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Everything posted by Callie

  1. You can get to the body. I don't remember how, but it should be noted that the only loot you get is an iron spear, 26 coins, and a wand of Carrunos.
  2. Originally Posted By: Trenton the Crazed Twilight Teen Wow. The topic drifted from embarrassing moments to movies in under 20 posts? That's a first in the time I have joined. Its almost as if someone WANTED to change the topic... Surely there have been other instances of topic drift in the past two years!
  3. I started with E3, but I haven't played recently enough to make a real comparison. I went with Avernum/BoA as my favorite because it's the one I ultimately became more familiar with.
  4. Jeff will probably release Avadon 2 next, followed by a remake of Avernum 2, then Avadon 3, then a remake of Avernum 3.
  5. Once again Excalibur looks out the window in fascination. He sees Windows 3.1, a slough of BoE scenarios, satellite forums, an old website layout, and a plethora of other things he was not familiar with. He spends the next few hours taking it all in. Excalibur: Ooooooohh. Thank Slarty!
  6. I went to vote but everything was apparently reset. Oh well.
  7. Excalibur responds to the request for partying by hooking up "Take a Chance on Me" to the speakers. Excalibur: Abba for the win!
  8. Originally Posted By: Goldenking Originally Posted By: Sylae It's pretty awkward to get a text randomly that says "I am breaking up with you." That could have been worse. I've heard of situations in which people have gotten long, complicated (often spiteful and emotional) break up texts from unknown numbers. Now that is awkward. I made the mistake of getting a refurbished phone, so I'd get a lot of texts addressed to a "jake." I think "jake" was a drug dealer. When I told people they had the wrong number they'd try to argue with me about it.
  9. Callie


    Originally Posted By: Actaeon Originally Posted By: Harehunter I have Johann Sebastian, but I left him Bach at the house. That's worse than the one you moved to the pun thread! I thought the first pun in his post was quite funny, though. They ultimately balance each other out.
  10. Admittedly, I only read the first paragraph from that page and quickly became bored. It should have been apparent that the test itself is fairly loaded, though. (Why the hell is astrology in there? I'm pretty sure there are fundamentalist right-wing Christians who don't believe in astrology) It still spits out a fairly agreeable result though, which is the only reason I ever refer to it.
  11. Originally Posted By: Goldenking Obama's not too bad, but he's too centrist/right for my tastes. I don't know where he falls on the political compass, but I'd guess it's not even in the same quadrant as me. Almost all US politicians fall in the upper right quadrant, including the president. (In fact, the Political Compass site ranks him as only slightly more left-wing than Romney. President Obama is significantly more right-wing than Candidate Obama. )
  12. Yeah, time to abuse the "None of These Candidates" option again.
  13. Looks great! Why does your dude look like he's in the wall though?
  14. Excalibur looks over at MMXPERT. Excalibur: Hey MMXPERT, is that Wolfenstein? Excalibur waves his arms around as if he's killing zombie nazis.
  15. My second best friend in high school was in choir with me all four years. During senior year he decided to date one of the altos. Except, she wasn't just anyone. She was a sophomore and came from a very conservative, prominent Mormon family. She was also one of my sister's closest friends. Her father was the ESL teacher at the high school, and he did not approve of the relationship at all (he didn't allow his children to date, period). Her mother was one of my mom's coworkers and one of her closest friends. You can see where this is going. I'd try not to smirk when I'd see them together, because sometimes they were oddly...affectionate. One day in choir our music teacher had to get the soprano part into line. That meant everyone else wasn't doing anything. My friend goes to the bathroom, and since the other three basses were gone that day I was sitting alone. She walks over and sits next to me, and suddenly her hand is wayyyyyyy too far up my leg to be considered "friendly." She starts asking about my day while, um... Meanwhile there's one thought going through my head: Red Flag!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. There are some things wheels can't do. For everything else in life there's bicycles. There's a forested mountain by my house which I hike in the summer. It's about ten miles to the peak. I'd ride my mountain bike but the last two miles cannot be feasibly crossed with a bike due to the thick shrubbery and lack of a trail. I could leave my bike where the road ends but I'd rather not.
  17. Excalibur looks out the window in awe as he sees the "information highway of love" pass by. A passing modem nearly hits the bus and startles him. Excalibur: September 1993? I couldn't even walk then! He makes a point of walking by joining in the dancing. He takes a gulp of his peppermint schnapps a passes it around the bus.
  18. I just went on to Netflix and was startled by the presence of My Little Pony in the top TV shows suggestions... ...apparently a browser history having the word "pony" in a forum topic is enough for it to discern that kind of thing. Eek!!!
  19. Excalibur: Someone get the stake and garlic!
  20. Callie


    Originally Posted By: Actaeon If you chose more than a quarter of the options, in what sense are they favorites? (Also, Iffy has brought to my attention the absence of "metal". I apologize for the omission.) If I think of favorite books/movies/shows then there's a lot of overlap, so there's no way I can really pick just three and have that reflect my tastes. As far as music goes there's only a handful of musical genres I don't like, and I don't necessarily prefer one over the other.
  21. Callie


    I only get to pick three? I don't think the genres provided are distinct enough to choose an accurate preference.
  22. Originally Posted By: Goldenking Is it just me, or does the blue one (Rainbow Dash?) have an extra leg in the picture? It's a wing, apparently.
  23. Originally Posted By: Iffy Originally Posted By: Excalibur I'm going to go with the yellow one, because at least it has no visible tattoo on its rear end. You don't even know what cutie marks are. Why hate them? I ride a real horse! *calls for Rocinante* *charges at wind turbines*
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