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Everything posted by Micawber

  1. You can't. The only person who knows the sdfs is Jeff, and even he has to refer to the bit of paper he originally wrote them on. Nalyd / X / undead person: shut up, you don't know what you are talking about. The Avernum trilogy doesn't have script files for each town like Geneforge. edit: clarification for benefit of topic starter.
  2. To learn level 2, you need to do a quest for the mayor of Sharimik.
  3. Quote: Originally written by Sarasaphilia: That's it! You are running Norton or some other antivirus software in the background, therefore taking up processing space which the game needs. It wasn't so much the taking up resources, it was the antivirus insisting on scanning every data file in real time before the game got a look in. Quote: Originally written by Dikiyoba: Except that Dikiyoba already tried that. When Dikiyoba said Dikiyoba shut down all other programs/background processes, Dikiyoba meant the antivirus program too. Oh well, it was worth a shot.
  4. Please excuse double post for utterly separate content. Quote: Originally written by Suspicious Vlish: Slarty has already address the issue, but I'd just like to make a few comments regarding Mica's statements Why? What on earth is the point?
  5. Quote: Originally written by Slarty 2.0: G2 is more conclusive: "You stand on the road leading out of these mountains. It is but a three days' walk to the next city and a quick, easy journey from there to the Shaper Council." A boat might be involved, but changing continents could hardly be a "quick, easy journey". Well, that just shows how inconsistent Jeff has been. One minute it's a quick, easy journey the next minute it's a long walk that takes several weeks. One minute Terrestia is the wilder and less settled of two continents, the next it's the seat of power of the Shaper Council. Remind me, was Sulfras male or female?
  6. Move mountains L3 would be the third stone circle, and it's worth finding because you also get +1 dexterity. The circles are mostly hidden through secret passages, and they're vaguely near to Inn of Blades, Kuper, Storm Port, Malloc and Spineridge.
  7. D'oh, you realise I now have to download the latest version and install it, just in order to check this out? Edit: Still no music. Maybe it's a mac/windows thing, who knows. Thanks to Tyranicus I can listen to it if I want to anyhow.
  8. Not necessarily. Why should both continents have a capital? They're both part of the same state. In the real world, continents have more than one state and more than one capital. With GF, we already have to make a leap of faith to assume that not just one, but two entire continents are part of a single state. It's not much of a further stretch to suppose that there is a single seat of power across the two continents.
  9. I think we can take it as a given that demons and spirits and whatnot have their own realm. Being two continents doesn't mean that you need to travel by boat between them. For instance they could be separated by mountains or by a narrow peninsular. Either way you could walk between them. GF2 is not particularly conclusive, it really just refers to a walk that takes several weeks:
  10. No contest really, I don't think any of the other rebel characters are developed as fully as Greta is. Jared is basically just a standard spell-shop. I suppose I might also have voted for Pirik, had she been included in the poll...
  11. You missed one. You might also want to look at the Ideologies of Geneforge 4 poll.
  12. Why does it seem strange for people to change their clothes?
  13. No, it's the old 1995/96/97 versions that used to feature music. The exile games have been musicless at least since I purchased them (I think it was 2000). Edit: to clarify, I think I purchased the trilogy in 2000, about a year after first playing E2 on a friend's iMac. I suspect in fact Exile trilogy has been musicless even longer, maybe since the release of E3 in 1997?
  14. By the way Dikiyoba, are you still having that trouble with Avernum 4 and Geneforge 4 running slowly? I just re-installed my machine and both games were fearfully slow until I remembered to add the game folders to my antivirus software's ignore list. Edit: switching off windows indexing service might have helped, too.
  15. I'm pretty sure Jeff said the Sholai won't be appearing again in the GF series. This is because they would distract from the central, shapers vs rebels, to create or not to create, story. Edit: Link .
  16. One of the things I love about Avernum 3 is its comparative non-linearity. Unfortunately you seem to have found one of the disadvantages. However: If you buy horses, you can outrun your pursuers because you move twice as fast as they do. At some point near the beginning of the game, Anaximander gives you the jewel of returning, which takes you immediately to Fort Emergence (without passing go). As Alorael said, it's possible to flee during combat (walk your characters to the bottom of the zone) and avoid an outdoors fights. You might use create illusions to create a shield, covering your back. Also, the number of trogs you fight is slightly random, return to town, reload and see if there are fewer of them this time, which will improve your survival chances. You may find it possible to win the fight even without the character editor, if you change tactics a bit. What spells do you have? Haste and bless all your characters. Try casting terror on the trogs, you might make them run away. If that doesn't work try bind foe, slow or forcecage, which will temporarily disable them. Use create illusions, which will provide a distraction for the trogs. If there is one trog that does you a lot of damage (probably a spellcaster) focus your initial efforts on that; if you are able to terrorize or kill a spellcaster before it summons allies and hits you with fireblast, etc that can transform a fight. Edit; apostrophitis.
  17. It's quite simple. Scenario 1) You want to help the rebels. So give Lankan his canister already! Scenario 2) You want to help the Shapers. Ignore that filthy rebels, instead go destroy the creator, leave Harmony Isle and don't return until you have visited Shaper Danell, who will take the canister off you, you can then go back to Lankan if you desire. There is absolutely no need to go anywhere near the rebels if you want to follow the shaper route. Just attend to Diwaniya's instructions.
  18. I rather think Randomizer was referring to the problem of too much money, not too little.
  19. Of course it's true. Why would I lie about something like that? Edit: ******* typo
  20. Ouch. Try turning on troubleshooting options (rightclick on desktop, "settings" tab, "advanced" button, "troubleshoot" tab, "hardware acceleration" move slider down to one of the lower settings). In the past I've found this can solve problems with direct X applications. If not, try uninstalling Geneforge 4 and reinstalling again. Check that your program files/spiderweb software/geneforge 4/data folder exists and is full of .bmp graphics files. When you say "freshly installed" graphics drivers, do you mean you have just got a new graphics card? If so it is likely it shipped with an out of date driver (they usually do) so you might have to suffer a bit and visit the manufacturer's website to download a newer version. Likewise for Direct X if you got it anywhere other than the microsoft website it might not be the latest version.
  21. Quote: Originally written by Dikiyoba: I'm an obsessive-compulsive gamer who has to pick up everything I see right now and not later after I've killed off every monster in the area. But there's nowhere to put the stuff--I can't throw all the useless stuff outside and have it be gone forever, or jump zones to drop stuff off--so I spent a lot of time encumbered. And to compound matters, sticks don't stack (and the same goes for many other items) so you soon run out of inventory slots...
  22. Hooray for the screenshots. Nethergate: Resurrection looks a lot like Nethergate (this is a good thing). I'm not too happy about the all-caps plot screenshot, though. What font is that, copperplate gothic? It's pretty hard to read in large chunks. The other font, the one in the pop-up, is much nicer.
  23. The killing! Although I voted for both, just because I could.
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