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A less presumptuous name.

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Everything posted by A less presumptuous name.

  1. Originally Posted By: Tyranicus Is it bad that most of my knowledge of the Mongol Empire comes from Age of Empires 2? Nah, AoE3 taught me a good deal of early American history.
  2. And this in the information age.
  3. Originally Posted By: lordofdc Ah, good, good. Now to cut their throats into pieces...after I finish with that Carsta Arl guy...and his wife is proving a bit.....hard... His wife summons a spirit wolf that shields her from damage. You should get a message at the top of the screen whenever this happens. You have to send at least 1 member of your group to hunt and kill the wolf before you can start hammering away at her.
  4. Area 3 is actually the Keeper's Chambers. Zhethron's Aerie is zone/map 6. Jeff probably didn't include a map of zone 3 because the area is small and very simple. You shouldn't need a map to get around.
  5. Originally Posted By: Tcheedchee It would be worse though, if the jun[k]bag wasn't infinite. The junk bag isn't actually infinite. It does have a great many pages, but it will eventually fill up. I recommend finding some peasant's home and building him a nice new wall down the middle of his kitchen, and then leaving the reproducing bulwark in a drawer in Avadon.
  6. Originally Posted By: Propaganda I think the error was on my part that I needed to turn in the quest to Avadon. For all of the Zhethron quests, Avadon tells you to go help him and then he gives you a quest to do. You must complete his quest before you can complete Avadon's. So no, you don't have to report back to Avadon saying that you've helped him until after you've told him that the ogres are dead.
  7. I doubt it. Assuming they work like the transportation scarab, you have to have a clear path (i.e. be able to walk there) for the pants to take you somewhere.
  8. It's not a bug, it's just the way the game is. You just have to tell her that you're hunting the shadow beast. It may not be logical, but that's life.
  9. When Slarty mentioned that he had found a way to steal them, I figured that he must have used the ogre attack. Thanks for the confirmation.
  10. I imagine that Jeff will continue to use the companions, and that the companions will play a significant and dynamic role in the game. I'm really interested to see where Avadon 2 will pick up!
  11. Each of the games has a file with all of the scripts, graphics, and sound files. The location varies slightly by game and operating system. Post specifics and I or someone else can give you a file path. I can't remember what file format the audio files are in, so you may have to find a conversion tool to be able to play them on their own.
  12. Originally Posted By: loyal servile of sasuke uchiha Wow. How the hell did a topic change from ossama to animals to fish killing to hitler? Quite logically, in fact. Killing fish - killing squirrels - allusion to Ender's Game books - Discussion of parallels between Ender and Hitler.
  13. Originally Posted By: madrigan Knowing how to deal with a dangerous situation includes knowing how to fight. That is indeed one way of dealing with a dangerous situation, but it is not the only way. There are countless examples throughout the animal kingdom of creatures that survive dangerous situations without fighting. Just look at the possum.
  14. Originally Posted By: Marak Another fun and easy to miss command: Control-click (for Windows at least) will put an item directly into your Junk Bag. This can be done with items in your bags, on the ground, or in a container. Very, very handy. That works on mac too, for the record.
  15. Unless they manage to sneak up and have you at point blank, in which case it depends on whether they really want to shoot you. Running is only good if you already have some distance. I was operating under the first scenario - close quarters with a gun.
  16. Speaking of retraining, does that knock out those defaulted points and let you assign them wherever you would like? I only retrained once, and I wasn't paying enough attention.
  17. Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity Originally Posted By: loyal servile of sasuke uchiha The fish: swims up and tries to eat the grenade. Ah, but fish don't like to eat grenades. You need to trick them. First, feed the grenade to a worm. Good luck with that. You have to disguise the grenade as a rotting apple first. Originally Posted By: Tyranicus Originally Posted By: Spiders and Lies —Alorael, who does not recommend trying it. It is not a quick, clean, or pleasant way to kill a fish. It is, in fact, just a step from vivisecting squirrels in your yard. If you vivisect squirrels in your back yard, you will one day end up as Hegemon of the entire world though. Are you trying to encourage me? Originally Posted By: Enraged Slith Yum yum Um... That's one of the more disgusting food-things that I've heard of.
