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Everything posted by Callie

  1. For some reason both Mac and Windows have a shortcut to invert the color on the screen, though if you take a screenshot it won't save as inverted. Mac: Ctrl+alt+command+8 (not the keypad) Windows: Ctrl+alt+i
  2. After googling for over an hour, I could not find any recently updated breakdown of forces involved in the operation. In fact, the most recent one I could find was from May. Reading through NATO's media updates for Operation Unified Protector only list the number of sorties and whatnot, but do now specify which country did what. So unless someone can find a more recent article, Dantius and I don't have a discussion. Note: NATO officially took over command of the operation on March 25.
  3. Even though many of the ships, aircraft, and military personnell involved in the operation are French and British, the US contributes a significantly greater portion of NATO's budget than any other member state. I highly doubt French and British money is funding most of the effort.
  4. The interim government in Egypt hasn't seemed to progressed that much, and people are getting disappointed. I would not be surprised if a similar situation happened in Libya, especially since the US (disguising itself as NATO) intervened in the situation. After all, we don't know a whole lot about the rebel leaders. Sure we're under the impression that they want to institute a better government, but that doesn't mean it will happen. Additionally I would never trust any sort of interventionist military action the United States participates in. Look at the Contras. Look at the Mujahideen. Look at Iraq. Look at Lebanon, etc., etc., etc. Heck, the US once assassinated the leader of Chile, and it was even allied with Hosni Mubarak's government. But, I should probably mention that I was opposed to any intervention in the first place, and strongly agree with politicians like Dennis Kucinich on the issue.
  5. Originally Posted By: Dantius Perhaps you're predisposed to agree with people who have sideways avatars with inverted colors? Shhhhhh...the politicians might get ideas. Nooooooooooooooooo! (Oddly, when I googled "David Cameron side profile" one of the first results was a diagram of a prostate exam)
  6. I don't know why, but this thread is giving me an odd compulsion to hug a cardboard cutout of John Maynard Keynes.
  7. Oh wow, 3000 posts already! I feel special.
  8. The 3D graphing on the TI-89 is indeed quite useless. I don't find the wireframe to be too annoying, but having to manually change the angle you're viewing from is a pain.
  9. 207. The Numbers Cannot Try the Cause - Knee-jerk Protestant boots? --Numbers is a book in the Bible, and if "boots" is a verb in this context it could refer to booting someone out of a conversation or whatnot. 220. Cloudy Heavens - Lo-fi Python narration? --If Python refers to Monty Python and the Holy Grail this makes sense, as God speaks to the knights from cloudy heavens. 229. Disambiguation Cage - Twiggypedia? --Wikipedia is full of disambiguations, and I'm guessing "Twiggy" is some sort of reference I'm not familiar with. 240. Base Quylthulg - Shift made in recognition of a forum logic puzzle --The PDN reminds of the description for the Subterra forum which was ultimately removed.
  10. I started with English language and got to philosophy, and Science was in there too. Description is the second link when I view the page for knowledge. English Language -> West Germanic Language -> Germanic -> Indo-European -> Language Family -> Language -> Human -> Extant Taxon -> Biology -> Natural Science -> Science -> Knowledge -> Fact -> Information -> Order Theory -> Mathematics -> Quantity -> Property (philosophy) -> Modern Philosophy -> Philosophy --Continues to play around with Wikipedia
  11. Out of curiosity, has anyone tried playing BoA scenarios with this? I'm assuming you'd have to use the Windows versions of the scenarios.
  12. Oooh we get a discount for having purchased the original trilogy. Edit: Am I the only one who thinks that map is an eyesore?
  13. I play Civ V through Steam and it's working fine with Lion. On the other hand, the first Avernum trilogy does not work: It says "Power PC applications are no longer supported." EV Nova works fine, along with Spore and Civ IV. I think the problem is that Lion got rid of Rosetta Stone, which was how I could play the first trilogy in the first place. Edit: Tyranicus has a fix for said problem.
  14. 60. Stop in the Name - 16-bit theme song The PDN has 16 characters and sounds like "Stop in the Name of Love," but I don't think it's been used as a theme song to anything.
  15. 83. Quid Pourquoi - I really have no idea what I was going for with this one 96. Slarty a une appendicite! - Preparing to spill out its contents 117. The End of Slartifier - Temporary Darkside Witch Hunt result 83 and 96 are more or less guesses. 117 makes sense since you left temporarily because of the Witch Hunt.
  16. Especially if they weigh the same as a duck.
  17. Callie


    Link So would you agree or disagree that search engines like Google affect your memory?
  18. The controls in CoD annoy me. I played Halo sometimes with my roommate, but most of the time I sniped people or killed people with armor lock. (Killing people with armor lock is very amusing)
  19. 1. Describe your perfect sandwich. Potato bread with mustard (sometimes Dijon), onion, thinly sliced ham, Tillamook sharp cheddar, genoa salami, and whatever I choose to grab from the spice cabinet. Also, I really like Subway's Italian BMT on Italian bread. 2. What is your favorite filling or condiment? Mustard 3. What is your least favorite filling or condiment? Mayonnaise 4. How often do you eat sandwiches? 4-5 times a week 5. Have you ever found something really horrible in a sandwich? Mayonnaise 6.If you could only eat one type of sandwich for the rest of your life, what would it be? Italian BMT, I guess 7. White or wheat? Wheat 8. Jelly or jam? Jam 9. Pickles or onions? Onion 10. Cheddar or Swiss? Cheddar 11. Grilled or toasted? Grilled 12. Explain why sandwiches are better than wraps. Wraps are far messier and more difficult to fit into the mouth. 13. Explain why wraps are better than sandwiches. Blasphemy! 14. Is an open-face sandwich an actual sandwich? Why or why not? I plead the fifth!
  20. Callie

    Independence Day

    On the note of independence, South Sudan formally declared its independence from Sudan today.
  21. Suspicious? Yes. Guilty beyond a reasonable doubt? Well... ...the media's fixation with stuff like this gets annoying, I think. Edit: @Dantius - this case was about the apparent murder of a two-year-old.
  22. Callie

    Independence Day

    Originally Posted By: Lilith Yeah, it's kind of funny that they headline it with a minority of people not knowing the exact date, and give less attention to the more significant issue that almost as many people don't know who you guys declared independence from touché The Star Spangled Banner lacks any memorable aspects in my opinion, so much so that I accidentally say "that my hair's too short" instead of "by the dawn's early light."
  23. I dunno, Chairman of the Council on Jobs and Competitiveness sounds like a fancy title in a way.
  24. I found this poll rather shocking. I would question the legitimacy of the poll, but heck, look at how many people think the POTUS is muslim.
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