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Everything posted by Callie

  1. Yay! It wasn't too long ago that you had hit the 5000 post mark.
  2. Having conversations with your own party members will be interesting, especially if party member x does not want to do mission y because of his or her own opinions...or maybe I'm reading something wrong.
  3. A lot of states already allowed the kind of spending legalized by Citizens United. If new spending had an effect on the election, it was minimal. Besides, we can see from the California gubernatorial and senate elections that it doesn't matter how much money you spend if voters don't like you.
  4. Wow...that is one messed-up grounding.
  5. Originally Posted By: Master1 That said, thank whatever spirit guides you that the campaign commercials are over! Only for about a year...then Republican candidates will start campaigning for the presidential primary.
  6. There were 27 offices up for election and 6 questions on my ballot, but I didn't mention all of them. Voters don't have to vote for a candidate for every single office. The knowledge voters have about candidates would depend on the voter. The ballot lists each candidate's political affiliation, but everything else is left to the voter to research and whatnot.
  7. It's that time again in the United States. The 2010 midterm elections are here, complete with disgruntled voters, nasty attack ads, rallying comedians, and the like. First, I've included a poll inquiring of your political affiliation. If you are not a U.S. citizen, or you are a U.S. citizen who is not eligible to vote, choose the option with "Not eligible to vote" in parenthesis. Second, if you voted in the election, mention some of the people you voted for in your state. Be sure to mention any interesting ballot questions. Don't worry if we don't know the names of people running in your statewide elections. Finally, for those of you living outside of the United States, feel free to poke fun at our political system and voice your own opinions. Oh, and let's be civil. Thank you! Edit: And yeah, spelling error in the poll. Stupid UBB doesn't let you review polls! ------- Me (I live in Reno, Nevada): Political Affiliation: Libertarian United States Senator: None of These Candidates [incumbent: Harry Reid, DEM, Senate Majority Leader] Representative in Congress District 2: Russell Best (Independent American) [incumbent: Dean Heller, REP] Governor: Arthur Forest Lampitt Jr. (Libertarian) [incumbent: Jim Gibbons, REP, defeated in primary] Lieutenant Governor: None of These Candidates [incumbent: Brian Krolicki, REP] Secretary of State: Ross Miller (Democrat, Incumbent) [incumbent: Ross Miller, DEM] State Treasurer: Steven E. Martin (Republican) [incumbent: Kate Marshall, DEM] State Controller: Barry Herr (Republican) [incumbent: Kim R. Wallin, DEM] Attorney General: Travis Barrick (Republican) [incumbent: Catherine Cortez Masto, DEM] Nevada Question 4 (Shall the law be changed to allow for eminent domain?): No
  8. I did homework and played some Civilization IV. A bunch of my friends dressed as shirtless firemen with mustaches. They tried to persuade me to join but I didn't give in...
  9. 1. What sound do fish make? e. Gerald 2. A Hungarian sand crab has gotten inside of your favorite sweater. What tool can remove it? e. the Keck telescope 3. Gerald refuses to paint his house blue, but the sky is maroon. What time is it? e. lunch time 4. Given that Albert is traveling from Chicago to New York at 99 miles per hour, Hubert is throwing couches off of the eleventh floor of the tower, and Norbert will get a 17 on his law examination, is the city safe? e. Yes, the couches will not trouble it again. 5. Flogbar the Chromanian is attacking in his spaceship. You have only seconds before he is upon you, leaving you only enough time to try using one of your devices to escape or defend yourself. Which one should you use? e. The reprocessed protein bars, for a snack. 6. You must disguise yourself in order not to be recognized while swimming covertly into Spain. What type of headgear is required? e. a baseball cap with a concealed laser cannon 7. You are suffering from withdrawal due to your dental floss addiction. What type of food can alleviate the symptoms? e. No food can save you 8. Carl Orf has escaped! What do you do to recapture him? e. Do nothing; the world deserves what it will get. 9. Describe the major points of Eleanor Roosevelt's kinetic theory of hats. The average kinetic hatness (1/2 brim x velocity^2) of a collection of hats is assumed to be directly proportional to the Kelvin temperature of the manufacturing plant which produced them. Of course, this only applies to ideal hats. When considering the average kinetic hatness of real hats we must factor in the surface area of the wealthiest manufacturer's head. 10. Achmed waves his cutlass menacingly. The philistines begin to wake up. You are facing a mutiny on board your airship, high above the camp of the philistine hoard. The engines are overloaded and will explode in just 13 seconds. Using only your trusty radio-swordcane-umbrella, your silly hat, and your toaster oven, how can you get to safety? Tune the radio to a station that plays nothing but the song "Stayin' Alive." Use the hook at the end of your trusty radio-swordcane-umbrella to sling the toaster oven at Achmed's forehead. Hurdle past Achmed's body while the Bee Gees lull the philistines into a false sense of a security. Leap out of the airship at the last second while using your silly hat as a makeshift parachute.