  18. Originally Posted By: madrigan Originally Posted By: Enraged Slith ...but it made me think about self defense and how helpless I would be if I couldn't escape from a dangerous situation. Does anyone have any expertise in this matter? My point is, the original question was not actually "how do I avoid fighting?" it was "what if I can't avoid a fight?" Not all fights are avoidable. You can be jumped without warning. Someone may attack you with the goal of doing you harm, not getting your wallet. You can end up in an altercation against more than one person, making it difficult or impossible to escape. You may be with someone else -- infant, elderly family member, handicapped person -- who cannot run away. You may need to protect someone else. The best answer is to avoid violence when you can but be prepared in case you can't. Actually, the question is how to deal with a dangerous situation. That doesn't necessarily indicate violence, only the threat. Being held at gunpoint for your wallet counts as a dangerous situation without being violent (unless you start something). I think that it's far less likely that someone comes at you with the intent to harm rather than the intent to profit.
  19. Originally Posted By: MrClick The ability to make custom notes on the map would be a *huge* benefit. There are quite a few sidequest givers and memorizing them all and/or repeatedly scouring each area for named NPCs can be tiresome. I've actually had that same idea, since I'm too lazy to keep a pad of paper and a pen(cil) with me at all times.
  20. Originally Posted By: Marak Well yeah, this a new series for Spiderweb. Over the next 2-3 years we'll see the following (assuming Jeff follows his current stated plans): Avadon (just released) Avernum 1 remake using latest engine Avernum 2 remake using latest engine* Avadon 2* Avernum 3 remake using latest engine Avadon 3 *these middle 2 could easily be swapped Originally Posted By: FnordCola I didn't phrase that question particularly well (I was, and am, a bit illness-delirious). I figured that he would release new versions of the older Avernum games at some point, but I hadn't seen any indication of when for games other than A1. This doesn't exactly answer that question, though it does at least remind me that since the games are likely subject to the same technical problems, what with having the same engines, it would make sense for the redux versions to come out at similar times. I haven't seen this plan mentioned anywhere else, but it does seem reasonable. Jeff stated that Exile 1'' (aka Avernum 1') will be coming out in 2011, although that may be a touch delayed due to iPad porting of Avadon. After that, he'll either continue with Exile 2'' or Avadon 2, followed by E3'' and Av3.
  21. However, it seems to me that Jeff will probably include changeable text size in future remakes, given how highly demanded the feature was for Avadon.
  22. Originally Posted By: madrigan Originally Posted By: Rowen ...and I have no intention of being aggressive and making them defensive. I think ES is requesting advice on how to prepare for an actual attack. We've all been suggesting avoidance as an option, and avoidance is certainly part of self-defense, but so is knowing what to do when you are actually attacked. I think Rowen provided about the best answer. Unless you're highly trained in close-quarters self-defense, just cooperate and get the heck out of there as soon as you can. And unless they have a gun, run like the wind.
  23. Originally Posted By: Jackalope [also, first post from a french player.] Nope, Vent is french as well.
  24. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Originally Posted By: MissSea It's a pain that these gates shut automatically, huh? Yes, especially since it makes no sense from a story point of view and it's pretty easy to avoid from a design point of view. Dikiyoba was hoping for a non-cheat alternative, but a simple cheat will work too. I remember Jeff posting something about this early one. I recall that he was aware of this and was planning on fixing it, and provided the SDF code as a temporary fix. I think I just realized why Jeff really uses the term "sdf." It may stand for Stuff Done Flag, but it's really because you can just roll your fingers along and type it effortlessly sdf. sdf. sdf.
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