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Everything posted by Callie

  1. Blackjack and craps can be profitable if you're doing it right. Craps is a bit more difficult since you have to have an in depth knowledge of the probabilities involved. Blackjack is easier because you can count cards and base your bets off of it. I know quite a few people who successfully supplement their incomes with those games. The key thing, really, is to leave when you're ahead...just don't be surprised if you get kicked out at some point.
  2. Yay for 5000 posts! I remember you having a postcount in the 2000s range when I joined.
  3. Woops! You're right: I put up the wrong map, and it's even more purple today! Edit: Okay wow, I still had it wrong. Curse you DeLay!
  4. The Daily Show had a segment about Texas legislators trying to oust a Jewish state representative. Then again, it's not surprising considering how Texas' congressional map looks like this: Map
  5. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES Obama's re-election seems like a sure thing at this point. He isn't wildly popular with the public, but he's significantly more popular than anyone in congress, from either party. He also seems to be very planful with both his words and actions, with the result that -- even if you disagree with his words and his actions -- it's hard to attack him personally, rather than just attacking his ideology. U.S. involvement in the Libyan Civil War could potentially cause him problems. Otherwise, I agree that his reelection chances are fairly high.
  6. He hasn't made any official decisions yet, but the media can't seem to get enough of him.
  7. In the unlikely event that Donald Trump gets elected... *shudders*
  8. Originally Posted By: Dantius I did see Atlas Shrugged... ...why!? I actually like the book but have no interest in seeing the film.
  9. What if these nanomachines could somehow be used as a cloaking device? "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
  10. Please don't drink and drive. This happened right outside my window. There were at least ten police cars at the scene because the driver had threatened everyone nearby with a gun.
  11. Most states in the US ban gambling, often on the grounds that casinos cheat people and ruin lives, etc., etc. State lotteries are hypocritical, as they have much worse odds then any casino game.
  12. It seems that the best-paying undergraduate majors generally require a lot of math. I'm a chemical engineering major, and the professors like to show us those pay-scale charts a lot. Political science majors appear to have decent salaries, but if I remember correctly, they have to take quite a few statistics courses.
  13. Callie

    I laughed...

    Odd It really makes me wonder what the girl is pointing at.
  14. ...because the Democratic Party is clearly righteous. Also, if this is an April Fool's joke, it's a very bad one.
  15. Originally Posted By: Arch-Mage Solberg I'm not dissing Exile or anything in my post just stating a well known fact. I am also a big lover of the original Exile's. I've been playing them since 1998! But the fact is when Jeff started making the Avernum's, the Exile's took a back seat. They are very great games in their own right, but let's face it (with the exception of number of spells) the Avernum's were better. Post #505 In my opinion Exile had better sound effects too. The "rawr" sound that played when a monster spotted you was awesome (and sometimes startling).
  16. Yeah for some reason that door is pretty nondescript. I looked for it for about fifteen minutes until I gave up. I didn't notice the doors until I was level 25 or so. Maybe Eye Leira should mention where the door is.
  17. Originally Posted By: The Turtle Moves Searing Spray is a nice addition to the sorceress arsenal, but it doesn't seem as good as the shaman's acid attack. Corruption may be much better (I don't know), but those skill points might be better spent elsewhere. And so on. Comments? I find corruption to be very useful, since it does a considerable amount of damage, in addition to damage over several rounds. Unlike Searing Spray, it's an AoE instead of a cone, so it has much better targeting. It's also nifty because most NPCs are not immune to it. Originally Posted By: Colonel Haste My vote for the most useless skill is maxing out the bottom middle skill for the Shadowwalker, which gives you a chance at going into battle frenzy when you are hit in melee. At least for me, since I'm pumping Dex like crazy to avoid getting hit and for better razor disk attacks, I think I got a free battle frenzy maybe twice and I'm now at level 26. This would be much more useful for the Blademaster who isn't likely pumping Dex. That ability also gives a backstab bonus, which is pretty much necessary for the shadowwalker to do considerable melee damage.
  18. Stunning Bash seems to work only about 3-4% of the time. I even managed to stun Redbeard once, but I'm not sure if it did anything. I only used Daze a few times on my first play-through.
  19. Yay for Soviet tanks and postliness!
  20. I liked the reproducing bulwark, because I'd laugh for some reason when I dropped 20 bricks on the ground. The blinking pants are annoying, but they can be amusing in the right situation. The shooting star scroll disappointed me, since I thought it actually had some offensive capabilities. Does the Wand of Many Guises actually prevent certain NPC's from attacking you?
  21. To go elsewhere in Khemeria you need to ask Moritz'kri to go inside the fort and have him turn you away. Then talk to one of the townspeople. You unlock other areas in the Kva later in the game.
  22. The shadowalker's teleport ability is useful here since you can jump from one end of the path to the other, and get to the wheels fairly quickly. The teleport scarab works well too.
  23. Shima's character develops more later on in the game. You get some interesting dialog from Sevelin in the beginning since he's from the Kva. Favorite Class: Shaman Least Favorite: Not sure Favorite Character: Jenelle Least favorite character: Sevelin Character used on 1st playthrough: blademaster Overall Rating: 7 I love the combat system: I thought all of the fights were interesting. The ambient noises are great, and the random spurts of rain really add to the game. I think the greatest aspect of this game is the dialog. The characters are what really add to the game, and I personally think this game had the best dialog of all of Jeff's game. On the other hand, the plot is really disappointing, and we don't get to see much of Lynaeus. My favorite skills are Beserk Leap, Corruption Cloud, Cunning Decoy, and Earthshatter.
  24. Callie

    Gaming quotes.

    Originally Posted By: Erasmus Alpha Centauri: (In a pleading voice) Don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you. Please don't go. This always creeps me out when I exit the game, kind of like HAL 9000 in 2001: A Space Odyssey.
  25. Originally Posted By: Dantius Originally Posted By: Triumph Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES Oh, god. It's the Cordelia effect, in red bar graph. Elucidate, please. It's obvious that the poll results bar that Slarty loves the most rejected him as he lay dying on his deathbed (unlike the other bars, which claimed to love him), so he banished it, not knowing that it was really the only bar that actually loved him, while the others are pretending. Alas, the poll closed before he realized this, and he was driven mad by his rejection by the other bars that he thought loved him. Shakespeare is still reeling in his grave from this tragedy.
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