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Everything posted by nikki.

  1. More so than ever, I imagine. Nobody wants a doctor with a shaky hand.
  2. So, there are quite a few machines contacted to our network (my housemates all have phones and computers, and two have tablets), but I don't know much about those. My stuff includes: Nausicaa, my iPhone 5S. Previous phones were Kiki and Chihiro. I picked Nausicaa for my most recent one because it fit the Ghibli criteria I previously had, plus the naming convention I currently use for computers. Nikki's Nook, a 16gb rooted Nook HD+. Not the tablet I'd have chosen for myself, but it was a prize from university for writing the best dissertation in my graduating year. I mainly use it for reading, and for streaming movies/netflix. Athene (who was cannibalized), my first custom PC. It had a 3.1ghz i3, 8GB RAM, GTX 650, and 1TB HDD. I had it running OSX 10.8 and Windows 7. Once this machine saw me through university, I decided to upgrade. I kept my case, the ram, and my optical disk drive, Bia, the machine that grew from Athene. Another custom-built desktop computer (3.4ghz dual core i5 / 16GB RAM / GTX 970 / 2TB HDD, 128GB SSD). Lissa, an old HP laptop I don't use anymore. It has a dual core processor, 3GB RAM. Not sure what else. Or if it even works.
  3. You can currently listen to me play music (and sometimes talk) at http://mixlr.com/probablynikki It's not radio refuge, but I can't make that work right now, so it's something.
  4. As always, knowing one's audience is all.
  5. The meaning of the word esoteric. Possibly many other words.
  6. My recollection of it might be pretty skewed, but I think it was pretty much because I was visiting Nicothodes. Nico lived close enough to Tyran, in Carlisle, that a trip made sense - they might've even met before then, but I'm not sure. Anyway we decided to visit Tyranicus, and invited lots of people to come. Grimm made it, and I persuaded Dikiyoba to come from Oregon to see us too.
  7. I would love to meet/hang out with more people from here, but I'm kind of stuck geographically. Realistically, I think I could probably only get to see Aran or Tridash fairly easily.
  8. nikki.

    It Begins. . .

