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Everything posted by Callie

  1. I somehow cut myself with an electric razor...with a straight razor it's just terrible. Plus, I don't see the point of a close shave when my facial hair grows out so quickly.
  2. Callie

    Troy Davis

    Actually, when I worked over the summer I did clean grosser things out of urinals...certain bodily fluids.
  3. When I was little I used to collect rocks and smash them to see the quartz veins inside. Now I collect coins. I even have some 500+ year old Japanese Shogun coins. They're only worth like $10 each, though.
  4. There are some uranium bars in a secret area. If you carry them in your inventory for too long you get diseased.
  5. Callie

    Troy Davis

    I worked for the city over the summer. For the first month part of my job was to clean up the city parks in the morning. I had to pick up all of the trash, empty trash cans as needed, check the bathrooms and restock toilet paper, in addition to spraying some air freshener. I spent half my time at the parks picking up cigarette butts. It's not like most other trash which sits on top of the grass (ie. plastic). If they get soggy (from sprinklers) they fall apart and look like globs of mucous. In other words, I really, really, really don't appreciate it when people throw cigarette butts on the ground.
  6. It also had radioactive material in it and ambushing demons. It's the downside of inhabiting human ruins.
  7. Callie

    Troy Davis

    That goes to show how addictive nicotine is. A lot of people can't simply quit cold turkey.
  8. Meh, I had beard and a bit of a mustache two years ago. I grew it to twice the length shown in this picture, at which point I grew tired of it and shaved. Keeps your face warm, at least. Click to reveal..
  9. Callie

    Troy Davis

    I don't have asthma, but I have asthmatic responses to many colognes and perfumes. Kind of odd, and I have the same kind of response when I walk into a craft store. Originally Posted By: Stugri-La You know, upon further consideration, I'll change my answer to 3c/d/g. I don't think any ban ought to take the public health cost into account, as luxury taxes on cigarettes seem designed to cover this cost. Besides, many smokers are quite affluent and can afford to pay higher premiums to get health insurance. I don't think most smokers are affluent, though. In fact, most of the regular smokers I know are in the lower income brackets.
  10. Callie

    Troy Davis

    1, unless you're defining "public" as being government-operated.
  11. I personally think that most of Disney's good movies in the past decade were made in association with Pixar. The first Pirates of the Caribbean was OK, but I found the sequels to be boring.
  12. I guess an authoritarian regime would expect you to adopt that kind of thinking so you're more likely to forget all the negative aspects of said regime. I'm not sure if that's what they're getting at, but I'm pretty sure it affects your authoritarian/libertarian score.
  13. Steel-tipped arrows fired from atop a tower easily have enough velocity to penetrate metal armor. Gravity sometimes works in your favor.
  14. I'm going to conveniently copy the movies I have listed on my Facebook profile. They're sort of in order, although 2001 is definitely my favorite film. 2001: A Space Odyssey The Silence of the Lambs Taxi Driver Full Metal Jacket The Sound of Music Schindler's List Gone With the Wind Pulp Fiction Turtles Can Fly Contact Winter's Bone Forrest Gump It's a Wonderful Life A Clockwork Orange Fiddler on the Roof Casablanca The Killing Fields Blade Runner Monty Python and the Holy Grail
  15. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Originally Posted By: Excalibur I don't have lunch, Fascist! Dikiyoba. I had a difficult time taking over the world when I was giving everyone three meals a day. Propaganda doesn't work very well at lunchtime!
  16. Callie

    Troy Davis

    Originally Posted By: Lt. Sullust Originally Posted By: Stugri-La In most cases, people that overindulge will only be endangering their own health and lives. If someone cannot enjoy himself responsibly, I feel that it's his own lookout. If someone fails to respect the power of a substance and overdoses or suffers a fatal accident, I don't see why his own tragic lack of good judgement should prohibit me from enjoying whatever I wish in a responsible manner. What happens when it's not fatal and they don't have the money to cover their own medical expenses? Someone has to pay... The same way it happens currently, which is granted, not terribly great, but legalizing a drug isn't going to cause a sudden spike in traffic accidents.
  17. I would imagine if you added a religion axis you would still have a rather crowded octant. Originally Posted By: Flame Fiend Originally Posted By: Dantius map *Looks at Excalibur in the bottom-right corner* Do you sit by yourself at lunch? I don't have lunch, unless you count coffee as lunch. Quite frankly, being in that position means I can agree with almost anybody on at least a few political issues. I'm not sure why you would equate that with being a social outcast.
  18. Callie

    Troy Davis

    On a related note... linky
  19. Economic Left/Right: 8.88 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -8.21 I resign to my corner once again! Edit: Huh, apparently it has a crowd chart feature, but it's rather messy.
  20. Callie

    Troy Davis

    Originally Posted By: Dantius Take sex offenders. They show among the lowest recidivism rate of any convicts, yet are the most heavily punished even after their conviction- but the split second you talk about maybe not publicly making all their information available and forcing them to "register" (seriously, why not just make them wear patches on their jacket if you're going that far), making it almost impossible for them to work or be integrated members of society, people look at you like you're one. Plus, some sex offenders aren't even sex offenders. It might just be a 19-year-old guy who had consensual sex with a 17-year-old girl. "Statutory Rape"
  21. In Exile it's possible to summon vampires who end up summoning other vampires. I don't think Geneforge creatures can do that.
  22. Callie

    Troy Davis

    Originally Posted By: Arancaytrus Originally Posted By: Darth Ernie to tell you the truth, I have always felt that life in prison without parole is more immoral than the death penalty. speaking for myself i would much rather a quick end than being in prison for all of eternity I'd be all for people being allowed to opt out of life with dignity, whether or not they are sentenced to life in prison. However, when you speak of your own personal preference, you implicitly assert the right to choose. Yeah, I personally don't support the death penalty but wouldn't be personally opposed to offering assisted suicide. That would end up being even more problematic than capital punishment though, so it wouldn't be practical.
  23. Don Quixote is an awesome book but it's also really long, so maybe not the best choice if you're busy.
  24. Callie


    Ethyl alcohol can also be used as rubbing alcohol.
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