Excalibur sits up abruptly. He's not particularly startled by the sudden change in location, because topic drift in a Spiderweb bus is expected. He quietly brandishes the brightly gleaming Excalibur and begins sharpening it, which is rather silly considering it's a magical sword. Satisfied, he pulls out a highly pressurized bottle of peppermint schnapps. Excalibur: Schnapps anybody? He sees Tyranicus' dead body and squirms. Excalibur: Wait, what? We're not having another death match...are we?
  7. Excalibur saunters down the road on his bike. He's not entirely sure if it's possible to saunter on a bicycle, but he manages. Some hot pink tulips catch his eye so he saunters up to take a big whiff. Except...uh... Excalibur: What the...? Oh well, looks pretty trippy! He loads his bike on the rack, saunters up the steps, and attempts to take a seat next to what appears to be a giant Cordelia doll. The doll promptly gives him a rude gesture so he saunters two rows back. Excalibur: Hey! Sitting over the wheel well is always fun! He dozes off. Impossibly sauntering is rather tiring after all.
  8. Quote: Which scenario is more exciting: Tales From the Tabard Inn or Emerald Mountain? The former! Quote: Which scenario gives you more nostalgia: Cresent Valley or Foul Hordes? Wait...what? Does not compute! ...and wow, I haven't played Blades in a while.
  9. Originally Posted By: Iffy Or perhaps we could, gasp, continue the use of controllers. Touch screens will likely become even more common for that purpose. Nintendo is already coming out with a hybrid touchscreen controller. It looks about as awkward as you'd expect it to be. Click to reveal.. (Warning: Spider!)
  10. Nothing can ever go wrong with a crack pairing generator! The perfect Spiderweb medley: memes, fireworks, and a little bit of paprika.
  11. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Or in Hulu's case, just more obnoxious advertisements. Hulu seems to think I'm a chic 25-year old woman in desperate need of cheaper car insurance. And yet, all I watch there is the Daily Show, the Simpsons, and sometimes House. On a completely unrelated note: It will be interesting to see the supreme court's ruling in Fox v. FCC.
  12. That's the nickname of Minecraft's creator.
  13. Sssstrrreeeeeeeeeeeccchhhhhh eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek! (But seriously, it's like Minecraft is engulfing my laptop ) Edit: Escape from the Pits? Is this game about a high school locker room?
  14. The tech industry can change so quickly that I don't think there's an accurate way of predicting where it will be ten years in the future. Maybe someday we'll all have a mind-machine interface and programmers will absent-mindedly upload improvements in their sleep, although that risks unintentional integration of fluffy turtles.
  15. Callie


    Originally Posted By: The best men are mysterious. Just goes to show how well the forum was coded... At least the new UBB doesn't have quite the same penchant as its predecessor for gobbling up threads and mysterious men.
  16. Getting rid of the start menu sounds like a terrible idea. That's been one of the most prominent features of the Windows operating system for as long as I remember. The whole set-up is certainly going to alienate some users, so I'd hate to be the one working in their marketing department!
  17. Originally Posted By: Sylae Yes, there are good cases where having a central authority to download stuff is good (apt-get, anybody?), but when you make that authority the only option, as Win8 and OSX are heading towards What exactly is Windows heading to anyway? The glimpses of Windows 8 I've seen make it look more like a puzzle game than a desktop.
  18. I find it unnerving how high I am up that list. I clearly don't remember the last time I had any sanity.
  19. I don't think OS X really looks all that much like iOS. Sure, Lion has it's oddly-named launchpad and mission control features, but I rarely use those. They're just two extra icons in the dock.
  20. This was the only April Fool's day joke that actually managed to fool me.
  21. "Chasing Pavements" is an interesting song choice to accompany an RPG. I generally don't play music while gaming, although every once in a while I play "Eye in the Sky" by Alan Parsons Project while playing Avadon.
  22. Callie


    Safari simply displays a round portal or celestial body of some sort in a single frame.
  23. I sense copious amounts of stealth editing! Someone get the photon packs!
  24. Callie


    So is the website's layout supposed to different depending on the browsers? I'm too lazy to download another browser or switch over to my Windows partition to see.
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