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Everything posted by nikki.

  1. nikki.

    Big Argument!!1

    I think I still have some pokemon cards, though I didn't have many, and never played with them, just collected them for the prettiness. I also have a set of Clow Cards and Sakura Cards which I think can be used in a Top Trumps type game, but I can not read Japanese unfortunately so I guess I'll never know.
  2. I'm sure there's a thing I said that I could probably post here, but eh.
  3. What makes something "fun to read" is obviously subjective. I think that fiction should be at least a little challenging and engaging, and that novels should be, well, somewhat novel. That's not to say that I don't enjoy reading books that aren't intellectually stimulating though - sometimes that's fine, but ultimately texts like that leave no real imprint on my mind or my life. I have fun with both kinds of books, but one whilst one kind stops for me when I reach the end, the other is only just beginning. Your second point is trickier, and I think I need to answer properly, when I have more time, rather than on my iPhone during a break at work. I'll edit it in later.
  4. I just finished a book. A most ridiculous book. It was difficult, it was dense, it resisted any attempts to read it at all. It didn't talk down to, or pander to the whims of its readers or its characters. Much like the main protagonist, for much of the novel the reader spends their time with their head up their Maas (it took me almost forever to pronounce Oedipa's full name properly). But this is precisely why it's brilliant. The humour is heavy, black and viscous. The plot is as absurd as it is sinister as it is utterly bewildering as it is smart. The characters are hilarious (literally, in one instance), but in a way that is almost as absurd as the situations they find themselves in - a personal highlight was Baby Igor's hairspray bombing. This is a text that treats its readers as adults, and why should everything be easily understandable, or explainable anyway? Like Oedipa, by the end of I was merely content to sit and await the Crying of Lot 49.
  5. He actually already did remake Nethergate - Nethergate: Resurrection. Until that game stops working on modern computers, it's unlikely that JV will spend the time to update it again.
  6. I'm an idiot. Yeah, this is how she and Yannick look in my game too. Haven't met any others yet, so it wasn't as obvious to me. Thanks, Nalyd.
  7. Khalida is a character in Avadon 2 - the first companion that the PC encounters. OP: I'm afraid I have no idea about your problem. Are all your drivers up to date (especially for your graphics card)? Can you give us more information about your system?
  8. Nobody ever comes to my place - I live above a shop that advertises its rather adult merchandise in big signs, so I guess children are steered past it quickly. I didn't mind, and this year I was out anyway.
  9. this weeks main texts are Pynchon's The Crying of Lot 49 and Gravity's Rainbow, plus a re-reading of some Ginsberg. i read Howl a while ago, and then again last semester. and i'm still not sure that i have anything more to say about it now than i did when i first read it at around 18. on the other hand, i'm really enjoying Lot 49.
  10. I'm pretty sure that the one time I used it a little text floated above the two enemies I managed to divert, alerting me to the fact I'd caught their attention,. Unfortunately, they were two of the weaker enemies out of a rather large group, so it was probably a pointless move on my part.
  11. If it's any consolation, I'm probably going to buy it on Steam too, rather than from Spiderweb. Jeff seems to be a decent guy - he's not going to be annoyed that you're asking for $12 back. He's probably more likely to be happy you're playing at all.
  12. I played the first two maps earlier and I have to say, bearing in mind that I am yet to properly get involved in the game, Avadon 2 is pretty much what I expected. Which is disappointing. The world just seems too open, and empty. There is way too much trash mob combat, even at this stage. The little cutscene took way too long, ruining any tension it might have created (I mean, c'mon. I won't judge too harshly for that, but still, it bothered me - we know from BoA that good cutscenes ARE possible). Everything looks kind of blah. Don't get me wrong - I'll play around with it some more over the next few days/weeks, but I really hope the plot is especially gripping, or something, because all I felt was a kind of "eh" about everything.
  13. If this is the case, then you should email support@spiderwebsoftware.com - if you can prove you've brought the game once, they'll give you a registration code so you can continue with the copy you downloaded from SW's site. It won't be on Steam, but you'll be able to play.
  14. Hey, please don't post spammy messages in tech support threads (or, well, anywhere really, but especially in tech support). Thanks.
  15. Huh. I always use www.spidweb.com, and it (correctly) states that Avadon 2 has now been released. It was only released in the last few hours, though, so maybe you just need to refresh the page for it to update properly?
  16. Great work! (you know you don't need to call it 'Synergizer's Item List" if Synergizer didn't work on it, right?)
  17. Hmm. Dissertation, or Avadon 2? Downloading the demo as I type this; hopefully it's kind of boring so that I can still manage to finish my degree this Christmas.
  18. Eh, I think I'd disagree with this. I only play on normal, so your experiences may vary, but combat in SW tends to be using a preferred build and spamming preferred spells. Certainly the complexity of combat has been improving over the years, but I wouldn't say it was "some of the most interesting [...] ever'. But yeah. Each to their own.
  19. I found Nethergate on an old shareware CD in 2000/2001.I played it a lot. I liked it a lot more. Then, I found Exile 3 on the same CD, and played that a lot too. Two years later, in 2003, I was still playing these two games. I googled 'Spiderweb' and then I registered as a user of these forums. And here I am today.
  20. this was my thought too when I saw that bottom-heavy trees were back. the a:eftp skill tree was a huge improvement over avadon. i guess there just isn't enough cool abilities/skills in avadon though, and you need somewhere to stick points.
  21. Huh? What? I'm not reading emails from my dissertation supervisor, and instead am writing minor essays/reading postmodern fiction. I imagine this will not end well for me/
  22. Yeah, you'll be able to get the spells in another scenario for sure. After you finish VoDT, you should take a look at some third-party scenarios. There are some that will suit your level perfectly, and you'll be able to grind a few more levels out.
  23. Well, no. It actually started in Exile, (which is now freeware, if you wanted to check that out. it may not work on newer computers, though) but that's okay. The first Trilogy is still worthwhile having, and it's cheap enough that you're not really losing on out on much if you later decide to get the re-remakes.
  24. So I'm about 30 pages from the end of Marguerite Duras's Moderato Cantabile, and it's not quite like anything I've ever read before. I'm going to try and find other texts by her:watching Hiroshima mon Amour is first on my list.
  25. (Banks also writes without the 'M', though I think that is only for more mainstream books. The 'M' is there on the cover of all his SF works)
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