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Everything posted by Micawber

  1. Clearly the most significant Avernite is Townsend.
  2. In Avernum trilogy, one of the healing potions (I think called restoration elixir or something like that) also cures dumbfounding. Edit: restoration brew
  3. Quote: Originally written by Robsta: Still, by about Avernum VII, I'm sure it'll catch up to Exile in quality. That's a pity, as there are only going to be six games in total
  4. Presumably she means that, as an adult, she is aware of the religious indoctrination, while as a child it was subliminal. Meanwhile I have finally got around to reading Dune. It's only taken me 14 years since deciding to read it, to actually open the thing. Ah the joys of procrastination... Edit: corrected. Apologies to TobyLinn
  5. For Piercing Sight, see Nethergate. It's the same spell as Farsight (Avernum 1-3) and Truesight (Exile 2-3) and allows you to search for secret passages.
  6. Did all PCs have the same character type? Note that priest, sorcerer and hedge wizard all start off with one point in spellcraft already so the skill cost there is sunk.
  7. Did you despatch Monarch? You can't get them until you deal with him. Afterwards, they're in a cupboard in the north-west area of Monarch's Realm.
  8. You may have to be more specific; which shaper camp do you mean? (there are several in GF4). If you meant the shapers in Poryphra Ruins, then you need to get General Crowley's (in Aziraph Camp Gamma) permission to travel north in order to make the Shapers friendly. The prerequisites are a bit complicated, but afaik you need to have done at least one of the following two quests to help the shapers: * give the shaper notes to Miranda; and/or * healed Moseh. Edit: Hurrah for simultaneous posting. Interesting how Shaper Markis & myself made opposite assumptions regarding the op's relative progress in the game...
  9. Quote: Originally written by TobyLinn: if you play the Windows version of Avernum 1 there's a bug that you only move two spaces at a time...I found this really annoying when trying to get through doors and secret passages. The fix is to use the right click button and that moves you one space. That's not really a bug, that was by design. It works the same in the original Nethergate.
  10. I would also like inventory items to be accessible using keyboard shortcuts, not just the items on the ground. (admittedly this would involve some ingenuity in terms of mapping.) The keyboard shortcut '?' for viewing character stats should be restored (it worked in GF4 but not in A5, which is odd). I still wish that there was a 'default attack spell' slot for mages/priests, like in Geneforge. The ability to target spells using the keyboard is good, but it is still quicker in the Geneforge games where you can have a one-click attack much of the time.
  11. Hurrah! Just played the demo. Yay for elevation. And I love the battle disciplines. Looking forward to the rest of the game... Edit: Forgot my #1 favorite improvement: when I hit F4, it warns me to confirm whether I really want to lose all my progress before loading
  12. On my machine the saved files sit in the Documents folder. Edit: yes I am talking about Vista.
  13. Exile 3 has the option 'make game easier (monsters much weaker' but I don't think there's anyway to make the Exile games harder.
  14. Also, with the mouse click thing, note that in Avernum it's left-click to move 2 spaces, right-click to move 1 space. Postscript: only for Avernum 1, Avernum 2 & 3 are different
  15. It's sad to see the end of the old topic I just read Century Rain, most enjoyable. Also trying to get through a backlog of Accountancy Magazines (snooze...)
  16. Some Dell Laptops have problems with the temperature control which, in my experience, causes them to shut down spontaneously because they incorrectly think they have overheated.
  17. The wall to destroy is in the _northwest corner_ of the dungeon. If you cross the runes, you've gone too far, and he will kill himself.
  18. First bring up your statistics; then click 'see abilities' in the top right-hand corner (G3) or bottom left-hand corner (G4).
  19. Quote: Originally written by Grimm: How though, it say "pre-vista" in the Windows box? Just install it and play. It only says pre-vista because the games are not supported for vista.
  20. Actually, Vista users can play the original Nethergate and Exile games.
  21. You walk around the fields, not through them.
  22. The eyebeast's control room has a way to switch off the fields, if you have sufficient mechanics and living tools.
  23. Quote: Originally written by Hey, Jude.: Quote: Originally written by Excalibur: Iffy is about to release his scenario This is a good thing. Who are you, and what have you done with Nikki?
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