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Everything posted by Micawber

  1. My Vista machine has the same problem. However, I found that both games run fine in WINXPSP2 compatability mode. To turn on compatability mode, go to the Control Panel, click Programs, Select "Use an older programme with this version of windows" (which is under Programs and Features). Then in the wizard, pick Avernum from a list of programs and select Windows XP (Service Pack 2). Don't select any other options, keep clicking Next and finally click Finish. Repeat for Avernum 2. The initial splash screen doesn't align properly, but the games now run fine including creating new parties. I have e-mailed the above info to Jeff.
  2. The teleportation system in A4 was still a big improvement over A2 and A3 for convenience.
  3. You don't need demonslayer to fight haakai, it merely does a little extra damage. Are you sure you're looking in the correct Nepharim fort? The demonslayer pommel is in the one by the lake, west of Fort Duvno.
  4. I have done a brief test - 24 reps with spell strength 15, average damage 52 - which supports Slarty's claim of 1-6 damage (avge 3.5). However, when I looked at the GF1 scripts earlier, they seemed to indicate that Firebolt does 1-4 damage. Can anyone explain what is going on? From gforscen.txt: Code: begindefineability 3; // Basic missile for importation ab_name = "Firebolt"; ab_abil_type = 2; ab_graphic_type = 0; ab_graphic_template = 1; ab_graphic_sheet = 0; ab_stat_ability_linked_to = 40; ab_stat_for_ability_bonus = 9; ab_effect_type = 0; ab_effect_per_level = 4; //// look here ab_range = 8; ab_speed = 72; ab_turn_rate = 1; ab_impact_sfx_effect = 0; ab_random_effect_shift = 0; ab_ability_sound = 132; ab_impact_sound = 9; ab_damage_type = 2; ab_energy_cost = 4; ab_essence_cost = 0; ab_accuracy_adjust = 60;
  5. Depends which Geneforge game. In GF1/GF2, Firebolt does 1-4 damage per level of spell strength. In GF3 it does 1-4 base plus 1-3 per level.
  6. I don't know anything about Macs, so it may be that your problem is not solvable on your machine. However, I do know that on Windows, it is possible for me to set my display adapter to "Maintain Aspect Ratio", which means I run Geneforge in an 800x600 unstretched window (with a black border on either side, as my display is 1280x800). There is nothing about Geneforge per se that forces it to shear and fill up the whole screen.
  7. Edit: Oops! I was going to say, that's good because my laptop gets upgraded to Vista on Tuesday...
  8. Direct linking to that site doesn't work, unfortunately. By coincidence I watched that film this afternoon, right after slaughtering everything in Gazak-Uss, yet again. Just 10 more days till GF4 and a whole lot of new opportunities for slaughter, yay!
  9. Quote: Originally written by Alorael: Power doesn't wear a vest. Power might wear an infiltrator vest.
  10. There are quite a few, but sometimes you can experience multiple endings with the same game file by making slightly different choices very near the end. E.g. in GF1 you can have nearly all the endings by saving just before you talk to Trajkov at the Geneforge (assuming you have already fetched the gloves). In GF2 you can complete the game as Awakened, then defect to the Obeyers and win again, then kill Zakary to get the unaligned ending.
  11. And to think, Jeff said this would be a small game.
  12. Scary stuff. As a Windows user, it is easy to feel a bit peeved when, before one has ever played GF4 at all, Thuryl will have completed it without magic, creations or canisters. I draw comfort from the fact that, on the basis of the above discussion, this is only possible by using pods, wands and crystals. In which case you're not really playing a no-magic character, just applying stricter than usual limits to your supply of magic.
  13. Must be a long time since you played exile, Slarty! In both E2 and E3 smoky crystals were required in order to cast mindduel. Luckily both games included shops selling them in infinite quantities. I suspect the change you are thinking of is capture soul, which required a special item (soul crystal) in E2/E3, but did not require anything in BoE.
  14. Quote: Originally written by Nikki: we got prettier graphics instead That is a matter of opinion. Give me the varied exile sprites over their indistinguishable avernum counterparts, any day.
  15. Are you kidding? Mindduel was awesome. I used to use it to raise my mages' sp far above the max. You could always rely on demons to top up your sp.
  16. Quote: Thuryl wrote: under the known laws of physics Yes well, there's the rub. I would hazard a guess that if a useable time machine is ever developed, it will exploit the currently unknown laws of physics...
  17. Look in the building right by the town walls, just south of the west gate. Edit: He's the chap in pink armor.
  18. The SA focused its actions on the socialists and communists. Hitler still won out against the centrist and conservative parties in a democratic election. At any rate, the whole situation is much more complicated than to be merely dismissed as "a popular misconception".
  19. Quote: Originally written by Waylander: Hitler was not democratically elected, contrary to common misconception. Yes, he was. Hitler's party won the most seats in parliamentary elections and, as the leader of the largest party, he was invited to form a government with himself as chancellor. That is how democracy works, in most European states.
  20. "Snivelization" is a give-away. No dictionary on earth contains that word.
  21. Yes, I miss the disabling spells too. There's Daze, Slow and Terror, and that's pretty much it. Those 3 are pretty good, however. A4 Terror is much better than its A3 counterpart. Daze has been awesome, since the days of GF2. As for Slow, although it only affects one enemy it is still pretty useful - some spellcasting enemies can be totally neutralised using Slow, because the AI wastes all its action points casting Haste every round, allowing you to attack it for free.
  22. Agreed - it would be helpful to specify what bugs you are talking about. As for the limited range of what the editor can do, I don't believe there is a great appetite for a sophisticated GF editor - either you play it straight or you cheat, in which case you may as well go for a god party.
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