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Everything posted by nikki.

  1. Huh. Looking at that post, I see I already fixed the links a while ago. The first one is an internal link to somewhere on this site, and it still works. Unfortunately, the other two links point to files that were being hosted on photobucket, files I guess no longer exist? The links themselves are actually fine, they just no longer point to anything. Sorry.
  2. And hey, you were/are smart enough not to do a humanities degree, so at the very least you've got that going for you! somebody please give me a job
  3. I think is relevant.
  4. A new SSD will make booting a breeze - I go from powering on to the desktop in under 10 seconds (and that's with entering a password). It'll make opening programs snappier, and will cut down loading times in your games. They're a great purchase. A new SSD, however, will not let give you an increase in the FPS you get from games. I'm afraid that Sy is right. With that graphics chip, you're gonna have a hard time playing anything pretty at anything approaching 30fps. It's time to start saving for a desktop machine. Don't worry though - if you're smart, you can build a next-gen gaming machine for around the price of an XBOne or a PS4.
  5. Haha, excellent catch! ...now I want to rewatch Black Books.
  6. (I've moved this to a new thread, since it didn't really seem to make sense in its last location! )
  7. (removed Ishad Nha's off-topic post to a new thread)
  8. I don't think Edgwyn is a thirteen year old from Ukraine, so probably not. (http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/jun/08/super-computer-simulates-13-year-old-boy-passes-turing-test)
  9. Finishing Mega Man 2 is probably the proudest gaming-related achievement I can boast about. I found it just barely on the right side of fun, but damn. 'Brutal' is pretty much exactly the right word for it.
  10. nikki.

    Game Idea

    I'll toss my hat into the ring, Ex.
  11. Sure. Mr. Q. I'd just like to be reading again! Since I last updated, I read Ballard's Empire of the Sun. I like Ballard's work - pretty much since reading Crash (and watching the excellent Cronenberg adaptation) I've enjoyed reading Ballard, but this was something else. EotS really manages to create beauty out of an absolute pigsty of a setting/event. It's the first (semi-)fictionalised account of the Pacific Front in the Second World War I've read, and maybe it benefits from that. My only previous knowledge of this theatre of war - told from a native's perspective - is the Studio Ghibli film Grave of the Fireflies (which, incidentally is one of the greatest war movies ever made), so a lot of the details were new to me. Maybe that tainted my reading too. I'm not sure. Either way, the tone of EotS is perfect. Really. There echoes an absolute truth in every page, that it becomes less about Jim's struggle to survive and more about a reader's struggle to bear with JG through the reality of the novel. It's beautifully written - much more so than Ballard's other works, and more so than many other works I've read by other authors. It absolutely changed my life. And then I read On the Road. As much as I loved that book, I'm still getting my head around it/fixed because of it. Excellent, excellent, excellent. Also, Cassady seemed like a total idiot.
  12. Actually, my mother told me I should read less as a child. Less putting, and more attempting to remove.
  13. Tyranicus reported an issue with the retina display here, and another member reported they had your problem, Mark. There's another link to somebody with your exact problem here too. Running the game at a much lower resolution (1440x900 worked for catphive) might work. Otherwise, no, there doesn't seem to be a workaround. You could shoot JV an email though. You might not get a patch/fix for this game, but he might take it into consideration for the next one.
  14. 'I'm leaving forever!! See you next week!'
  15. Um, I'm sorry but what you're planning just isn't possible. I mean, you *might* be able to figure out a way to edit the game's code, but doing so isn't going to be easy and would almost certainly breach the EULA.
  16. Sure, but scwiba hasn't been active on these forums for nearly a year. This thread hasn't been active for the same length of time. Nobody was really wondering why Nethergate wasn't available anymore. This was topic necro that didn't help the OP (or anybody else) find a copy of the game. If you're really unclear on why the contents of your post did not justify resurrecting an old thread, feel free to PM me - lets allow scwiba's thread to rest in peace. Also, as an aside, Nethergate is NOT 'the first Spiderweb game to be banned by Jeff'. Jeff/SW have decided not to sell the game, but this is not the same as banning it.
  17. Hey, Ishad, please don't revive topics that are nearly a year old, and definitely don't do it if the post you're making doesn't really add anything to the discussion. Thank you.
  18. The thing is, if you're playing to the Romans' strengths the game isn't all that much harder in comparison. Pile on armour, grab javelins and slings, and pick your battles carefully until you gain some more strength (I mean that's the case with the Celts, too, but having a couple healers makes the Celts a little more forgiving). I'd suggest sticking to the demo area (east of the Ruined Hall Bridge), clearing out both starter dungeons, and mopping up the fixed encounters there before heading west. The extra strength you get there will help you survive when you do go exploring. Also, I'd probably only have one spellcaster, and have them focus on war and health circles - I only use two spellcasters with Celts, and they're supposed to be better at magic. Having another character attacking is a good thing - shielding and battle rage are okay, but damage dealing is better. Whenever I play, either with both Romans or Celts, I usually clear the starting area, and then deviate wildly from the path. I don't think I've ever crossed the bridge and headed to Vanarium straight away, which suggests that heading off the main road isn't as much a killer as is being shown in the LP. By the time you cross the sparkling bridge, a group of 6-8 Fomorians should be just about doable. (Oh, and the quartermaster at Shadow Valley Fort can totally identify items for you)
  19. Or, it could just be that another group of goblins moved in? I mean there have to be plenty of them around, and the pit IS in a great location.
  20. Hey, DeltanAmbassador. You make some valid points, and I'm not commenting on the content of your post in any way. That said, this is a review thread for people to give their opinions on the scenario (and for people to read and decide if a scenario is right for them), not someplace to comment on the lack of constructive feedback given to certain reviews. Aside from anything else, most of these reviews are more than a couple years old, and most people who made them are no longer around. If you do want to post something about being more constructive in reviews, feel free to post in a new thread in the Blades of Exile forum. The threads in this sub-forum should just be for reviews. Thanks.
  21. To be fair, whilst this might be true of the first 1/5 of the map (the demo area before the Ruined Hall), I'm pretty sure that once you're past that you should be able to explore anywhere, without facing too many problems.
  22. yeah, i've played done this before. it was not fun. i use a custom-built desktop that, despite being two years old (cry cry) still runs most current games on high settings. as such, i haven't really had many opportunities to use a trackpad except on my ex-GF's macbook. the mac trackpad is excellent. i think i'd still prefer a mouse/gamepad, but a trackpad like that one might be more useful for non-gaming things.
  23. Like Sy, I prefer to use either a mouse or a gamepad (360 controller).
  24. As far as I know, it doesn't. Sorry! If it's any consolation, it's still an amazing game, so don't fret it.
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