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Everything posted by nikki.

  1. Yeah I think I'm gonna find my CD and play Nethergate (and if I can't find it (the horror!!) I'll play N:R). Unlike Jera, though, I will delight in playing with the mouse for movement.
  2. Hmm... maybe it's time I revisited the original Trilogy
  3. I more or less have the same set up as Randomizer, though I substitute that first sword-and-board fighter for a slith with pole weapons, and I'll probably have an archery/roguey character in the second slot.
  4. Kelandon. Never change. You have reached perfection, and I lay my SW account at your feet. Do with it what you will.
  5. There's also the fact that we talked about this on CalRef recently.
  6. Haha. It is getting increasingly harder for me to get any further into that bottom-left corner. I'm sure I wasn't this bad last time: Economic Left/Right: -10.00 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -9.03 EDIT: Noooooo! I actually made it lower down last time: http://spiderwebforums.ipbhost.com/index.php?/topic/17947-political-compass-round-infinity/#entry237574 :(
  7. Since I last updated, I've not read all that much. What I have read, though, seems mostly to have been American literature, which is making a nice change of pace. Highlights have been Wharton's Ethan Frome. Melville's 'Benito Cereno' and Moby Dick. Jewett's The Country of the Pointed Firs, and Spark's The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie. I've also reread Hesiod, some of Lawrence's short stories, and some Hemingway.
  8. http://io9.com/5413428/official-twilights-bella--edward-are-in-an-abusive-relationship (not the most robust of sources, but eh. immediately sprang to mind)
  9. Ahhh, so many huge images!! Welcome back, Marlenny! I watch neither show, so I won't bother taking either of the quizzes.
  10. nikki.

    Odd Mnemonics

    My Very Easy Method Just Speeds Up Naming Planets! It's good because it's about planets, so you don't need to remember which one it's for. For the rainbow I use 'Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain'. I guess because I'm English?
  11. tablets tend not to have a 'u' key. if you want to offer help, that's awesome, but please read the OP to make sure you're offering advice that is actually relevant.
  12. Okay, you guys. Quiet down - the supply of these jokes has clearly overtaken demanned.
  13. Secret doors operate a bit different in later SW games (and Avernum: Escape from the Pit falls into this category). Rather than "pushing" in to the wall where you think the secret passage may be, you need to look around for a small brownish button on a nearby wall. Tapping that should open up the passage. Also, welcome to the boards!
  14. I know the section of 'February' (by Boris Pasternak) that appears in Regina Spektor's song 'Apres Moi' by heart. But otherwise, no.
  15. nikki.


    Over-rated. But, seriously. What's up with your posts? They're even more Harehunter-y than usual.
  16. This kind of stuff is really what makes Nethergate, for my, SW's best game. Lots of stuff is packed away in here, and quite a lot of it goes unexplained.
  17. I'd just like to note, for the second time in as many days, 'Jera "Commander" Keen' is perfect. Good work, D.
  18. ...and this is probably your best post of all time. Stop slacking and start posting more.
  19. nikki.


    i came to this thread expecting little, was pleasantly surprised, and then had all my hopes dashed by the end. 2/10
  20. Yeah, we all still play occasionally, as far as I'm aware. Certainly not as much as before, though.
  21. Hmm. I don't know that 'relevant' is the right word here. Absolutely some of the classics require more thought than The Hunger Games, but I wouldn't argue that's necessarily the case all the time. And certainly, they're 'relevant' to a wide array of people, even if they're not as accessible as the Harry Potter series. I mean, I agree with your general point, but yeah. 'Relevant' and 'accessible', and even 'of interest to' are all different things.
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