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Everything posted by nikki.

  1. Books are better when they're opaque and difficult to read.
  2. Precisely. I mean, going from everything I've studied towards what I have is a massive narrowing down already. The M.A. aims to narrow down that, and then the Ph.D is really specialized. Actually, now that I think on it, this is just a continuation of schooling in the UK more generally - pre-16, you study everything. 16-18, you're expected to narrow it down into four or five disciplines or subjects, and then again into just one subject for your undergraduate degree.
  3. English. Perhaps that's why I'll have to do an M.A. before my Ph.D; English (even English Literature) is so diverse and generic-y that an extra year or two is required by most people to actually find something they're interested in and to pursue it. I've got eight weeks of my B.A left, and have finally realised that my particular interest lies in poststructuralist theory and literature of the 19th and 20th centuries, but even that is far too wide a scope to produce anything of any real academic merit.
  4. Actually, they're still required in the UK too, as far as I'm aware. Certainly all the PhD courses I'm interested in require an MA first.
  5. In Nethergate, it was very possible to get a couple of *ding!*s for Hathwisa. so yeah even 6th-slot-PCs take experience.
  6. I've been in touch fairly recently, and I do have a newer email address for him, yes. It's the one that's on his website. Anyway, here it is, for the lazy: n i e m a n d c w (at) gmail (dot) com
  7. well, Jean Paul Sartre's Nausea is a pretty life-changing book i was especially moved at the meeting with anny
  8. Yeah, that'd be amazing - whenever I work on Blades I tend to create huge maps by pasting zoomed-out sections of the outdoors into MSPaint. Having an option to do this in the editor, in 3D, would be great.
  9. what is this? the thread of massive pictures? at least make them relevant (like OP) or funny (like Rowen) if you're going to include them.
  10. You could probably just be less spammy and tell us yourself.
  11. Shouldn't this be in a brown bottle? Cool glass though - it looks kind of like purified essence (or whatever that green heart-shaped item was in Geneforge).
  12. We don't know, silly. Did they or didn't they?
  13. Yeah, I'd host something too, but I'm not particularly well located for big meets. Still, I'd happily meet somebody if they came to the UK.
  14. Out of curiosity, how have you managed to "wreck" three computers in six months? Anyway, I read. Whilst everything I've read lately has been for my studies, before I started university I used to consume a novel every week or so. I don't watch television either, but I do own one for watching movies or playing computer games (I use my computer as a gaming machine rather than dusting off my games consoles, though). I write. I build models out of Lego. I walk - living in a rural area helps, because after fifteen or so minutes out of my house I hit wide open countryside. Mostly though, I try to socialise; between having a full-time job and being a full-time student, my free time is limited, so I try to see (or at least speak to) other people as much as I can in order to keep hold of some remnant of my sanity.
  15. Oh hey, the other night Slarty revealed that he met JLSGaladriel(?). This chart is outdated already
  16. Plus, Lilith already posted a set of maps for A:EftP, since this is the A:EftP forum. Mage Master posted a link to Avernum 1 maps, which would work in a pinch, but which are not 100% accurate since A:EftP is a different game (albiet a remake).
  17. I'm not leaving. This is purely an anniversary topic. (And since when did anybody read tags?!)
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