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Everything posted by Callie

  1. I was in fourth grade when it happened. I had to be up at around 5:30 AM Pacific for the bus, but we never watched the news in the morning. When I got to school our teacher explained what happened. She didn't explain it very well though, and at first I thought it was a mere accident involving a small plane. It wasn't until frantic parents came to pick their kids up that I fully understood the situation. Looking back, it feels odd thinking that was probably the most significant event to occur in my lifetime. I remember those flags they circulated in the papers, and people put them in their windows. I would imagine they'll be worth money someday.
  2. Callie


    That doesn't answer Dikiyoba's question.
  3. Callie


    Aren't ADHD and ADD pretty much the same thing? Or are there different naming conventions now? The impression I'm getting from Wikipedia is that they're synonymous.
  4. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba How can you guys spend enough time in all these cities to have an opinion on them? I figure spending at least the greater part of the day in a city is enough to judge, and my family has dragged me around to a lot of places.
  5. I also loved giving all of my party divine thud. Plus, I found it amusing to blanket the battlefield in clouds of blades and laugh sadistically.
  6. It's too bad the sample size is so small. Also, here's a tidbit I did out of boredom. Obviously, political parties change a lot over time, so it's actually quite meaningless. On the other hand, the Federalist, Democratic-Republican, and Whig parties were not around nearly as long as the Democratic and Republican parties. Federalist: 3.9 (Counting Washington as a Federalist) Democratic-Republican: 3.8 Democratic: 2.9 Republican: 2.6 Whig: 2.5
  7. I've pretty much been limited to the west coast. Favorites Seattle, WA Chicago, IL Reno, NV Like Las Vegas, NV Vancouver, BC Portland, OR Tacoma, WA Bellingham, WA So-So Sacramento, CA San Francisco, CA Stockton, CA Vancouver, WA Ellensburg, WA Yakima, WA Dislike Fresno, CA San Jose, CA Santa Cruz, CA Modesto, CA Tracy, CA San Diego, CA Phoenix, AZ La Grande, OR Ontario, OR Least Favorites Los Angeles, CA Anaheim, CA Bakersfield, CA Oakland, CA Antioch, CA Nogales, AZ/Sonora, Mexico
  8. You can buy Avadon on Steam for $10 dollars, so that would bring the total down even more.
  9. Originally Posted By: Sarachim Originally Posted By: Excalibur I thought about justifying my choices, but it really comes down to the fact that I'm a card-carrying (literally) constructionist member of the Libertarian Party. Maybe you can clarify something for me. How is Cleveland a Libertarian hero even though he used the Army to break up the Pullman strike? The Pullman Strike was Cleveland's biggest regret. It's pretty clear from his biography that he was acting on misinformation from his Attorney General Richard Olney. Cleveland was a lawyer by profession and was notable for reviewing civil war pension claims on his own time. Yet Olney was a friend who Cleveland trusted, and Olney appeared to be very knowledgeable on the subject. So Cleveland gave Olney special appointment as a federal attorney to deal with the strike. Olney knew that Cleveland wouldn't send in troops, so he distorted the truth and convinced Cleveland that the strike threatened the safety of the United States and additionally violated the Sherman Antitrust Act. Despite all that, it is his worst act as president. Cleveland was angered and removed Olney from his position as attorney general...but he kept him as his Secretary of State. He should have been more attentive and he placed too much trust into his cabinet. It's unclear as to what Olney's intentions were, but I don't think Cleveland would have dealt with the strike in such a manner if he wasn't mislead. Unfortunately, Google Books doesn't have the chapter from the biography about the Pullman Strike. It's Grover Cleveland: A Study in Character by Alyn Brodsky. Since I don't own the book, I guess you shouldn't have any reason to believe me.
  10. Speaking of dreams, I had a particularly odd one the other night. I had read an article about a potential al Qaeda attack before I went to bed and it apparently influenced my dream. In this dream an attack came into fruition. Obama was assassinated and New York was...different. It had somehow merged into London and space seemed to have been distorted so that this newly forged city had several levels with different points of gravity. I come into the picture as a secret service agent, dressed as a clown with bloody plastic wrap over my head. I'm chasing an assassin, who happens to be one of my friends. He's after Mitt Romney, but in an unusual turn of events Mitt Romney is also chasing me! I'm suddenly watching this chase in the third-person, all the while trying to figure out who the bigger threat is. Apparently New York also merged with a Wolfenstein level and I'm running along these brick walls looking for Romney. But then I realize Romney isn't the president at all: Joe Biden is! I scream, shrink into a Wolfenstein Nazi, and wake up. -- It was probably the most epic dream I've ever had, and the chase was surprisingly long. I didn't realize someone could remember that much from a dream.
  11. Callie


