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Everything posted by Callie

  1. Callie


    I was a bit surprised when I saw your post count as 1000 and no corresponding thread. Now I know better. Congratulations!
  2. The zipper thing they had the other day was pretty awesome too.
  3. I'm glad we could make a good first impression.
  4. It turns out Gingrich won't stay in the race.
  5. Excalibur places himself in front of the bus. He draws his sword from its scabbard and grins as it lets out a blinding flash of light. Excalibur: I think I'm a bit too obvious so I'll stay here and stand guard. You never know what might come trailing back form Desp. He slashes at an imaginary variation of Point B.
  6. It was really sad when Maxis became subsidiary of EA. They'd better keep their hands off our GIFTS.
  7. 1. Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri 2. Civilization IV 3. Fallout 4. Avernum 2 or BoX 5. EV Nova I've spent so much time playing the first two that it's not even funny. When I was little I'd play a lot of SimAnt, SimLife, and SimCity so they deserve some mention.
  8. Excalibur wanders out of the bus and finds a Scorpius topic. He rushes in only to find a serious topic about crystal souls. Excalibur: Wait, there was a sane Scorpius once? ...he was a mod! Excalibur pokes around the Ikonboard before heading over to the Misc. forums. Excalibur: Hey, I remember the forums looking like this. Who's this Shotts person? He seems worse than TM! He attempts to walk into a topic about Shotts but is deflected by a force field. He moves to a topic about dividing spiderwebbers into social classes instead. Then he stumbles into what appears to be an OS flame war but another force field deflects him.
  9. Excalibur unsheathes his eponymous sword and dices the potatoes. Have you ever seen someone use a magical weapon as a kitchen utensil? Well... don't. You'll feel sorry for the person. It doesn't break the fourth wall very well either.
  10. Callie


    Originally Posted By: Lilith Originally Posted By: Excalibur Yeah, although it was still a bit problematic. Some players were friends off-forum, and you could basically gauge who was who by intently watching the Who's Online list. Or by writing style, which is harder to disguise than you might think, as that one forum game where I guessed absolutely everyone's identity showed. I tried to circumvent this by copying other people's writing from previous PMs (because I never deleted them). All that did was prevent anyone from trusting me.
  11. Callie


    Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S I believe *i tried that in the 2 most recent Northern Isles games. Yeah, although it was still a bit problematic. Some players were friends off-forum, and you could basically gauge who was who by intently watching the Who's Online list.
  12. Callie


    Yeah I think polling in the old UBB system was arguably better. Then again, it's been awhile.
  13. Callie


    I'm guessing Game 2 Germany isn't totally sure what Draw means. I understood the interface quickly but was confused initially about support orders. I must have missed the part that said you can't support hold a unit if it attempts to move (I had thought it support holds the unit on the condition that said unit's move order fails.)
  14. Callie


    Originally Posted By: Lilith Originally Posted By: Harehunter Why are glasses (either kind) considered masculine? Chair is masculine, knife is feminine, fork is masculine. Gender applies to all objects. By the way, it's believed that grammatical gender began as a way of marking the distinction between living things and inanimate objects, and evolved into its current bizarre state through linguistic drift. So is this why some body parts you'd think would be feminine are actually masculine?
  15. Callie


    You should know that dantii are not easily removed from iPods!
  16. Callie


    People who read those are generally more educated to begin with (I don't like the New York Times, though). But that's only a relatively small segment of the media. The problem is those network news organizations like CNN, FOX, MSNBC, etc.
  17. Callie


    Originally Posted By: Illegal Furniture I think we can pretty much all agree that a robust media with high professional standards is an important component of a healthy democracy. Professional standards in the media? What kind of chicanery is this?
  18. Callie


    To avoid confusion I am "dopeybirdofprey". "Excalibur" was taken, unsurprisingly.
  19. I recognize people by their registration date. I remember that for some strange reason.
  20. Callie


    The government should take care of the terrible, terrible primary education system first.
  21. Excalibur looks at one of the VHS tapes: "Be Kind, Rewind." Excalibur: Heh, and to think the ol' Blockbuster in my hometown is an attorney's office now. He rewinds the VHS tape with his finger and takes a long swig of schnapps.
  22. Whenever I see baby rabbits they are in the mouth of my brother's dog. It makes a point of digging up rabbit burrows. Anyway, members of the Corvid family take the cake with just about any animal question.
  23. Originally Posted By: Trenton the Crazed Twilight Teen one of those things that have about six plugs on a single thing, that you plug into a plug slot in the wall, to increase the number of things you can plug in there. That's a long-winded way of referring to a power strip.
  24. Oooh, how much wasted time is required for a portal?
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