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Everything posted by nikki.

  1. Can't you call a town state from the START_STATE of the creature's script? That way you can use the get_flag call.
  2. I'm not sure which Spiderweb game I played first. When threads come up asking this question I usually state that I discovered Exile 3 and Nethergate at pretty much the same time, and played them both constantly for a good few months. I completed the demo version of Exile 3 at least three times - finding enough things to do until the Tower of Magi incident on each occasion - and I more or less fell in love with Nethergate. I went crazy for these games, but whenever I tried to work out just when exactly I started playing I always drew a blank. Now, my memories of that time are really clear. There was a lot was going on around me and I soaked a lot of it up, including playing video games. I have some really vivid memories of SW games, but I was never able to place them chronologically. Likewise, I knew that I didn't join these forums upon finding the games, but I always assumed it was just a few months later. It wasn't really that big a deal anyway - I had the games, and I had the community. Earlier this year though, I sat down and really thought about my involvement here; my time in the community. I thought about what I had wanted from it, or expected to find, or even just hoped I'd see here, 10 years ago. I thought about what I'd offered in return, and the friendships I'd made, and then, in the singular way that strong memories rise unbidden, I was in my parent's bedroom in a house I used to live in, around 12 years ago. My brothers and I all shared a room at this time, which obviously made space somewhat tight, and so my old 486 computer (which had been given to our family as a gift and had been passed down to me after a nicer computer was bought) had to stay in my parent's bedroom because that was where it would fit. Anyway, there I was, sitting on a mattress on the floor (money was tight, and beds were expensive), craning my head up to see the monitor, worrying I was creasing up the bed, and that my shuffling around was bunching up the duvet inside the cover. I wasn't worrying too much, however, because on-screen I was in Shadowvale, just before the Ruined Hall. As my memory went on, I remembered the sounds, and reading the item descriptions, and exploring each nook of the map. The sun was shining through the window on to me and the sounds of the game transported me away from our much-too-small house, the stress of the move there (that had jumped on me from nowhere and tore us all away from our home), and a whole slew of other, more personal things, and I remembered being happy. That was in 2001. I know I didn't join this community until two years had passed, but even then I remembered how I hoped that the other people who had played this game - I was sure there had to be some - would have appreciated the sense of escape Nethergate (and Exile!) had brought. I wanted to share every detail of Nethergate with them, and discuss it and continue to be lost within it forever. Nethergate has always had a special place in my heart, even more so than Exile, and I think I finally remembered why. So that was how I started down the path to where I am now. Ten years ago today, I joined this community in the hopes of finding interesting, like-minded people who might have had similar lives to me - or, at the very least who appreciated the feelings I held for these games, and I succeeded. My time here has hasn't always been bliss, and my life in the Real World has changed pretty dramatically too, but I count myself lucky to have been a part of this place for a whole decade. You're all awesome people, and I've enjoyed almost every minute. Thanks for sticking with me, and here's to the future!
  3. I hate to be a jerk and cancel, but I have been reminded that I'm doubled-booked tomorrow with a friend's leaving party. As much as I want to say ill definitely be home in time for the session, I doubt I will be, so please go on without me. Sorry again!
  4. I actually think that searchable terrains are actually broken - I'm pretty sure somebody (Ephesos, if I recall correctly) figured out that certain terrain numbers are always searchable, or something ridiculous like that. I mean, the solution so far seems to have been either to avoid those numbers, or just ignore the bug - it's slightly annoying to have everything in the game be searchable, but at least it doesn't actually break anything in any way. Edit: because I love you, here is the original post with SAFE terrains (i.e., ones which te_can_look_at will work for).
  5. You might find this helpful: http://keepersofavad...WDIDNAEFTP.html It's basically a list of what you should be able to fight, and where it is, for the early part of the game. It's written for torment players, so it should hopefully be pretty useful, and whilst it isn't a walkthrough, it does have some good advice on stuff like tactics.
  6. Just started Despair by Nabokov, after a month of reading nothing but short stories and poetry. Haven't read anything by him before, but (after only twenty pages), I'm really enjoying his style.
  7. SDFs could be used for spell levels. Pretty easily I imagine. The fact is, though, that this isn't going to happen. If you think that it might, feel free to send JV an email and find out his opinion on all this - you certainly don't seem satisfied with what everybody else has suggested.