    You... you don't really know Nalyd, do you?
  9. Yeah, this is still my favourite SW post.
  10. Wait, so this is a permanent theme now? Haha. Also, is my avatar Shergar? Have we finally found him?
  11. Just keep going down that quest line. Mahdavi's dialogue in particular is ridiculous - I'd often be two quests down the chain before things would clear. Definitely try going through ALL of her dialogue again, just to be sure, but otherwise keep going. It *should* clear eventually.
  12. The same is true in the UK.
  13. It's a joke. Child of Light only has two difficulty levels (casual or expert), which Jeff mentions in a tweet right before the ones quoted above. He's just making fun of that fact.
  14. Child of Light was not a game I particularly enjoyed. It was pretty to look at though. Might I suggest you use inverted commas or quotation marks for Jeff's words? It took me a couple of reads through to go figure out what was Jeff, and which bits you'd added.
  15. I don't really enjoy watching TV, so I don't know how useful my suggestions will be (huh, I went back and re-read the opening post and you were just asking what I'd seen, not for ideas. Never mind). If you're going to watch Heroes, I recommend stopping after season one. It took a massive dive in quality after that. Since you're using Netflix, I'd recommend watching the rest of Buffy as soon as possible. Breaking Bad is excellent, though I can't say anything about Better Call Saul yet as I haven't watched it myself. Is Hannibal on Netflix yet? Both seasons of that have been tremendously good, and a third is starting soon. It's not something for the faint of heart, however. Avatar: The Last Airbender was on the UK Netflix (and still might be?) so please, please, please watch that; it's one of my all-time favourite television shows. I also enjoyed Arrested Development a whole bunch (though maybe not the fourth season). Broadchurch is very good, and I've heard excellent things about Orange is the New Black, though I've yet to see it myself. The same's true of House of Cards, which is probably next on my list of things to fill my eyeboxes with. I watched most of Gilmore Girls during my three-hour lunch breaks at college and university, and whilst I can't say it's compulsive viewing, I enjoyed it enough. American Horror Story is great, but skip the witchy one - it's not as enjoyable as the others. I liked Sherlock - series one was good, but series two, and especially three, sucked. In one of my stupid marathons, I watched Parks and Recreation in about four days. You can skip the first season (it's only 6 episodes), because it's not very good, and you really don't miss anything. That's the top of my head thoroughly scraped. There are a ton more things that I'm just not thinking of right now, but those should be a good start.
  16. Filthy casuals: (that's -10 on the Economic Left/Right scale, but only a -9.54 on the Libertarian/Authoritarian scale. i am slowly sinking into the depths of the bottom-left)
  17. I haven't done this so much recently, but (the dry wastes of) Geneforge 2 will forever remind me of Radiohead's Hail to the Thief, and vice versa.
  18. I certainly can't recall seeing custom outdoor cliffs, which is why I answered with such certainty before (and I play on PC). MacBoA is a lot more open with what you can do - Thralni even got some custom music into HIM2.
  19. The real question is whether you're more geek or nerd, I feel, and what the difference is between the two.
  20. Ah, shame I didn't see this earlier, but you figured it out anyway. Yeah, you can make terrain/floors cover the PC - Lazarus does it in Frostbite, for instance. Glad you figured it out anyway. You're stuck with the outdoor cliff images, though, unfortunately.
  21. Ugh, I wish I could get my reputation high enough to keep the Almarian gate open all the time. In a game full of pet peeves, I think having to pass that gate every time I wanted to pass through the Great Cave was the biggest.
  22. i seem to remember it working - and it's unlikely that nobody has picked up on it not working in all the years since E:R was released. i might playtest it tonight.
  23. right. i went back and edited it. it was doing stupid things because i was colouring text and the code tag was also trying to colour text. also, i'm not sure where i failed to call coins_amount again, but that was snipped straight from brg.txt, where coins_amount appears exactly three times - as it does in my code above. as far as i can see, you don't need to call coins_amount again because you've already ensured that they have more than 0 coins. i mean not that it matters massively - i was demonstrating that it's possible to do neat stuff with enemy attacks - if you wanted this code you may as well rip it from E:R like i did. edit: if you mean i used "coins_amount" rather than "coins_amount()", then TM did too.
  24. I'm sure I remember reading somewhere (G1 or G2?) that servant minds are deliberately made to be physically useless. It's less that they can't be smart, obedient AND strong, and more that Shapers just don't want to risk it.
  25. Yeah, I thought that's what was being asked at first, but OP starts by asking if there's 'any calls through npc scripts or item scripts to check if you hit a target?' Anyway, in that case it;s possible using creature scripts, and you don't need to do anything too complicated; adding code to the attacking state of a creature script will let you do things like steal gold, inflict status effects, cause knockback and so on. Here's a snippet of code from TM's Echoes: Renegade that has an NPC stealing gold when it hits (all comments are my own): trgt = (get_target()); //set the variable 'trgt' to whichever PC the monster is attacking start_hp = get_health(trgt); //The next three lines determines if the NPC/enemy hits by checking that health has been lost. do_attack(); end_hp = get_health(trgt); if(start_hp > end_hp) { //if I've hit them (and I know because their HP has decreased since I called do_attack()) lets try and steal! steal_amt = (start_hp - end_hp); //sets the amount to steal to the amount of lost HP atktyp = get_ran(1,0,11); //sets the variable atktyp to a random number between 0 and 1 if((atktyp >= 0) && (atktyp <= 4)) { //if that random number is between 0 and 4, do the next things... if(coins_amount() == 0) { //first, check to see if they have money. if the party has no money, then we can't take any... atktyp = (get_ran(1,5,11); //..and so we should set the random number to something else so that we can try to do other things with it later } else { //if they do have coin and get_ran turned up a number low enough, they next few lines remove gold from the party print_str_color("Your gold is stolen!",4); if(steal_amt > coins_amount()) steal_amt = (coins_amount); change_coins(steal_amt * -1); } } } There's a lot more going on in that creature script too: if the coin snatch fails, TM coded the monster to either curse it's target or steal experience, and in other scripts set various status effects to occur on a successful hit. (man, that code tag is annoyingly messed up)
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