    And then you crash. At least you're not like some college students. I doubt any of them are narcoleptic or have ADHD.
  12. Not only that, both of the assassin's guns misfired. What kind of luck is that?
  13. I thought about justifying my choices, but it really comes down to the fact that I'm a card-carrying (literally) constructionist member of the Libertarian Party.
  14. FAVORITES Washington, Jefferson, Cleveland LIKE Madison NEUTRAL Coolidge DISLIKE Monroe, John Quincy Adams, Van Buren, Tyler, Polk, Taylor, Fillmore, Pierce, Buchanan, Johnson, Grant, Hayes, Arthur, Benjamin Harrison, McKinley, Taft, Harding, Truman, Eisenhower, JFK, Ford, Carter, Reagan, George HW Bush, Clinton LEAST FAVORITES John Adams, Jackson, Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Wilson, Hoover, FDR, LBJ, Nixon, George W Bush, Obama NO OPINION William Henry Harrison, Garfield This topic is fun. I found Jackson the most difficult one to place. My favorite president is Cleveland and my least favorite president is FDR.
  15. You can just as easily look at the image address. The first one just says Death Chess, but Nalyd already identified that.
  16. Originally Posted By: Dantius We'll say that being unable to identify a majority of those makes you a cultural philistine, since 5 may be a little high. I recognize exactly five of those. I even thought about putting the "Mein Fuhrer I can walk!" scene from Dr. Strangelove in my list but decided not to. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan Wait, are we supposed to make a top ten list? Crap, now I have to THINK. You can respond with as many or as little as you like.
  17. Someone recently asked me what my favorite films scenes were, which at first I found odd because I had just met the person. Yet, maybe that reveals more about someone's character than simply asking about the person's favorite films. So, what are your favorite film scenes? Here are mine, pretty much in order: 2001: A Space Odyssey: The Dawn of Man (the part accompanied by Also Sprach Zarathustra) Pulp Fiction: The adrenaline shot Taxi Driver: You talkin' to me? Gone With the Wind: Rhett Butler's final departure (Frankly my dear) The Sound of Music: When Captain von Trapp first joins his children in singing the title song. The Silence of the Lambs: Starling's encounter with Buffalo Bill in the dark The Killing Fields: Reunion Full Metal Jacket: Encounter with Gomer Pyle in the bathroom Monty Python and the Holy Grail: The Black Knight A Clockwork Orange: The final scene
  18. I think that would be problematic because the designer would have to prevent certain NPCs from dying that way, otherwise the player would be way too powerful.
  19. Callie

    2 Questions

    Originally Posted By: Triumph My heart bleeds for History. Poor, poor History, being trampled and abused in this thread. Alas, it gets trampled and abused period.
  20. I haven't played in a long time but I'm pretty sure you do need the Blessed Athame.
  21. I actually thought the plot was them most disappointing aspect of the game. It leaves a lot of questions unanswered, but hopefully the sequel will clarify on a lot of things.
  22. Koch Brothers : "radical liberals" :: George Soros : "radical conservatives" Quotations marks representing lack of better word.
  23. Callie

    2 Questions

    Beethoven isn't remembered for writing a great volume of music: he's remembered for being influential. When my younger brother was born my father thought he looked like Churchill, so my brother's middle name is Winston. My dad must have been implying he was an ugly baby.
  24. It is indeed the maximum level, unfortunately.
  25. Callie


    Originally Posted By: Dantius Originally Posted By: Tyranicus Based on age-related comments you've made in the back to school thread, I'm guessing Andrew? That's kind of scarily stalkerish. Not really. IIRC, when you see other people in real life your brain automatically categorizes them by gender and age. I can't imagine it's terribly different with a forum. So I don't find it odd that Tyranicus would remember his age.
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