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Everything posted by Micawber

  1. Trajkov all the way for me. I like that he can handle the power. Plus, he has that exotic foreigner thing going for him.
  2. Quote: Originally written by help I'm trapped in a PDN factory: Well, that explains a lot Quote: —Alorael, who wonders what exactly the Empire does if, say, Rentar is defeated but there are still bugs infested Bigail and golems chopping their way through the northeast. Does Prazac just send in her infinitely large army? I always supposed that by that time, there would be nothing of Bigail and Monoroe left to save.
  3. Southwest corner of Northforge, there is a control (in the drayks quarters). This switches off some pylons in the southeast corner of Northforge. Behind the pylons is a box containing the key.
  4. Revised link: Quote: Originally written by Micawber: OK, the Geneforge 4 Editor is now available to download here .
  5. I was curious, so I used the character editor to set forward the day. The mayor is in the hospital, which is in the northeast of town (you may remember, where you met Jed).
  6. Yup, he's definitely not the one with the pylons, off to the east. As Thuryl's said he's on his own. He's standing near a pit and directly underneath Patrick's tower, west of the area you've explored.
  7. It's never too late to complete a major quest, only the peripheral characters disappear over time. This has never actually happened to me, so I'm purely speculating here, but I suspect you'll find the mayor in the inn. Second choice would be wandering the streets of Shayder.
  8. Quote: Originally written by Dark Lights: So I might have put in an extra quotation mark where there was no need and the computer expects a semi-colon after that. Is that what you mean? Yes, or missed one out. Or maybe a bracket. I'm not sure really, my text editor prevents me from making that kind of mistake, and I've never seen that particular error message. Sorry to hear about your dinner. Edit: Also I'd warn against opening the scripts with Microsoft Word as it may ruin the file format (including line breaks) when it saves. You're better off using a proper text editor. Do watch the line breaks, ensure you save the file in the same format as it started in. edit.com may be more useful than notepad.exe in that regard.
  9. Quote: Originally written by adal basir goker alvar: [when a computer says a semi-colon is missing its not secret code for your dinner is burning. It really means you forgot a semi-colon. Not necessarily. It means that the computer encountered what it thought was the end of an expression and expected a semi-colon where there was none. So the error might not be a missing semi-colon at all, but an badly formed expression. E.g. inserting an extra line break, mismatched parentheses or quotemarks, that kind of thing could be the real cause.
  10. Quote: Originally written by Cryptozoology: except that drayks and drakons also have a non-energy-draining missile attack that does (oddly enough) physical damage. (I hear that it was changed to fire in the Windows version, though.) Yes, in the Windows version drayks and drakons have a fire attack, which uses energy. On the plus side, the benefits of shaping skills no longer diminish after level 10.
  11. Personally, I quite like some battle creations. Admittedly thahds are plain useless and battle alphas, while acceptably damaging at low levels, really aren't worth their essence cost. I never tried with a war trall but I guess it is much like the battle alpha. However, clawbugs are very dangerous in sufficient numbers, and plated bugs especially so with their base 10 APs. Meanwhile rotghroths are a particular favourite of mine, they have a lot of health and do a lot of damage to everything other than other roghroths. Of course one can never rely solely on melee in Geneforge, because of the sheer number of turrets, pylons, and missile-based enemies. But so long as one has complementary attacks, battle creations can be a useful part of one's armoury.
  12. Quote: Originally written by Acidic Helixbolt: However, in my best effort to use English properly, I’d be happy to see a little understanding in regard of non native-speaker. Good luck with that.
  13. The remaining one is the malachite brooch. You get it from the friendly spiders (near Fort Draco) if you help them rescue their friend.
  14. Everyone will treat you as though you used the Geneforge anyway, so it's not worth it.
  15. Basically it's what Khyrryk recommends: you fix things so that 1 lot of unbound is made (allowing the rebels to halt the shaper advance) but the machinery is ruined after that 1 time so they can never make any more (so they can't advance either). The result is a stalemate with the shapers controlling western terrestria and the rebels controlling eastern terrestria. People realise what a lucky escape they had from the unbound and start to question the wisdom of shaping.
  16. Given the choice between releasing the unbound, or joining the Shapers, for me the Shapers win on moral grounds.
  17. This one got me for a while as well. It is actually possible to walk between them, if you time it right.
  18. GF4 has some great endings. I confess I messed with the sdfs so I could see them all without having to repeat large chunks of the game immediately (obviously I will play through again but not like the day after I finished).
  19. You have to be in town mode, there's a tiny button with a blue potion bottle on it (next to the bash doors button, above the automap button and to the left of the combat button). I think alchemy skill level 8 is sufficient (at least I found an old save file where I was carrying graymold salve and my top alchemy level was 8, so...)
  20. Ornks do fight (just you try attacking the ones in the abandoned vale). A high level ornk actually has a pretty respectable attack. But they move very slowly, so you really wouldn't want one.
  21. Recently I came across an application where pressing the "Print Scrn" key actually physically printed the current screen. You could have knocked me down with a feather.
  22. Well, I've now played the game and I still say mass madness is not necessary for all classes. My lifecrafter would laugh at the thought of needing high level spells like this.
  23. Ye gods, that's a lot of chitraches. Far more than I remembered. Clearly it's true what they say about the mind blocking out trauma. Well done Slarty on another piece of useful statistical research. Next project: count how many thorns there are in the Geneforge series.
  24. Quote: Originally written by Adama: I've been having trouble transferring my saved games. I initially registered the game on my laptop, which is where i started playing. I would REALLY like to use my desktop, however, but every time I transfer the files over, the game doesn't seem to recognize them. If you're talking about Geneforge 4 under windows, it's worth noting that different from GF1-3, the user's save games are now stored in the My Documents folder and the ones in the Programme Files don't appear to do anything.
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