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Everything posted by Micawber

  1. You can drink them anywhere, anytime, def sounds like your game is bugged. As a work-around, use the character editor to give yourself "potion of skill" as this has the same effect as knowledge brew.
  2. I was playing Avernum 3 again recently, and I rediscovered how tedious it is to be constantly searching for secret passages (even though I have remember "roughly" where they all are from many previous playthroughs). The same basic technique applies, i.e. look at the automap to spot where a secret area is likely to be, then figure out how to get in there. But the Avernum 5 setup is harder, because the switch need not necessarily be adjacent to the secret area -- this adds more of a challenge. And it may also be hidden by the perspective. And Avernum 5 has much darkness, so the dark spots tend to blend in unless you use lamps and walk very close to the walls. I didn't find hitting "u" all the time to be a good way to spot switches... too many barrels, chests, bodies, boats, etc, makes it way too tedious.
  3. When I drink knowledge brew purchased from Silverlocke, I definitely gain 2 skill points (and get the message about feeling competent). Tested in E1 just now. Must be just you.
  4. Banks's books do run deep - consider Inversions, which can be read on many levels. I tend to just relax and enjoy the humour. Incidentally has anyone read anything by Kevin J. Anderson? I'm rapidly running out of books here. Edit: I'm talking about his original stuff, not the star wars/dune tie-ins.
  5. Did I read that right, an unused item to make floors?
  6. I'll wager she already knew that. The skill level requirement for prismatic shield is 10, that is, according to the docs. Edit: changed he to she, based on the PDN that seems more likely...
  7. With BoA, as for BoE, you can create and save all the scenarios you want, but you need to register to be able to play custom scenarios (including testing).
  8. I absolutely agree with the green Fyora. The difference between the Barzite and Awakened endings in GF2 is pretty significant, and tells you a lot about their different philosophies.
  9. Originally Posted By: Iffy So which of you guys has been thinking about what you would like to see in Avernum 6? The only thing I can think of is having 'outdoors' again... No, no! I think it is great the way it is. I love the seamless outdoors. Admittedly didn't work as well in A4 -- the scale problem compared to A1/A2 -- but in A5 it was very successful, I felt. Thus proving once again you can never please everybody.
  10. 349,000 coins may not sound very much (compared to say, USD) but it would buy you a lot of points of Aura of Flames
  11. Melanchion (near the end of the game) would like the Anama scrolls. Edit: He gives a very nice reward, too.
  12. Tales get simplified and exaggerated in the telling, too. "All the major heroes were lost, only some insignificant bag carriers survived" becomes "Everyone died!".
  13. I dunno. Apollo 13 was about a failed expedition, not too depressing. You'd have to focus on the, hitherto unknown, support team who made it out alive against all the odds. But whom no one has ever heard of because the main explorers were lost. Use a little dramatic licence...
  14. Check your inventory, as some items reduce one stat in exchange for increasing another one.
  15. The traditional route to expertise starts with not playing the games at all, but mastering the mechanics and reading the scripts. Edit: darned graemlins.
  16. Cool vlish names, there. My Avernum party currently sports names inspired by Wimbledon.
  17. It's real all right. Just look anywhere on the internet. For heaven's sake, Exile 3 has been around over ten years.
  18. My order of preference for the series so far is as follows: 1st: Avernum 3; 2nd: Avernum 5; 3rd: Avernum 2; 4th: Avernum; 5th: Avernum 4. I really did like A5, however have not played it as much as A3, don't know yet whether I will. Both have extra replayability (frontier feel, artifacts quests, expert areas, option to join Anama, etc) giving them that edge over A2. Now, if we were talking about Exile, I would put E2 before E3 because it was more atmospheric (something to do with the graphics and the engine). But in A2/A3 it seems to work the other way. It is really hard to justify but that is my gut feel.
  19. Hooray, I am so excited about Geneforge 5! I for one like the new look, looks very professional; I think the dark is atmospheric (I really liked the A5 soultaker pit) & if it does get too dark to play I can always turn up my brightness. With it being resizeable and all, it will be really very cool. I just have one request (made before but worth repeating): please can the commands quicksave and quickload not be adjacent keys on the keyboard!
  20. Originally Posted By: Nightowl2 Bonus points? You get some more hit points and magic energy. And five skill points. That's it. It depends on your character type. Sliths receive bonus levels in pole arms, which increase as you level up. Likewise nephils for missiles and gymnastics. Character traits such as elite warrior, nimble fingers, etc also give bonus levels in certain skills, and they too increase with your level. Edit: divinely touched deserves a special mention as it increases three separate skills: blademaster, magery and sharpshooter.
  21. Originally Posted By: Randomizer I will have to hold off on spell books until joining the Anama. I must be missing something - why hold off on spellbooks? I thought when you joined the Anama you got +1 to each spell already learned but nothing if you didn't already know the spell; this would imply it was a good idea to read every spellbook possible before joining
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