  10. My great-grandfather is the only ancestor we know to have served in a war. He fought for Germany in World War I. Since he was Jewish, he and his family (including my maternal grandmother) fled to Italy when Hitler rose to power. Of course, Italy didn't work out either, so they moved to Switzerland, and then to the U.S.
  11. WoW's monthly fee doesn't seem that bad when you consider the sheer amount of time some people spend playing it. Someone playing 2.5 hours per day is really only paying ~20 cents per hour of gameplay, and there are plenty of WoW players spending more time than that on the game.
  12. There's certainly an underlying level of ill-will between the two nations; they went to war with each other, after all. Friendly wasn't the right word to use, but Iraq's current PM has assured Iran that Iraq will not make a security deal with the United States. The PM had once lived in exile in Iran, and he has closer ties to Iran than the US government would wish. I don't blame Iraq for wanting to keep its sovereignty.
  13. Yeah, just to add to what other people have said, there are still 50,000 armed troops in Iraq to serve as "advisors." US soldiers in the Vietnam War were called "advisors." If somebody opens fire on them they will shoot back. Keep in mind that the number of private contractors in Iraq is soon going to be about 100,000. Also, the US never officially declared war on Iraq, so that's why Obama is using language such as "combat mission." It's nothing to get excited about, and it's still going to drag the country down with an even greater deficit. Don't be surprised if Iraq gets friendly with Iran, too.
  14. Originally Posted By: Tirien, Master of Bacon Well....you could go eat at McDonalds more often, and then when you get fat you can try to sue them, and let us know how it turns out. Why? There is already precedent on the matter and the judge in the case dismissed the suit.
  15. Huh, fatigue is an interesting concept, but I remember something like that existing in Realmz.
  16. I don't have a real job, per say, but I do some odd yard-work now an then. I am otherwise a college student.
  17. Originally Posted By: Internet Forum Zombie I really doubt you could get third-degree burns from coffee that easily. I received second-degree burns from coffee as an infant, simply by spilling it on my leg. I think the coffee was somewhere around 170 degrees fahrenheit, but that was merely an estimate my parents made.
  18. Originally Posted By: Droid You guys have horrible attention spans. Threads often don't stay on topic. It's generally true with any type of conversation.
  19. TM has some great scenarios but I'm not a fan of this one. Rating: [rating]Substandard[/rating]
  20. (Partially ported from SV) Frostbite is my favorite BoA scenario. I definitely suggest playing this if you haven't already. Rating: [rating]Best[/rating]
  21. Aphobia is a brief scenario but should provide a lot of fun regardless. Rating: [rating]Good[/rating]
  22. Adrift is a fun, short scenario and certainly worth playing. Rating: [rating]Good[/rating]
  23. 1. What is your name? Timothy 2. How old are you? Seventeen 3. Where do you live? Reno, Nevada, USA 4. What is your favorite color? Hmm...this is hard to pick. 5. How many phones do you own? Zero 7. Wait, what happened to question six? UBB ate it. 8. Someone has just loaned you a time machine that can take you to any location on the planet during any time period. Where/when do you go? I wouldn't mind living in Vermont around 1790 or so. 9. If you were forced to change your PDN to something completely unrelated to its current form and your original username, what would it be? Timshel 10. If you could transform at will into any living animal, what animal would it be? A yellow ant. 11. It's ninja sliths versus pirate nephilim. Who should win? That would depend on the location of the fight.
  24. Callie


    I liked Solberg's original Cheeseball a whole lot, but the later incarnations weren't as great. Maybe the whole Cheesball 10=Hellhound concept turned me off.
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