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Everything posted by Micawber

  1. I found adrenaline rush was pretty useful unstable masses and the doomguard. Especially when all 4 pcs could use it the same round.
  2. I know they did in towns; did they restore automatically outdoors? If so it must have been so slow I never noticed (despite multiple playthroughs of each game...)
  3. Originally Posted By: Sleeping Dragon I always imagined a hell-like plane that had just as many demons living on it as there are people on earth. Makes you wonder why demons never think to summon humans to fight in their hell battles alongside them. That sounds like it might be the setting for a BoA scenario.
  4. One of the things about Exile, compared with Avernum, was that your health and spell points didn't come back automatically, so you needed to rest outdoors. Depending how much resting you did, this advanced the day counter substantially. Also, food didn't count towards your weight limit so again this made resting more attractive.
  5. True, it's all true. Nevertheless it can be very frustrating when you wander around for ages looking for some place, when you can't remember which tunnel to use, and isn't shown on any maps (like Khora-Vysss).
  6. Sadly not, I asked similarly a few weeks ago and no one came up with anything. http://www.ironycentral.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/96591/Underground_map#Post96591 Maybe with school exams coming to an end someone will have the time?
  7. Huh? Geneforge 4 has evolved creations. Here's the proof! Some of them were a bit sucky, though. Charged vlish my ****.
  8. Bah, that's not a challenge. To make it harder, I vote you try it without levelling up I love the boat!
  9. I don't know about hurting people's feelings, after a while you start to find it funny, like the `gay watch' thing which is quite a comic image. The other day at work someone made an amazingly (unwittingly) homophobic comment and I just thought how it could've been some straight out of some comedy show (like The Office or something). Funny in the sense sounding like a dinosaur. Then again, I suppose it is more uncomfortable to hear for the more insecure teen-types who haven't really accepted it yet about themselves. They may not have realised that young people will pick on anything different, doesn't matter if you are gay, poor, black, clever, have food allergies, or all of the above. Edit: bother, can't get this to sound right. Not condoning these sorts of jokes, just saying you end up laughing at the joker, not with them.
  10. Originally Posted By: Thuryl Censoring "bugger" would be awfully inconvenient if an Orson Scott Card thread ever popped up. We'd simply have to use the politically correct 'formics' instead.
  11. Assuming you mean for item-crafting -- there isn't any in GF1, that feature was only added in GF2 (where NPCs would craft items on your behalf), while crafting on a magic forge first appeared in GF3.
  12. Yes, if you are allied with the Awakened, then the Barzites and the Takers won't deal with you. It doesn't pay to join one of the sects too early, at least not until after you've used all the gold available from the merchants. Gheth is still 'somewhat friendly' in the sense that you can rest up when you enter there.
  13. You don't need to accompany the friendly Vahnatai, but you need to say the right things to Rentar in both 1st and 2nd battle. Be as diplomatic as possible. Being diplomatic doesn't visibly change the outcome of the 1st battle but it does affect Rentar's view of you in the 2nd one.
  14. Cat-people and lizard-people aren't exactly unique to Spiderweb.
  15. We also need to think of battle creations as adversaries as well as allies. Battle creations function best as a swarm. One thahd or battle alpha is not dangerous, but be attacked by four at once as a low-level character, that's a problem. The classic clawbug patrol has them either travelling in packs, or calling for help the minute they are attacked. As a PC this presents a problem, owing to the high essence cost of creations: unless you devote all your essence to battle creations and accept a lower level of creation, you won't be able to build up a swarm of an acceptable size. However reducing the essence cost of battle creations would perhaps create problems with game balance. What I would most like to see would be "2 for the price of 1" on battle creations. But you'd have to link them so there wouldn't be the option to use the essence on anything else. Would be really cool if they shared health (like those twinned adversaries). This could replace the third tier charged variants...
  16. It will be hard to make the five faction really distinct given a war between two sides; especially as Sholai involvement has been ruled out. I can see the likelihood of extreme rebel, mild rebel, mild loyalist and extreme loyalist factions, a spectrum quite similar to GF2. But I wonder what the viewpoint of the fifth faction will be? Perhaps trakovite qualifies as off-the-charts rebel...
  17. It's deliberate, you have to choose which to make. It isn't a very hard decision. Take a look at the recipe thread under Strategy Central for the stats of each artifact and choose which you prefer.
  18. She's sitting at a desk in a small room in the north part of the temple where you met Alcander.
  19. Did anyone make a map of the underground areas? I couldn't see anything in Strategy Central and forum search found nothing. It would also be useful if the aboveground map had the towns labelled...
  20. I guess there are different viewpoints in terms of what you want from a book. My dad will only read books which have strongly drawn characters, doesn't care about the plot or ideas. Clearly for other people they just want a gripping plot (e.g. John Grisham) or lots of good ideas (e.g. James Blish) and not necessarily the other elements. Each team may find it difficult to appreciate other styles of literature, e.g. my Dad could not understand the point of Asimov, SoT did not care for Hardy, while I personally struggle with Dostoevsky.
  21. Talk to the Guild in Lorelei.
  22. If he went rouge, it would clash with the purple.
  23. Apart from the initial required level to cast a given spell, there is no difference between spellcraft, magery, spell ability and mage spells skill. They are all added together to determine the spell strength. Thus, all else being equal, dispel barrier level 3 is exactly the same as dispel barrier level 1 + 2 levels of magery. Edit: poor arithmetic!
  24. Quote: Originally written by brock petersdorf-nelson: Quote: Originally written by Locmaar: Regarding the topic: it's amore actually. no, it's armor, and armour is the olde english spelling (and i think british as well) It's a song.
  25. I find it quite impressive that Nightowl2's first post came more than four years after he/she first registered. Now that's lurking.
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