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Everything posted by Micawber

  1. And Danette is also a wimp, disappointingly. Alas, this is the usual pattern; by the end of the game you are able to annihilate even the hardiest bosses without undue effort. The A3 Rentar-types being very much the exception.
  2. In a way, the discontinuities are as much fun for the fans as the continuities. As for example when Rone gets resurrected in Avernum 4 and there is a little reference to his gravestone in Avernum 3 being based on a rumor. Personally I was quite amused picturing the hard work when Camp Samuels was dismantled, transported wholesale across the river and reassembled; not to mention the family arguments when Sulfras the dragon decided to have that operation.
  3. I'll take whatever comes with 2 action points.
  4. Heh, this could be amusing. Imagine killing 227 chitrachs and then Mairwen tells you to go do it again
  5. If there were music, I would switch it off.
  6. Well what you do see, is you get a script, and you edit it. The scripts are in the folder Geneforge 4\Data\Scripts. Edit them with a text editor (make a backup copy first!). There's no official documentation of the script language for GF, but it's similar to the BoA script language and if you visit the Blades of Avernum editor forum, there you'll find links to various docs and tips on scripting.
  7. Anyone else read the instructions? I got a feeling someone was feeling a wee bit whimsical when he wrote them. Quote: The Nethergate: Resurrection screen. This is where you will do most of your game playing. How thrilling! Quote: The Terrain Area: You’ll probably spend most of your time looking here. You can see your adventurers. Handsome little people, aren’t they? Quote: Delete Character – Bad character! Go away! Late night was it Jeff? Oh well, better than copying and pasting from the last Geneforge I suppose...
  8. Quote: Why's it called 16:10 and not 8:5, anyway? I guess because a lot more people have 19" monitors than 9" ones. Though that line of thought raises the question of why the tv ratio is called 4:3 rather than say, 12:9. Edit: Double D'oh.
  9. I don't think I should be able to walk through the bookcases... And yet in Shadowvale Fort, near Vibius's office, I can do just that.
  10. Selling isn't drag and drop, you need to hit the little coins icon in the bottom left corner of each item.
  11. Must be system specific. E1 runs fine on both my XP machines.
  12. Exile runs fine under Windows XP. Under Vista, you must switch the compatability mode to Windows XP.
  13. The Awakened founder would be Ellrah, and the Drakon Taker leader would be Easss, I believe. I voted Awakened (GF2 incarnation), because I liked that ending, although I suppose the Trakovite ending to GF4 was similar in some ways.
  14. I can imagine lots of little imps, living in the fibre optic cabling, who provide simultaneous translation for internet postings. That would be very Terry Pratchett.
  15. I don't think you can edit the monsters. The obvious thing would be to use the editor to leave town and come back when your mental resistance is higher.
  16. Ember flowers were an alchemical ingredient that used to be in the Exile trilogy (in Avernum the herbs were generally given boring names like "spiritual herbs").
  17. And I guess the magic of the wishing well explains how the dropped coins instantly add themselves to the adventurer's inventory, too.
  18. Well now, shaping is definitely the most powerful skill: Singleton vs 7 Hostile Wingbolts = Dead Singleton (Mass Madness may possibly save you) PC with 2 Drayks vs 7 Hostile Wingbolts = Wingbolt Soup (Mass Energize will make it very easy) Now, given that all classes are now able to shape all creations (thanks to the shapemaster boots), the Shaper's/Lifecrafter's edge has been eroded. But the advantage of numbers still makes the game significantly easier.
  19. Why aren't the blue spore and green spore batons on this list? I know I missed one (no inventory slots at the time) and I can't remember where it was...
  20. Hmph. There are inaccessible rooms in, for example, Erika's Tower and Blackcrag Fortress.
  21. Don't know if you've done it yet; version on your site still uses LFs instead of CRs.
  22. Sarasaphilia, did you upload your txt files using ftp? FTP has this annoying habit of altering the line breaks in text files, so the file you uploaded may not be the same as the one you originally created. When I looked at the ones on your site, they appeared to have unix line breaks, which are not recognised by GF4. For the versions on my site I converted the files to macintosh line breaks. This seems to work, even on my windows machines.
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