  8. These are the fiirst four quizzes. (They are on SV, so if you go clicking links there's likely to be something that's not family-friendly. These threads should be clean though.) http://forum.netherg...RYshowtopic=533 http://forum.netherg...RYshowtopic=991 http://forum.netherg...Yshowtopic=1181 http://forum.netherg...Yshowtopic=1595 If you post links to the two with broken spoiler-tags, I'm sure a moderator able to edit posts in General will fix them.
  9. Okay, I have a question for you: would you design and release a scenario using any of those engines? Have you created anything for either of the Blades games that have been released? Any time that Jeff sinks into a game/project that does not sell is time taken away from projects that WILL sell. Jeff has said no to more Blades games; we have to do the best with the two we have rather than think of ways to make every single game he's ever released a vehicle for user-created content.
  10. ...I'd just like to go ahead and say that I've been playing SW games for over a decade, across many machines, and never once experienced this bug. The rest of the posts in this thread make it seem as though file corruption will happen, and all the games suffer. This bug is pretty rare, as I understand it, which is why it's so hard to get rid of. You'll most likely be free from the bug if you play from another save, and indeed when you play other SW games. so don't be put off!
  11. I can't find the emails right now, but Jeff more or less considers BoA a morass, and one that he does not want to tangle himself up in again. If he's reluctant to do anything with the game editor he's already made and released (and why wouldn't he be - it's not like we're the most active part of the community), he's probably also reluctant to sink time and money into another 'Blades' game. And that's ignoring the fact that if it weren't for Avernum 4, SW would have gone bust due to BoA's appalling sales, and the time it took to make the game. Jeff doesn't take risks. His company barely survived BoA. I can't see him jumping on board with a whole slew of Blades games, ever.
  12. Yeah, I've gone ahead and merged the Blades of Geneforge and Blades of Nethergate topics together - we don't need a bajillion Blades topics, especially considering Vogel's reluctance to touch the Blades game he HAS made.
  13. Hey Ishad, not only did you revive two old threads, you did so with exactly the same post (see here"]http://spiderwebforu...ntry261212]here[/url]). Obviously you've been around for a while and know our rules about spam, so please consider this an official warning from a moderator of these boards, and please try to be more thoughtful when posting in future. Thanks. (As Sylae locked the other necro'd topic, I'll close this one too!_
  14. is there any days where i'm not marking as available that everybody else is free? because if it's such a pain to schedule this, i can see if i can jig things about
  15. Eh. Every SW trailer I've seen has been disappointing. Don't get me wrong, I love the games, its just I don't think turn-based play translates to video particularly well.
  16. Well, if I do the 20thC Lit course, it'll be at the University of Nottingham which focuses heavily on Lawrence. If I do Critical Theory, I want to go to Cardiff or Swansea and study under Catherine Belsey/under Belsey's previous staff. Both places are highly respected, and Belsey especially is really an expert in her field. I do get a lot from personal reading, but I need the extra stimulus to really tease ideas out. Personally, that happens for me when I'm in an academic setting with expert guidance; I've found that most book clubs don't really engage in the level of analysis that I crave.
  17. I'm sure you've already checked, but he definitely is char 5, isn't he? Party is 0-3, so if he's the first (or only) NPC he'll be 4.
  18. This semester is my last undergraduate one before I finish school in December and become a full-time worker drone (assuming I can't get MA funding), so I'm down to two classes and finishing off extended written piece: Cuture and Counterculture After the Modern: Existentialism and Postmodernism Independent Study. Once I finish, I'm hoping to do a masters course in either critical theory or twentieth-century literature, though I'll have nine months between finishing one course and hopefully starting the other.
  19. Haha! Good find - I'm kicking myself for not realising sooner.
  20. [quote name='Tyranicus [snip] I see your Regina Spektor, and I raise you another of my gifts to the community:
  21. Sure, but with the newest version of the editor, you can see a REALLY wide view even in 3D mode. I guess editor icons are important for the automap, but there's probably enough existing graphics that you can snaffle in order to fill gaps.
  22. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbOTZrJWS24[/media]
  23. and there's even less need to add to the topic necromancy with nothing else worthwhile, EE. there's a thin line between acceptable revival, and spamming old threads, and Skladzien's post at least adds something to the conversation.
  24. well, since everybody is using the 3d editor (and if they arent they should be), editor icons arent really that big a deal
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