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Everything posted by Callie

  1. Ooh-oh Protective Circle. In my opinion that spell is pretty much useless.
  2. That's Spray Fields, but I thought that was mage spell, not a priest spell.
  3. Callie

    Osama is gone.

    Originally Posted By: loyal servile of sasuke uchiha If your going to hunt an animal you might as well kill it instantly in the heart or brain or somthing so that they dont have to suffer. Usually that's what hunters try to do, but nobody has perfect aim. Inflicting a grievous wound allows the hunter to follow the animal and finish it off.
  4. Originally Posted By: loyal servile of sasuke uchiha What does Pestilence do? i cant check because i deleted all my Spiderweb games to make Avadon run faster. It diseases everyone in the target range, causing them to take damage over a number of rounds.
  5. Not all monsters are positioned in a way that makes it convenient to use pestilence. It really does come in handy in places like the Golddale mines, but shockwave is better in open combat because you don't have to wait for it to take effect.
  6. Callie

    Osama is gone.

    Originally Posted By: Alorael Why are hollow points it more likely to maim humans but more likely to kill animals? That seems funny to me. We're all the same meat, basically. When humans are shot they are generally taken to a hospital, unlike game animals which are left to die.
  7. Originally Posted By: loyal servile of sasuke uchiha Dont you get it on the island in upper exile in exile three from that creepy lady?P You can buy knowledge brews from her, but it's not where you get the actual recipe.
  8. Eh, I find that greatswords and halberds can do fairly decent damage, but I agree that dual wielding is still epic. I never found archery to be useful, even though you could somehow carry around thousands of them at a time. Sulfras is indeed female.
  9. There should not be any background sounds in the houses.
  10. If you put in the registration code, you can continue your saved game from the demo. The demo includes the entire game so you don't have to download anything.
  11. I only kept potions around as a backup in case my priest died, but I teach all of my characters priest spells by the end of the game anyway (Six people casting Divine Thud FTW).
  12. They are achievements you receive for doing certain things in the game and do not affect gameplay. You can find out how to earn most of them by hovering your mouse over it, and the secret medals are discussed here.
  13. I found it pretty useful when fighting Incarnus. Teleporting from one side of the room to the other allowed me to turn the wheels fairly quickly.
  14. Also, if you haven't done so already, you need to be denied access to the fort by Moritz'kri. Runner Faiga won't give you directions otherwise.
  15. Callie

    Osama is gone.

    Come to think of it that trollface is kind of reminiscent of Ghostbusters. Do proton packs work in cyberspace?
  16. Callie

    Osama is gone.

    Eeeek!! Abused internet meme! Someone call the... ...well... ...whoever it is you call.
  17. Callie

    Osama is gone.

    Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES Main fallout of this: Obama gets a huge boost in political capital and general popularity. But will that last until the 2012 election?
  18. The purpose of the Afghanistan War encompasses more than just capturing Osama Bin Laden...but yeah I never agreed with it in the first place.
  19. Callie

    Osama is gone.

    Considering how there are millions of people on the internet at any given time, I don't find it surprising that someone would update Wikipedia after a big news story.
  20. Callie

    Osama is gone.

    Originally Posted By: Excalibur Bin Laden's death feels rather strange considering how I basically grew up in the aftermath of 9/11. I was eight years old when that happened, and now I'm in college. But when you think about it...he's just one man.
  21. Bin Laden's death feels rather strange considering how I basically grew up in the aftermath of 9/11. I was eight years old when that happened, and now I'm in college.
  22. Australia does have one of the lowest population densities, but Mongolia is less dense. The Falkland Islands and Greenland have an even lower density but they're not independent. Originally Posted By: Lt. Sullust This is probably going to come off as horribly cruel; but isn't helping starving people now only going to create many more starving people later? In the short-term you'll be helping these people survive. In the long-term you're just contributing to an ever growing population which will only further stress the food supply and in turn lead to even more people starving. Not necessarily: given sufficient economic growth the population will enter into demographic transition. Of course, a worldwide transition will probably not happen anytime soon given the lack of stable government in many parts of the world, but I'd imagine it would happen at some point in time.
  23. Saint Bernard of Clarivaux - "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." Walter Williams - "A thief is more moral than a congressman; when a thief steals your money, he doesn't demand you thank him." Thomas Jefferson - "Most bad government has grown out of too much government." James Madison - "I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power, than by violent and sudden usurpations." George Washington - "Arbitrary power is most easily established on the ruins of liberty abused to licentiousness." Thomas Jefferson - "The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground." Also, the one in my signature.
  24. Originally Posted By: Lilith Given that American education is largely funded by revenue collected at the state or local level and run by local school boards, what exactly is all that alleged extra national-level bureaucracy doing? It's turning the children of the US into test-taking zombies. A poor joke, but not terribly far from the truth.
  25. Farm subsidies are just an excuse to provide corporate welfare to huge agricultural companies like ConAgra. We would be fine without them. Libya is about oil. The US only acts in its own interest.
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