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Everything posted by Callie

  1. Callie


    Water filters remove particles from the water, which isn't terribly useful.
  2. Callie

    150 score

    Yay! <-- Does not remember Nalyd ever having a post count thread.
  3. Callie


    Originally Posted By: waterplant Also China, or at least the Chinese government, controls it's money supply so there shouldn't be so much profit/inflation related shennanigans stuffing things up. Are there any industrialized nations that don't control their money supplies?
  4. I don't see "Canned" and "Banned" titles nowadays. I guess they aren't used anymore.
  5. Goodness, I hadn't realized that I've been visiting these forums for ~3.5 years. Originally Posted By: VCH Drew? I've been here a long time and can honestly say I don't remember anyone going by that PDN. Voila!
  6. That article does not cite even one scientist or other legitimate source that supports the idea presented in the article. It cites legitimate sources that detail higher methane levels near the spill, that the Permian extinction was possibly caused by methane released from the ocean floor, and that the oil spill has caused some increased levels of unhealthy gasses. Yet there are no legitimate sources supporting the author's theory. All of those "experts in the know" are conveniently not cited. Also, a quick Google search reveals that the author of this article also has a political blog containing assertions that Iran and North Korea are planning to launch a doomsday attack against the United States, in addition to claiming that Obama is deliberately "ruining the country financially to reshape it into a fascist-socialist system." So yeah...nothing to worry about.
  7. Originally Posted By: Master1 New copyright laws anyone? Lawyers have lots of lobbyists in Washington, so don't expect that to happen anytime soon.
  8. Callie


    I'm all for storing nuclear waste in Yucca Mountain, but that's not going to happen while the senate majority leader is from Nevada, because most Nevadans oppose the Yucca Mountain proposal.
  9. Heh, I had forgotten about you calling me that. (I tried finding the thread from which that originated but PPP seems to be a bit broken.)
  10. I have read Macbeth, King Lear, Othello, and Romeo and Juliet (Required reading in school). The only one I somewhat liked was King Lear, and I can't decide which one I liked the least. I am curious: does anyone else here not like Shakespeare?
  11. Callie


    Originally Posted By: Dantius The only problem with nuclear is irrational public fear of meltdowns turning us green and giving us extra appendages. Blame that one on pop culture... They're also rather expensive to build, which automatically deters some people.
  12. Hmm...this takes a lot of thinking, maybe I'll do this later. ...laziness.
  13. I wonder why Morocco is on that list. The government has been trying to control the internet for a long time. There are people (i.e. Joe Lieberman) in the U.S. government that want to grant the president power to take control of the internet in the event of a "national crisis." In much of the E.U. a person must present ID before entering an internet café. People don't seem to care, though, before it's too late.
  14. 1. The worms will respawn, unfortunately. If you want to avoid them, wait until they reach the wall and start turning the other way. When you don't see them any longer it will be safe to cross. It can be a bit hit and miss though, and you have to kill those hellhounds. 2. If you're talking about the quest you received from the castle, you will need to go down the stairs to the east of the captain you talked to. Go north and investigate the dig, then report back to the captain upstairs.
  15. Yes, Levitt will give a boat after you finish his first set of missions.
  16. I admit to accessing some sites by googling their names... (Not this one though)
  17. This makes me want to bounce on a ball off a dock. The problem remains that Nevada does not have a whole lot of docks.
  18. I watch figure skating, and I find that the noises generally consists of more pleasant things such as classical music. I don't think I've seen beer in the audience either. (Then again, drunk figure skating might be interesting...)
  19. I like the idea of blinding enemies with the Excalibur.
  20. I have just been reminded that I am startled way too easily...
  21. If they somehow existed, it would be in a state requiring a knowledge of physics way beyond my comprehension. So if you can't call in the Ghostbusters, call in some theoretical physicists.
  22. Hmm...I haven't posted pictures in ages. Robin Chicks Cathedral Gorge State Park Caves are cool. (At Cathedral Gorge) Old Firehouse Old Catholic church (I'm not sure why I like the ceiling.)
  23. Originally Posted By: Monroe Stuff I hope that's a joke.
  24. Callie

    Odd weather...

    It snowed here last week, and it's in the fifties (Fahrenheit) today. It would normally be about eighty-five degrees right now, but Mother Nature seems to think it's April. (This weather has been terrible for people's gardening efforts.)
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