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Everything posted by Callie

  1. I object to the lack of orange. Red orange is awesome, and throw in some neon red and it's even better.
  2. *approves, but is considering the marginal costs of getting 10 points in conjuration*
  3. I'm reading John Locke's Second Treatise of Government. It's relatively short, but the older English and the nature of the content makes the speed of reading somewhat slower.
  4. A look up the street. Yet another mountain.
  5. Congrats on 1000 posts! I remember watching election returns in 2000 and seeing what was thought to have been a win for Al Gore. I had just recently turned eight, so I had no clue what any of it meant, but it was the first time I had learned anything about politics. I almost regret it, in a way.
  6. I was tempted to put some points in diplomacy, but thought better of it. Click to reveal.. Name: Kundak Skylark Occupation: Battle Priest Race: Dragonborn Religion: Phol-Phoram Alignment: Magnanimous Strength: 2 Dexterity: 2 Intelligence: 7 HP: 15/16 (+2) Stamina: 5/10 Magic (Conjuration): 6 (+1) First Aid: 4 Magic (Divination): 3 (+1) Martial (Shuriken): 2 Diplomacy: 1
  7. The redirect isn't working, and AIM isn't letting me in. Hopefully I can get back in soon, but I don't know what to do other than to keep trying. Edit: jinxed
  8. *shakes head in disbelief*
  9. Callie


    Mm, I actually like both classes, but the homework we get isn't that great (except for the reading).
  10. Callie


    It depends on the class for me. I rarely procrastinate with Calculus homework (or Contemporary History for that matter), but I almost always procrastinate on Economics and Literature homework. For me, that means I do it the day before it's due (or the actual due date with Econ).
  11. I'd be able to do Saturday if it wasn't for the conflict Nioca just pointed out.
  12. I usually don't pay attention to the Olympics, though I might tune in because it's in my time zone.
  13. Originally Posted By: Master1 If he does, he has way too much time on his hands. She's just witty.
  14. Originally Posted By: Nioca 1) I did not start the Nociduas rumor, though I did help spread it around. I began that rumor. It was more or less an attempt to get more info from w-dueck, which didn't work at all. Originally Posted By: Marlenny Apologies to Excalibur for the massive DL FAIL. I realized that I just really don't work well on my own, I have to have someone with whom I've exchanging information back and forth. And so when you weren't around, I just started making dumb mistakes and ended up doing things like telling the freaking Dionicio I was a DL It was a mutual fail. I was mistaken in attacking Sporefrog, who I had thought was the Brigand. And yeah, it didn't help that I was away for twelve hours either.
  15. Click to reveal.. Name: Kundak Skylark Occupation: Battle Priest Race: Dragonborn Religion: Phol-Phoram Alignment: Magnanimous Strength: 2 Dexterity: 2 Intelligence: 7 (+1) HP: 14 (+2) Magic (Conjuration): 5 First Aid: 4 Martial (Shuriken): 2 Magic (Divination): 2 Diplomacy: 1
  16. Callie

    On Politics

    Originally Posted By: I need no introduction oooo.. death match, this will be fun That was already tried, but it was never finished.
  17. Callie

    On Politics

    Um...you just severely stretched the page out. The post box is way over to the right. Edit: Sniped
  18. Callie


    < agrees with Nalyd.
  19. Originally Posted By: Poached Salmon Excalibur - Health care reform is a laudable goal. I agree with this statement entirely, but that doesn't mean I agree with the manner in which the government is trying to bring about said reform. Also, for some reason, I thought I was alone (on these boards) in thinking that Congress is corrupt. Good to know I was wrong. Originally Posted By: Phanes Dude, Fox would pay good money for that. Fox is generally nothing more than partisan bickering. I don't want their money.
  20. was that some sort of clever reference to winston churchill
  21. Originally Posted By: Obama deficit of trust Awesome! Since we can all trust the government, there's no need to pay attention to the news anymore, right? I mean, the government never does anything wrong, and it always acts in our interest. Better yet, we can cut out the middleman now and head straight into an Orwellian government. Hooray!
  22. I choose Faint. Also, I don't get a new title?
  23. Click to reveal.. Name: Kundak Skylark Occupation: Battle Priest Race: Dragonborn Religion: Phol-Phoram Alignment: Magnanimous Strength: 2 Dexterity: 2 Intelligence: 6 HP: 12 (+2) Magic (Conjuration): 5 (+1) First Aid: 4 Martial (Shuriken): 2 Magic (Divination): 2 (+1) Diplomacy: 1
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