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Everything posted by Micawber

  1. What happens when I die is I swear a lot... Oh, you meant IC. Well I think my character's body rapidly decays and what's left is eaten by crawlers. And all my kit is probably looted by servile bandits. Meanwhile, Without the PC's help, the Shapers will win the war.
  2. I'm not sure they existed at all in Exile? Certainly not in E1 and E2, perhaps in E3.
  3. Everyone knew whom you would vote for, Tully.
  4. Superb map. If that doesn't help, nothing will.
  5. Schrodinger\'s FAQ has a list of the available recipes. I've also included the main ones in the Avernum 4 Gazetteer (this includes the wand recipes, which are missing from Schro's list). The main things to hold on to are fine steel, fine leather, focusing crystals, and all herbs. You occasionally also need gold and gems/crystals. Edit: D'oh, beaten to the post.
  6. If you have been marked by the crystal in the Fort Draco mines, then a secret wall should open up in the Motrax caves. This is in the north eastern corner of the main, upper level (not underground). As you walk round the northeastern perimeter of this area, a message pops up and part of the cave wall disappears. Walk through and talk to the crystal, it will give you a message to take to the Castle. Don't worry about leather, there is lots more fine leather later in the game.
  7. Well, none of the Spiderweb games is particularly challenging unregistered. I suppose you could try and complete the testing in GF3 without registering, those golems are fairly tough, and you're not supposed to be able to handle them that early, but there's nothing to stop you from trying. Edit: Oh right, GF doesn't work on your computer. Shame.
  8. Aran, Geneforge 4 is not at all a Geneforge travesty. It's nothing like GF2 and GF3, it's a good game.
  9. Quote: Originally written by mediaboy: $25= £18 (?) Actually at the current exchange rate, it's more like $25 = £13. Quote: That's 1/3 year's work for me using current income. It sounds like you need a paying job, on Saturdays or whatever...
  10. Like many other characters in Avernum 3, Judith is on a 3 day cycle. I.e. she spends days whose number is of the form 3n in one town, moves to another town on days numbered 3n+1, and moves to a third town on days numbered 3n+2. The three towns in question are Hectar, Shayder and Bavner. But not necessarily in that order. The easiest ways to find her are either (i) visit all three towns on the same day, or (ii) visit one town and if she's not there, go outside and rest until a new day, then go back inside, if she's still not there go outside and rest once more.
  11. The first time you play the game you don't know the geography, and you can take a long time exploring and trying to find out the place you want ("was that place west or north of Lorelei?"). My first game of Exile 3, I finished on day 497. I remember I didn't even discover Golddale until after I had already met Baziron and destroyed three Golem spires. Plus, I kept losing my horses in the forests. Needless to say this was before I discovered the valorim deluxe map, which is one of my favourite things EVER.
  12. Quote: Originally written by Thuryl: Also, Jeff seems to have a thing for characters introducing themselves to you whilst on fire. It always reminds me of that picture of the PC in flames, from the Barzite ending in GF2. There seems to be some deep connection between shapers and inflammability.
  13. Well, it improves your attack and allows you to wear more armor, and you're playing a warrior, so...
  14. Doesn't work for me, either. Maybe it's a Mac/Windows thing?
  15. Hmmm... they've always been there for me. Maybe they are on a three day cycle? Edit: Why did you use the character editor anyhow? If you can defeat the golems, surely you can manage a couple of demons?
  16. Quote: Originally written by Emperor Tullegolar: Quote: Originally written by Micawber: Why exactly did the Shapers need to expand? Why do they have this impulsive need to impose their laws and ways of life on all living beings? Why can't they just keep to themselves, and leave everyone else alone? That was Waylander, not me.
  17. Solberg - Greenhouse, Fort Emergence (South East). X - Guest Quarters, Fort Emergence (North East).
  18. The tinker on the road outside Golddale sells horns.
  19. Quote: Originally written by Thuryl: Quote: Originally written by Dintiradan: I've never fought Exile doomguards, but in Avernum I beat them easily with a Simulacrum'd basilisk. Maybe the Exile doomguards have the same weakness. They don't; they're immune to magic. In Exile 2, doomguards are susceptible to basilisks.
  20. Click "see spells/traits" in the top right-hand corner of the character screen. Edit: correction
  21. Quote: Originally written by Lord Safey: How does haveing 3 captials increase its governing effectiveness? I don't suppose that it does. The European Union has three capitals, and it's mayhem.
  22. Sorry Slarty, I forgot that was a separate thread, or I'd have put in a reference. Quote: Originally written by Thuryl: Sometimes a capital is deliberately established in a neutral area for political reasons. Bah, the Australians don't count. Edit: 2 birds, 1 stone. That's economy.
  23. Thuryl 1 Nalyd 0 This brings to mind a scene from a tv show: "Don't underestimate him, he's not as stupid as he seems." "My dear, no one could be as stupid as he seems."
  24. Sorry, just saw the other thread and realised that you have already killed Vothkaro. You will have to manage without the spell. Dispel Barrier is not necessary in order to win the game. Buy some piercing crystals. Edit: You might consider joining the Anama.
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